dates commercial flights passengers resumption reopening flights ecuador peru colombia chile argentina brazil mexico panama venezuela costa rica salvador cuba honduras

Dates on which Latin American countries resume commercial flights

Estas son las fechas anunciadas y estimadas en la que los paíhis Latinoamérica resume their commercial flights regular passenger.


Fecha reanudación vuelos comerciales en Latinoamérica

To know the restricciones impuestas por cada país, visiting is fasting:

Vamos ya al tercer mes desde que los vuelos comerciales regulares de pasajeros empezaron a restringirse en los diferentes países of the regionón y si bien, not all stopped completely, la demanda ha caído a cifras récord negativas para todos.

Así es como ante la necesidad de empezar a reactivar la economíto the países, donde la industria aérea es clave para el comercio, business and tourism, several países van anunciando ya sus fechas oficiales o tentativas para retomar esta actividad tan necesaria por la conectividad y también para precautelar los miles de empleos especializados que forman parte de la misma.

Los vuelos se reanudan poco a poco en lo doméstic, pero las rutas internacionales estarán sujetas a las decisiones de cada gobierno en permitir este tipo de operación.

Fechas reanudación vuelos comerciales

Estas son las diferentes fechas que se han conocido hasta el momento en varios de los países of the regionón:

* Informationón cambia muy rápidamente y se actualizará.
** Más países se incorporarán a la lista según se tengan datos.
*** Subject to change based on government decisions.


  • Sun flightséstatic(subject approvalón governmental).
  • International flights 1 of September (subject to change).


  • Sun flightsésticos habilitados desde el 3 of June.
  • Pending international flights.


  • Mantienen vuelos internacionales y domésticos con oferta limitada a la demanda.


  • Mantienen vuelos internacionales y domésticos con oferta limitada a la demanda.


  • Sun flightsésticos desde 21 of July, únicamente para estas rutas:
    • Bucaramanga – Cúdisease
    • Bucaramanga – Arauca
    • Cúdisease – Arauca
  • Sun flightsésticos a los siguientes destinos desde septiembre:
    • Bogotaá – Cartagena – Bogotaá.
    • Bogotaá – Leticia – Bogotaá.
    • Bogotaá – San Andrésés – Bogotaá.
  • International flights from 1 October (subject to change).

Costa Rica

  • International flights from 1 of September (únicamente desde/hacia países con situación controlada)
    • Germany, España, Reino Unido y Canadá.


  • Sun flightsésticos habilitados desde el 1 of June (Guayaquil from the 15 of June).
  • International flights enabled from 1 of June.


  • Vuelos internacionales y domésticos habilitados desde el 1 august 2020.


  • Mantienen vuelos internacionales y domésticos con oferta limitada a la demanda.


  • International flights from 22 of September (subject to change).
  • Permitidos vuelos internacionales solo en tránsito por Tocumen.


  • International flights from 1 October (subject to change).


  • Sun flightséstics from the 15 of July.
  • International flights from 1 October (subject to change).

RepúDominican War

  • International flights from 1 of July.


  • Vuelos habilitados únicamente con Europa desde julio 2020.


  • Se extienda suspensión de vuelos hasta el 12 September 2020.

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262 comentarios en “Fechas en las que países de Latinoamérica reanudan vuelos comerciales

  1. Hello, does anyone know what the requirements are to enter Chile if I am Mexican?? I have consulted and some say that an invitation letter is needed if I have an acquaintance in that country and they say that they might as well obtain a tourist card when arriving at the airport in Chile. If you help me with the requirements, I would be very grateful, thank you

  2. ARO I want to know when the flights from Madrid to Colombia start. 3 times canceled my flight, I urgently need to get to my land AVIANCA nothing that solves the flights to be able to travel they say that now in October but they have already canceled flights for many people yes I would like to know if in October it is actually that flights from Madrid to Colombia are already leaving.

  3. This of the opening of international flights already seems like a promise from politicians that there is an interest in maintaining a capital without producing that happens to be duke or perhaps it was never far from home

    1. According to notam C02721/11 of INAM Venezuela, the day 12 September only domestic flights restart. International commercial flights remain suspended until further evaluation and applying quarantine protocols.

    1. Aeronáutica Civil and the Bogotá Mayor's Office continue to talk about point-to-point flights from Bogotá only starting in November. Keep checking for updates from nlarenas.

  4. destinations suspended. Nationalities are ONLY suspended from countries between which there are flights with code. ….
    Flights to Venezuela are suspended until 12 September 2020.

    This does not apply to humanitarian, medevac and repatriation flights.

  5. From Venezuela to Spain or vice versa there are 2 situations. Spain has not contemplated flights to Venezuela, and in Venezuela it is not known when airports will open. Not a situation airlines can control.

  6. I am Venezuelan,I came to Galicia for three months to visit my family and I still haven't been able to leave,My flight is with Air Europa and my flight has already been postponed eight times,How long will I have to wait?
    The ticket was bought by my daughter.

  7. I am from Ecuador and Uruguay's borders are closed and my partner was waiting for me to get married, I only stayed arranging my papers and I could not get out.
    Does anyone know when Uruguay will open? Tell me that I still can't travel, but I don't know if I open any update

  8. I want to return from Colombia to Venezuela, National flights have already begun to open in Colombia. Do you know when Venezuela will reopen its airports?? Or some other way to get to Venezuela.

    1. According to notam C02721/11 of INAM Venezuela, the day 12 September only domestic flights restart. International commercial flights remain suspended until further evaluation.

  9. As a Cuban citizen, I think that they have to prioritize the return to their country of any of the citizens who are currently outside of them, of course, complying with the sanitary measures imposed by their country, this worldwide pandemic is difficult in our home and more Even if you are visiting abroad, that is why I demand that people who have to return to their homes be given great importance.

  10. Good evening, I'm from Colombia.,Does anyone know if the airport in Mexico is open and if there are already flights there??in which airline thanks for your information

  11. I have a flight with Jet blue for the first week of August, they haven't canceled it yet, If you have a report of any other way to return to Peru, suddenly by humanitarian flight they inform me.

  12. El gobierno del Perú indicó que será de «inicios de agosto» cuando se iniciaría la fase 4 reopening to international flights, but only to Chile, Bolivia and Colombia, as long as those countries started activities. However, Colombia continued to indicate September 1 as the reset date. And Chile has mentioned that it could extend the confinement.

    1. Although Chile never suspended its flights. How strange that they do not take Ecuador into account, Being a country that is open from the 1 June and with much lower numbers than the countries mentioned.

  13. mirlene coello

    Please can you help me, My flight to Vnzla from Miami is on 25/08 and my stay in the US expires on 29/08, I want to leave on the corresponding date, but I don't know what will happen with the flights. I have to ask for the extension of stay in the US but it seems that you have to pay a lot of money and you have to do it with 45 Anticipation days, I don't have the money to pay. What I do

  14. Liz de goyo. I am stranded with my husband in Spain from the 13 of March, we are from Venezuela, our tickets have been changed 2 times. Please a positive response when flights resume.

  15. Who can help me ?I am in the United States and I need to return on 30 of August that my flight to Bogotá Colombia is scheduled by the airline American Airlines. I understand that it is operating. But I understand that the airport is open for international flights on September 1, it will be that I can enter the day of my scheduled arrival?

  16. When the flights open in Maiquetía I need to travel to Colombia. Airports have already opened in other countries. Venezuela when will there be the airport. Already in another airport it already has its protocol and security measures. It is safer to travel by plane with your hygiene measure. we need to travel.

    1. Colombia will remain closed to international flights at least until 1 of September. However, and according to the results of the August tests with local flights, that date could be brought forward.

  17. Samantha Kad-Bay Rodriguez

    Hello there! Thanks for the info! Please can you update the dates for Venezuela when you have the confirmed information?

    Thank you so much!

  18. Hello, my husband and my two youngest daughters have a ticket from 7 April from Honduras, Panama, paris, Bilbao, does anyone know when flights will resume? ?

  19. Good afternoon, I have a flight for him. 5 August with my family I would like to know if it would be good to travel since I travel with 2 children, it was on vacation, what should I do and I have a ticket to return on 5 of september advise me please

  20. My dad went on vacation to Uruguay with his round trip ticket and was stranded in Uruguay for four months,he needs to return to his home in Venezuela with his family. Aid

    1. From Venezuela there was a Note to restart in mid-July. However, it was announced that the closure will continue without further information.. On the Twitter of the Maiquetía airport it only indicates that they will now wait for Maduro to issue instructions. @IAIM_VE Alli only give political information but they don't say anything about restarting flights. Neither on the BAER site that the official entity gives any information.

  21. Carlos Araujo

    I am in Peru and I need to return to Venezuela something urgent, depending on the flight situation. I want to know which airlines are available because I don't have a ticket and I need to buy it…Thanks

  22. The 5 June LATAM Peru reported that international flights to Lima would restart as of June 1 of August, subject to authorization by the authorities.

  23. Hello, can someone tell me I need to travel to Rome from Panama when there are flights and if you have to quarantine when you arrive in Rome

  24. My flight was scheduled for 2 July from Cuba to Peru in Latam,They have told me that international flights are still suspended. I want to know when I will be able to travel. I have been stranded in Cuba for months now. I need to go to my country now.

  25. Hi, I'm in Barcelona since 10 of March I had to return on 10 April but until today I do not return to Lima Peru when the Lima airport opens and travel without quarantine in Lima please inform me

    1. Please,my husband is in Caracas,You have a ticket for July 17 with Air Europa ,for Spain. They said they were going to open the airport on 12/07 .But yesterday Delcy came out saying that they are going to intensify the quarantine.
      Can you come on that date?? Or do you know when you can leave CCS and enter Spain.?
      Do you know if Spain is considering not letting in flights from Venezuela? ? (As they have done with the vielo of Brazil,Argentina,ect)
      Thank you so much

  26. Hola.. When will flights from Venezuela to Spain resume? , I've been waiting since March to be able to reunite with my family

  27. Hello there. I am in Venezuela and I need to return to the US because that is my Legal Residence, my flight has been changed 4 times. Now for September 8, Does anyone know if I can travel somehow before, some humanitarian flight from Colombia ???

  28. Hello there…I do not read in any official site that Paraguay resumes international flights in July. where is that information??

  29. When the flights from Chile to Peru, they told us the 1 of July and now it is not known if it is in August , please information

  30. Good afternoon, we are in Miami and our stay is over., we need to go back ,When will the Venezuelan airports open please?

  31. President opens the Tocumen airport on 26 June of the 2020 I have 3 months in Atlanta and Copa does not arrive where I am. Please go to the airport for international flights.

  32. President open Tocumen I have 3 months and I urgently need to return to Panama. The date is no longer changing, open the 26 June of the 2020. These humanitarian flights are a business for a single airline..

  33. I saw me from Venezuela to Bordeaux, France and I had to return for him 24 of May. I have not been able to and my education is difficult. I am looking for work in whatever. And I'm also looking for another stranded person to associate and share expenses. Room and board while the flights open.

  34. In July they will open in Cuba?? and let bring 2 suitcases because in 1 suitcase does not fit clothes shampoo. Toothpaste and soap that there is not here and we need those products. And that customs do not abuse customers

    1. Santo Domingo SDQ and Santiago STI is operating on a restricted basis. JetBlue is flying to New York JFK. Revise por en la opción de «llegadas»

    1. About Newark Liberty, the company United has just reported that only in August (no clear date) will restart operations and will be for Munich, Brussels, Zurich and to Latin America the Sao Paolo Guarulhos. The other planning for Latin America is to Lima and from the Houston International airport.

  35. Hello, I need information on when you can enter Guatemala and what airlines are arriving, I am in Germany and I urgently need to return can you help me please

  36. Hello, I need information on when you can enter Guatemala, I am in Germany and I urgently need to return can you help me \ please

  37. Hello, I need information on when you can enter Guatemala, I am in Germany and I urgently need to return can you help me \ please

    1. La Aurora GUA is partially operating but only United via Houston is active. The companies that come from Europe have not scheduled flights yet.

  38. You should review it according to Laser, operations at airports in Venezuela would only restart from 12 of July.. Baer's website does not open and his twitter only makes references to Che Guevara but nothing related to airports.

  39. I am from Puerto Madryn Argentina, I'm in Grenada and I have to fly to Miami for a repatriation flight. I came in March for 3 weeks and i'm still here. Flight dates of American Airlines or other companies are known??? Thank you

  40. Leonor De Sousa

    My husband and I are in Germany., waiting to return to Venezuela, we had a return ticket 14 de Marzo with Turkish, From that moment we are waiting to be able to return.
    Can you give me an option to return?? and when?
    Thank you very much

    1. Hello, good evening, have you had information from the airline?? I also travel cpn turkish from Venezuela to Spain but I still have no answer as to when it will resume

      1. Sulimar River

        Embassies should take the necessary measures to help all their citizens who are stranded in any part of the world at this time and thus maintain control of so many immigrants who are trapped due to this global pandemic. They have run out or are running out of resources to survive in countries other than theirs. A little consideration with the immigrant trapped in the pandemic, there are many sick people, without further ado, I say goodbye, a thousand blessings, may God help us to solve this plague worldwide. ….

    1. I have with Iberia and they do not give an answer. Since April the last change they gave me 1 of June and now he doesn't even answer. Someone knows for paraguay

  41. I arrived in Spain on 21 of January with the Estelar airline and it has been 5 months I'm stuck in Spain, Does anyone know when flights from Madrid to Caracas open? ? Thanks to some relatives I am surviving !!!

    1. Please, when will we be able to travel to Venezuela from Ecuador, I already want to return home, please, we already want news

  42. We need to know when they give dates in Venezuela. Many of us are stranded in many countries. I was visiting the US for a month and just like others we stayed here. Maybe if the necessary flights were opened for people to return home. There would no longer be so much demand unless someone wants to tour the polluted world.

  43. Buenas tardes! I am a Venezuelan stuck in Italy since March, I had a scheduled flight to return on 9 of May and they have postponed it 4 times with turkin airlines ? i'm desperate to leave; I left my children in Venezuela. I only came for a vacation and I think they have been the worst months of my life for not knowing when I will be able to return and be with my children.

  44. Haidee Hidalgo

    Friend, what do you know about the opening of airspace in Venezuela? We came for 26 days to Spain as tourists and with return tickets for March and we have been here for almost three months now we are Venezuelans stranded here in Spain.

    1. When will flights resume in Venezuela, the Venezuelans who are in Panama had a flight for March and we could not travel due to the pandemic, we already have three months waiting and no response, please we want to return to our country.

    2. Venezuelan residing in Spain and
      And I came on vacation for a month and I have 4 months. I will lose my residency in Spain?. The consulate of Spain gives me opportunities to go on a charter flight in 850 American dollars but I don't have?

  45. When can you focus Venezuela flights... please, I'm in Mexico. 3 months and I have no answer as to whether it is possible to enter Venezuela... please inform me

  46. I have a flight from Cusco to Spain on 6 July and they say that until August there are no flights from Peru. How should I understand this??is there a humanitarian flight?please.wuiro come back to my house….I have been trapped in Peru for more than three months.

    1. Hi Maria, I'm also in Lima, Peru., i live in mallorca i see that international flights are uncertain, I don't know if Peru Spain flights will be activated in August

  47. Please,When will the flights from Peru to Spain begin? I have a date for the 6 of July and in the networks they say that until August there are no flights. How do you understand this? please someone know something?I want to return to my house,I have been trapped in Peru for more than three months,Is there a humanitarian flight


  48. Let's think about the safety of our loved ones when traveling let's take all possible precautions
    let's keep in mind before traveling not to expose ourselves consider being isolated days before traveling always use safety elements cover mouth glove lens
    apply tests before and after flying
    maintain a few days of voluntary isolation before and after the trip .

    For the love of our Family to our Coworkers to our Country
    For love of neighbor .

    Do not skimp on taking all possible and viable measures that minimize contagion

  49. Let's find the ways
    as users to take action
    that contribute to safety
    Health in the midst of this pandemic

    Both travel agency airlines and users have in common the need to activate flights

    1. Dominican Republic officially opens the airports on July 1st I have a flight with Copa airlines on the day 6 of Brazil and SDQ.

  50. Hello, my name is Saily, I have a visa to travel to Italy and I have a ticket for the 19 July I need to know if I have to ask for a permit to leave Cuba or if it's just to go to the airport, thank you please if you can answer me

  51. Does 6 days Air Europa announced its intention to retake Venezuela from 15 July with 2 weekly flights from Madrid.. check for updates with the airline.

    1. I make it very difficult for that to be true., entry to the EU depends on the security of the countries from where you travel and flights to and from South America, as heard, will not be allowed at least until September.

    1. How so and what are you doing asking for help in the wrong place!!!? Only the Colombian Consulate can help you. Humanitarian flights are enabled more or less 1 per month. I returned to Colombia from Germany in the first. If you are so urgent contact the nearest Colombian consulate! It can be by phone or email. Better even by mail and they will indicate the process step by step until you can get on a flight. But to take it you cannot have legal residence in the USA . You must be Colombian stranded in the USA. and meet some requirements ( how to be able to pay the ticket, which is expensive. In addition to not being a resident , you must have entered as a tourist, student or business. And not have broken immigration rules) However, they give priority depending on each case. For instance , a single mother with her son stranded outside. Or an elderly person with hypertension-diabetes-cancer etc. have priority over other cases. i went through all this , was 1 month and a half in this process. Check the Consulate. Good luck! and come back soon

      1. Jonathan white

        I wait here 5 months but the 4 of september. The time of stay expires, I bought a flight ago 3 months for the 1 September by spirit they told me that it is still on time that I can travel but I don't know if it loves options I already registered at the consulate that they told me they sent me another form to register for the flights I have to fill it out but I was thinking not to damage my visa almeis leave lars another country that is open I was thinking of going to Ecuador and going overland to Colombia as you see that option

        1. For now, ask the USCIS for your extension of status and stay covered by the impossibility of leaving due to covid19. This must be done before the expiration of the maximum stay date.. how will you know, non-humanitarian flights will hardly be carried out to Colombia before November, Well, the authorities said that in October only domestic flights that did not imply access by immigration would be enabled..

  52. I would like to know when they leave Europe for Venezuela, please, I need to know because I have been here for 6 months and I want to return to my country for the love of God.

  53. I would like to know when they leave Europe for Venezuela please I need to know because I am here and I want to return to my country for the love of God

      1. Maribel Castillo

        I have a ticket for 5 July from Venezuela , Valencia to Panama and then Chile. When do they open the Valencia airport?

      1. If they are selling tickets for July, Let's hope that Villeda Morales is already open and also that there is already transportation to be able to move within the country,luck

        1. Hello there , really if anyone has any new information please share it , went on calling the airlines and they are supposed to start in July 7 but it is an estimated date, I have been in Honduras since February and I already want to return. Please help

      2. Jaminson Rodriguez

        How many days do you need to meet to establish the protocols to follow?…
        They've been at it since May and still nothing?
        Being out of the country, with such a problem and such a poor foreign relations response or support if you want to cry. From Ecuador to Colombia two sister nations and they have done almost nothing else they have done recovering people from Europe
        What's up Dr.. Claudia Blum?

  54. And Venezuela how strange that it does not appear on this list, Will the quarantine continue?, or they will keep us imprisoned here for 60 years like the Cubans?

    1. Jaminson Rodriguez

      Dr. Duque, put yourself in the shoes of those of us who want to return to the country. As they will not be able to test travelers at the point of origin, flight and arrival at quarantine where family or hotel following protocol.
      So much delay does not guarantee anything. What gives guarantee is to follow a good protocol. You, has the Dt. Patatrollo and other eminences of ours, they gladly collaborate. Because from the outside everything is seen with respect as a clown. Or else look at the day without VAT. How many hundred thousand citizens were exposed…??? And who is going to answer for the contagions and the deaths of his terrible decision.????

  55. Julius Edgar Ponton

    I have flight Barranquilla Miami for the 17 of August and they say that there are flights from 1 september how is that then

        1. Diana Orellana

          The opening of operations at the El Salvador International Airport will be carried out gradually
          ? in the phase 3, from 22 July connections only (passengers in transit)
          ? in the phase 4, from 6 of August, we will attend commercial flights to El Salvador

  56. What is true that the Government authorized direct international flights to the Galapagos Islands if it is true they would end the fragile ecosystem of the islands

      1. Buenas tardes.
        Could you tell me if the government of Holland and Belgium accepts tourist trips from Uruguay?
        In Uruguay there are already commercial flights to Europe.

    1. I want to go to Brazil and according to this information there are flights but the borders are closed, when is it expected to open to tourists? Thanks

      1. If it is for tourism, I would not recommend going to Brazil right now because of the pandemic. Here in Uruguay the outbreak is controlled, but we have problems on the border with Brazil, because there the cases and deaths continue to increase exponentially. It is just an advice.

    1. I am stranded in Miami I have a flight for July with a cup for Maracaibo Venezuela I need to know if the flight is suitable

        1. If your flight is from Bogota El Dorado, the matter is complicated by a dispute between the mayor's office and the Ministry. There was talk of a reboot 1 September, but a few days ago the mayor mentioned carrying out national operations for the end of July and checking if they can restart international operations in August.

          1. I understand that in Colombia international operations start from 1. Of September……Do you have any clarification on that?????
            Until now I have heard that everything remains the same…..but if you have any website or something about any update i would appreciate it….I am in the USA and I need to return to Colombia.

    2. I need to travel from Mexico to Venezuela urgently, will it be possible in this quarantine what options do they give me

      1. Good afternoon, I am Venezuelan and I also want to return to Venezuela. I have been in Mexico since January and I want to leave, please, how do we do it when there are flights available?

  57. I had to return to Colombia 4 June but there were no flights… I am in Switzerland…they gave me a reservation for the 2 July by lufthansa will it be possible for that date help me…..does anyone know the cost of humanitarian flight…thanks I'll take for 4 months here.

        1. Uruguay already allows commercial flights.
          I'll let you know so you update the page.
          Allows residents to take commercial flights.

      1. They already canceled my 2 flights was in 4 July from the United States to Peru they changed it for me 3 August and they also canceled me can someone help me how I leave this country

        1. There is a way to do it but it is a bit expensive, and it is renting a private jet but we must be more at least 7 people and collect money for the payment of the jet.

          1. Oh, Jose …good afternoon my dad is in nj he wants to return to peru …it would be a good idea to rent a private jet …they have seen the seen the cost if they get together 7 people will be able to travel anything let me know thank you very much

        2. What airline were you traveling with?? I also have my ticket for August with jet blue from the USA to Peru. They haven't canceled it yet, it's happening the first week of August., they should already open the borders to return

        1. Yesterday in Venezuela they decreed Radical Quarantine again. That will certainly prevent starting air operations. In any case, Europe did not place Venezuela among its next destinations to restart flights and in the case of America, both Panama, Colombia and Peru will continue to be closed in the short term..

      1. We are Senior Citizens and we fly to Madrid every year x 3 months to visit our son who is a priest, has no one, we canceled the flight and there will only be restricted flights for certain passengers, how to qualify and travel seems on set. U Oct.?

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