Avianca Ecuador flights Quito Guayaquil blanket coca

Avianca Ecuador restarts its flights from 1 of June

the airínea Avianca Ecuador restarts its commercial flightséstics in the countryís from the 1 from June to Manta, Coca and Guayaquil from Quito.

According to the measure of the national government of Ecuador, that allows the use of spaceéreo for commercial flights nationwide, from the Monday 1 June 2020, Avianca resumeá paulatinamente la operationón of their flights to the interior of the countryís, applying a new and improved estábiosafety standard.

These protocols biosecurity include disinfectionón and continuous cleaning of aircraft, the social distancing and the use of elements for care and protectionón of personnel on board and on the ground, among others.

La operationón be activatedá initially with 36 flights weekly a 4 cities In the país: Quito, Guayaquil, Blanket and Coke. For this, were enabled planes Airbus A319 capable of 120 passengers, 12 in executive cabin and 108 in economy cabinómica.

Last of themás aircraft in the Avianca fleet Continueán on land, ready to be used as flight restrictions are lifted. During this time, the fleet was realizedó a series of preventive maintenance and disinfection workón to protect its general condition and ensure its availability.

Avianca Ecuador restarts flights

Flights that are reactivated operateán in the following way:

OF  1620 Quito-Guayaquil 6:30-7:25 From Monday to Friday 15 of June
OF  1625 Guayaquil-Quito 8:15-9:06 From Monday to Friday 15 of June
OF  1656 Quito-El Coca 10:00-10:44 Ma, Mie, J 2 of June
OF  1657 The Coca-Quito 11:35-12:15 Ma, Mie, J 2 of June
OF  1670 Quito-Guayaquil 17:05-18:00 Daily 15 of June
OF  1671 Guayaquil-Quito 18:50-19:41 Daily 15 of June
OF  1690 Quito-Manta 10:00-10:50 L, V, D 1 of June
OF  1691 Manta-Quito 11:40-12:29 L, V, D 1 of June


La operationón of the entire route network that the airlineíI offer it to youíBefore the pandemic, it occurredá gradually, according to the existing passenger demand in each destination. It is worth mentioning that it is activatedón of routes tooén depends on the authorizations of the authorities in the other countriesíwhere the airline operatesínea.

Care and protection protocolsón

From 1 of June, Avianca applyá a new and improved isábiosafety standard, in accordance with the recommendations of the Associationón International Transport Aéreo (THERE IT IS) and following the guidelines designated by the National COE for this purpose, so that passengers can feel safe during check-in processes, documentsón, approach, flight and receptionóbaggage number.

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22 comentarios en “Avianca Ecuador reinicia sus vuelos desde el 1 of June”

  1. I want to know if the Corona Virus test is needed to travel from Manta to Quito , because I have the flight for him 26 of June , Please let me know Thank you

  2. Alexandra Legal

    Good afternoon, the flights to the Galapagos for when they are scheduled to resume I bought 4 tickets for the 05 of August I need your help thank you

    1. Good morning, I have flights purchased at Avianca for the 12 August from Guayaquil to Mexico with a stopover in El Salvador……the date will be maintained or there will be some date change due to the current world situation. Thanks for your kind reply.

  3. Robespierre Pinoargote

    I have the flight 0592 For the day 16 June at 4:55am to Cancun with a stopover in El Salvador confirm my flight because I am going with my family this statement is made by Dr. Robespierre Pinoargote from Portoviejo, Ecuador in the face of this insertion, I would like my family trip to be ratified

  4. If the Ecuadorian government already said that from 1 June there are flights, both national and international ,Why can't I find flights to return to my country yet?? As I said, international flights are already approved

  5. What protection do I need?. To be able to travel???? I am in Quito and I need to return to Guayaquil to be able to work but I need to know if. Arriving there, they do some test to find out if I have. Covid o. no and if that. run for. The. Airport?

  6. Juan Carlos Dominguez

    The itineraries are not yet approved. There is a provision of the DGAC for air operators to coordinate previously with QUIPORT and TAGSA. I have always commented that before issuing any information, the source should be investigated, that is, the DGAC. Greetings

    1. Hello Juan Carlos, this information is official from the airlines, if you are doing wrong to publish them on their social networks, send newsletters to the press and in their GDS systems, the DGAC is the one who should indicate that it is not carried out. The information published here is official sent by the airlines.

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