Concerns fly back biosafety protocols

Passenger concerns about flying again

Se revelan las principales preocupaciones que tienen los pasajeros para volver a subirse un avióno and fly normally.

La Associationón International Transport Aéreo – THERE IT IS publicó un nuevo informe y encuesta donde se revelan las preocupaciones que tienen los pasajeros previo a volver a volar con los nuevos biosafety protocols Worldwide.

En este blog he compartido con ustedes cómo es volver a volar de manera segura con los nuevos protocolos de bioseguridad en aeropuertos y aviones. We review it with LATAM and Avianca, but the pandemic continues its course, pero la vida también, and we will have to get used to living with the new measures such as the mandatory use of masks.

En este nuevo contexto IATA compartió con prensa, a survey carried out on travelers from 11 países para conocer sus preocupaciones y los resultados fueron los siguientes:

  • Los viajeros están tomando precauciones para protegerse de COVID-19:
    • the 77% dice que se lava las manos con más frecuencia,
    • the 71% avoid crowds
    • and the 67% usa una máscara facial en público.
    • Around the 58% de los encuestados dijo que habían evitado los viajes aéprisoners,
    • and the 33% sugirió que evitarán viajar en el futuro como una medida continua para reducir el riesgo de contraer COVID-19.
  • at airports:
    • 59% de los encuestados le preocupa la aglomeración en buses, trains or means of transport at the terminal,
    • 42% they are concerned about the waiting lines at check in, seguridad o migración
    • and the 38% les preocupa el uso de baños.
  • on planes:
    • Al 65% you are worried about sitting next to someone who might be infected,
    • 42% le preocupa el uso de baños
    • y al 37% you are concerned about the air you breathe on airplanes.

Finally, IATA indica que a los encuestados se les pidió que clasificaran las tres medidas principales que los harían sentir más insurance, the 37% citó I detected itón de COVID-19 en los aeropuertos de salida, the 34% estuvo de acuerdo con el uso obligatorio de máscaras faciales y el 33% observó medidas de distanciamiento social en los aviones.

Los mismos pasajeros mostraron su disposiciódon't perform itñar un papel clave en mantener el vuelo seguro al indicar que:

  • Se someterían a verificaciones de temperatura (43%)
  • Usarán una mascarilla durante el viaje (42%)
  • Facturación to línea para minimizar las interacciones en el aeropuerto (40%)
  • If it comes trueían una prueba COVID-19 antes del viaje (39%)
  • Desinfectarán his área de descanso (38%).

Y tú, ¿volarías con las nuevas medidas de bioseguridad?

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52 comentarios en “Las preocupaciones de los pasajeros para volver a volar

  1. I would fly with security measures, I'm just desperate, I want to return to Peru, I don't know when they open borders, I'm in London and that's it.. My visa date is up, please someone know something, the truth is I don't know what I'm going to do.

  2. Buenas tardes, He asks me what the conditions are to enter Spain from Morocco ?Before they said that you have to do a test but they removed it. Thanks

  3. I have two rescheduled flights, one abroad and one in the country. Of course I would fly again because the airlines are preparing with adequate protocols. If the infectologists say that the virus is here to stay, we cannot wait for a vaccine that we do not know when it will be available. .we must adapt to the proposed protocols and continue our lives with these situations. After the twin towers I made several trips abroad in almost empty planes, little by little they were completed. The same thing will happen now. Let the flights restart and let it be the decision of anyone who wants to travel..

  4. I do want to fly now ! . It will serve us all ,the stress for everyone due to the confinement. the work everything. the airlines are very careful and each of us must be very responsible with our care and social distancing. I think that they should reactivate the country. tourism

  5. I think it is safer to travel by plane., that by bus, on a plane there is more care and safety for covid…. I think it's good that there will be national and international flights., There are many precautions and protocols that every traveler must take to travel., We must live with covid-19 because it will not go away yet and it will be there for a long time

  6. Marelys Ramírez Dieguez

    Of course all Cubans want to travel and always comply with the measures to the 100% In the end we are the affected ones and this is here to stay, we must comply with all the measures

  7. Liliubel Ortiz Moreno

    My husband is stranded here in Cuba since 25 March which was the day I intended to fly to the United States, He's been here for almost four months., He is desperate because he loses everything there, renta, paid, credit cards, I have a claim for my wife and son, waiting for an appointment for Guyana and I'm here, payment for your car, phone and other things pending there, please open the border, I agree to comply with all requirements to travel by plane

  8. Maryury Villarroel

    I think that people do put themselves at risk by getting on public transport without taking precautions., and they let them circulate, why not do it by plane when hygiene and biosafety measures are safe, closing the airports or borders is not the solution, they are more exposed to another means of transportation

  9. Fly. I have to travel. But not on Boeing max 8. It was the worst plane that had problems with the desire for competition
    So I'll fly safely.

  10. I am very concerned about sanitation in the Air system. . We know that it is one of the most important focuses and I don't know how they can clean this …Also if we think of a
    ocean liner with a mask all the time… It is not the healthiest or most viable...especially in elderly people or people with COPD problems..

  11. I prefer to take a plane trip with the security measures and protocols that will be provided at the airport., not by bus because it takes more hours, for example from Lima to Piura by bus, it is 16 hours and by plane it is 1 hour 15 minutes, more hygienic and orderly plane.

  12. I would fly taking all the safety measures. In fact, I think it is safer to fly now than before since more hygiene measures are being taken. I have a trip scheduled for July. 19 2020 And I'm not afraid of traveling, I'm safer than before.

  13. gaical bermudez

    Good afternoon, you already have. that there will be international flights taking all security while there is no cure for this pandemic

  14. I am worried about flying on a plane with the seats fully occupied and that the virus is in such an airtight and closed enclosure.,swarming freely through the air

  15. Of course I want to fly with all the security measures and demand that LATAM honor my flight ticket and my third bag already paid for and not put restrictions on not carrying a bag or they only let you carry one. Endorsing tickets for cargo, repatriation and humanitarian flights and taking advantage of endorsing tickets and thus not completing their flights as they should, much less respecting the passengers' luggage.

  16. Liliana pedraza

    Life goes on and in my opinion, taking all the measures into account, it can be done., There are many people who must return to their countries of origin, to continue their lives like me and I hope it is soon. Learn to live with this disease

  17. Omaira of Olivero

    If I would fly, with all the precautions indicated. Many people are suffering abroad. Please hope to be able to travel to your countries..

  18. Silenia Herrera Hernandez

    If I would fly with those security measures, I think those measures are reliable. …In addition, the air you breathe in the warehouse is reliable since it is not done in a circular way... it is done vertically from top to bottom and is renewed every time. 3 from 5 minutes. .nothing left to fear…There is also the use of a mask and gloves.…It goes without saying the other measures ..

  19. I would also fly with the security measures imposed, I would feel safe. Every day I travel by train and bus. So I would do it by plane too

  20. The savior of the clergy

    Maintaining security measures, I think there would be no problems, Furthermore, I urgently need to travel and be with my family as soon as possible..

  21. Patricia Carbajal

    And, It is absurd that a country is paralyzed. We must learn to live with it with all the protocols and continue our lives. I will continue traveling , What's more, I have a suspended flight.

  22. COMPLETELY Agree with the different Concerns and Responses of Respondents… But there is also a Very Important Issue and few media outlets do the Coverage that is required., For when you can finally and officially travel, for example to the United States?? All the media limit themselves to saying that this will depend on each country and the different governments that represent them.… But in the meantime, there are currently a certain number of people around the world needing to return to their countries and there is NO serious and concrete response from those who have to make such decisions.!!!. The truth.., We all know, how very well they say it in this article, «Debemos Aprender y Acostumbrarnos a Vivir en medio de esa Nueva Enfermedad tomando en cuenta Todos los Protocolos Necesarios de Bioseguridad» Entonces que esperan los Gobiernos para Reactivar de Nuevo al Mundo??? Or rather they play???

  23. Second gonzalez

    My husband traveled to Bolivia in March for work reasons and had to return to Nicaragua. 30 of May. When will flights from Bolivia to Nicaragua resume?

  24. Hello, how about I bought a ticket and it turns out that they don't return the money and they measure a bonus so I lose almost half of the money and the bonus they set a date

  25. We can't live in fear. Life goes on, we have to learn to live with the virus, we have to reactivate the economy, people also need to work and this is a means of air transportation that we need, and it is safer.. Everyone is responsible for the measure they must take and the distancing.

  26. If they are very good. All the measures taken are good and must be followed for the good of the world's health.. And since there are many people outside their countries wishing to be with their families and loved ones. Very good health work, they are taking all the precautions that the governments take, they are good

  27. I would fly, with the protocols that they already planned and the responsibility and care of each person. Life goes on and we will have to continue with it.

  28. Miracle Mendoza

    I want to travel as soon as possible since I am urgent due to an unexpected family problem, so I will comply with all the rules.

    1. I also want to travel to my country the flights were canceled and I already had a date for 2 august please open the flights

  29. I have flown with Air Europe, the company and the behavior of the passengers very well, arrival at Palma de Mallorca airport a disaster, zero physical distancing, chaos created by aena regarding the sworn statement that we had to deliver and that caused overcrowding and lack of control…..and only one flight arrived, our!!!!!! We came from Barcelona.
    They've had months to prepare, I do not understand the ineptitude that I observed and suffered.

  30. With all this pandemic but following the Biosafety protocols, I have traveled to the USA round trip and nothing has happened, please Government headed by the President reactivate national and international flights

  31. I would fly with the security measures and protocols that are in place at the airport. It is a safe means of air transportation like what is needed by land in buses., millennia, meters. We are on the bus every day. That is why it is safer to fly by plane and there is more hygiene and order.

    1. I don't think it's still time to start flights, much less touristic ones.! Uruguay is quite well but the rest of the oases are boiling with viruses! It is best to travel internally within each country according to measurements. ,
      It is not very pleasant to do tourism with taoabocas and restrictions and airplanes make you travel locked up next to a stranger, you would have to be in the middle seat and adapt to earning less

        1. I agree. Life goes on. I have family in the United States., and in Uruguay they don't say anything about the opening of flights. Only that I can go through Brazil. And even though my son is a legal resident, they informed me that I will not be able to enter with a tourist visa..

        2. I'm glad that life goes on but in the same way land transportation should work ,because there are some making trips and the rates are very high, it would be different with the operation of the land terminal

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