Avianca Peru closes operations liquidation dissolution

Avianca Peru enters the process of dissolution and liquidation

La filial local Avianca Perú enters a dissolution processón and liquidationón, what to implyá the definitive closure of operations within the voluntary income of Avianca Holdings in Capeíleakage 11 of CóI mean Bankruptcy of the United States.

In the context of voluntary entry to Capíleakage 11 of CóI mean Bankruptcy of the United States in the Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of New York, in order to preserve and reorganize Avianca's businesses, facing the crisis of COVID-19, the holding company has decided that Avianca Perú S.A., local subsidiary, its operations are closed and the start of a dissolution processón and liquidationón.

In this sense, the routes that Avianca Peru operatedú S.A. no longer beán available. Avianca Holdings S.A. and other subsidiaries continueán serving routes to and from Peruú a través of its Bogot hubsá, San Salvador and alsoén from Ecuador, once the restrictions dictated by the authorities within the framework of the current health emergency are lifted.

The closure of Avianca Peruú

The history of this airplaneíline starts in the 1999 as TACA Perú, at that time certifying his first avión un Boeing 737-200 operating between Lima and Arequipa.

for himñO 2007 inicia su expansionón increasing frequencies to the main cities of Central Americaérock and sudamérich from the growing Lima airport, later flying to Quito, Havana, Santo Domingo, Cali, Guayaquil, México, Miami, Brasilia and other sun destinationséstatic, being the main operator in that countryís.

for himñO 2012 the brand change and transition beginsón towards AviancaTaca towards Avianca Peruú maintaining permanent international growth and doméstic, at that moment the prospects in that countryís was very positive and promising.

The outlook for this subsidiary of Avianca Holdings beganó to change with the arrival of strong competition from the 9 May 2017 with Viva Air Perú, how very ráI begged to beginó to win the market and capture the domestic marketéstic, affecting performanceñor and participationón.

This generatedó a caísignificant impact on income and reductionón of frequencies, which was aggravated when the 8 april 2019 a new aerosolínea low cost ingresó to the Peruvian market, Sky Airline Perú affectó aún máwith la situationón of the aerolínea, what Januaryó the almost total closure of Sunday flightséstatic, operating úonly between Lima and Cusco.

Now, with this new ad, sun flightsésports are permanently closed for Avianca in Peruú, but emphasizing that it does not mean that the Holding company will leaveá to fly to and from this countryís, so the international market will maintainá Your presence, pending adjustments of the destinations that may or may not continue to be covered from Jorge Ch Airportáturn.

The aircraft that operated for Avianca Peruú, some beán returned to their ownersños, others returnán a Bogotá and it opens tooén the opportunity for some aircraft to be transferred to other subsidiaries of the Holding.

Implementationón of the process

With the dissolutionón of Avianca Forú S.A., if you enterá in a liquidation processón orderly and transparent.

This process guarantees compliance with the payment of all social benefits to workers., which beán made by the companyñíwithin the framework of the liquidationón. The Peruvian subsidiary currently employed 906 people.

Regarding customers with current tickets purchased from Avianca Perú S.A., the compañíto offerá various exchange options. Passengers who have purchased flights from Avianca Holdings and its other subsidiaries will not haveán ningún change in its reserves motivated by this decisionón.

Avianca Holdings joins the Capíleakage 11

Let us remember that Capíleakage 11 It is a legal procedure established in the United States that is recognized by other países of the world. Allows a company to reorganize and complete a restructuringón financial under the supervisionón of the judicial system of that countryís, while continuingúto operate your business.

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10 comments on “Avianca Perú enters the dissolution and liquidation process”

  1. Avianca does NOT want to recognize compensation for time of service to its Peruvian workers, declares bankruptcy and does not give them what they deserve

  2. Avianca Peru, is not recognizing fair compensation, the years of service to its workers. They said that in their statement but it is not true.. Under the figure of liquidation and dissolution they want to avoid paying what is fair. I hope the competent authorities do not allow it.. Let them leave Peru if they wish to pay what corresponds to their employees.

  3. They should include the protests that Avianca Peru employees are carrying out, claiming due compensation, since the company does not want to recognize your work time.

  4. Sr. Anko van der Werff, are more than 900 #Peruvian families who believed in their word, in your #ethics and above all in the #solidarity that you and your management team spread in all the meetings you have held all these months. We #Peruvian workers have always supported you, We have been with you, offering you our solidarity in various crises that #Avianca has faced and we only hope that you act in the same way., recognizing the years of effort and dedication that we have dedicated to #Avianca.

  5. Hi Nicolas.
    Do you have any information about Avianca's international routes from Ecuador?, all will be maintained? The case of the Guayaquil route- San Salvador?

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