In this installment we review cuáles son las diferentes travel restriction que han sido implementadas por los diferentes países ante la reactivateónumber of flights.
Las fronteras de los países del mundo se abren lenta y paulatinamente, allowing the resumptionón de los vuelos comerciales tras meses de paralización en lo que es la peor crisis de la historia de la aviación.
miles from jobs have been lost, aerolíneas han dejado de volar and the recover usón tomará años, así se reabren los países of the world, although each with its own restrictions, hereí las recopilamos gracias a información of THERE IT IS.
Restricciones de viaje por países
*Recomendamos consultar antes de adquirir un pasaje o de viajar sobre las restricciones aplicadas de entrada y salida de cada país con fuentes migratorias.
**Listado en base a países de interés desde Latinoamérica.
***La informationón cambia muy rápido y se actualizará.
- Entry enabled for nationals, residentes y turistas de países limítrophies.
- Passengers dutyán presentar prueba PCR negativa tomada máximo 72 hours before the scheduled arrival time.
- Submit international health insurance.
- Llenar la declaraciótraveler's health no..
- Flights open for foreigners, nationals and residents, must have a negative RT-PCR test certificate (molecular test), realizado máximo 7 días antes de su arribo al país.
- Passengers who do not have the certificate, I won't be able toán ingresar al país (regardless of nationality or residence).
- There are no additional restrictions.
- Todos los pasajeros deben presentar prueba PCR negativa emitida máximo 72 hours before arrival at the país.
- Pasajeros deben presentar declaración juramentada del estado de salud al ingreso.
- Se debe llenar formulario online de migración previo al viaje y descargar la CoronApp.
Costa Rica
- Pasajeros deben presentar declaración juramentada del estado de salud al ingreso.
- Passengers dutyán presentar prueba COVID-19 negativa para no realizar aislamiento.
- Pasajeros deben presentar declaración juramentada del estado de salud al ingreso.
- All passengers must present a negative RT-PCR test (molecular test), con un resultado emitido máximo 72 hours before the flight.
- Pasajeros deben presentar declaración juramentada del estado de salud al ingreso.
- All foreign passengers, nationals and residents must submit a negative RT-PCR test (molecular test), con un resultado emitido máximo 48 hours before the flight.
- All passengers must present a negative RT-PCR test (molecular test), con un resultado emitido máximo 72 hours before the flight.
- Passengers dutyán presentar seguro médico internacional con cobertura para casos de COVID-19, test, attentionón, etc.
- Passengers dutyán llenar «Ficha de Salud del Viajero».
- All passengers must present a negative RT-PCR test (molecular test), con un resultado emitido máximo 72 hours before the flight.
- Pasajeros deben llenar «Declarationón jurada» within 72 hours before the flight.
RepúDominican War
- Pasajeros deben presentar declaración juramentada del estado de salud al ingreso.
- All passengers must present a negative RT-PCR test at the airport of origin, carried out máximo 72 horas antes de la salida del vuelo y en un laboratorio acreditado en el país de origen, except under 6 años.
- Ingreso permitido únicamente desde RepúDominican War, Panamá, Andán, Turquía y México.
- Passengers who have transited or been in Austria, Bélogic, Brazil, China (Rep. Popular), RepúCzech war, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungría, Iceland, Andán, Ireland (Rep.), Italy, Latvia , Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Paílow ses, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, España, Sweden, Switzerland or UK (excluding overseas territories outside of Europe), in the úlast 14 días no pueden ingresar EE.UU.
- Consult the measures taken by each State.
- Ingreso únicamente para residentes, nationals and their immediate family members, and students until 31 October 2020.
Unión European
- Some informationón of the países que pertenecen al bloque de la Unión Europea remitirse al siguiente link específico sobre qué países pueden ingresar:
- Presentar resultado de RT-PCR negativa que tenga máximo 48 made before the flight.
- Fill out the traveler's health form.
- Entry restrictions by nationality and other requirements apply.
United Kingdom
- Pasajeros que lleguen al país dutyán realizar aislamiento por 14 días con excepciones.
- Ingreso como turistas está permitido contando con prueba PCR negativa tomada hasta 96 hours before arrival.
- Pasajeros sin prueba negativa deberán ser sujetos a evaluación médica y cuarentena de 14 días.
- Pasajeros deben presentar declaración juramentada del estado de salud al ingreso.
- Passengers dutyán presentar prueba PCR negativa a la llegada y realizarse otra en el hotel de aislamiento.
- Pasajeros de llegada serán sometidos a evaluación médica y a cuarentena de 14 días.
- Pasajeros deben presentar declaración juramentada del estado de salud al ingreso.
- Pasajeros que han transitado o han estado en Afganistán, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Old and bearded, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Bélogic, Bolivia, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Brazil , Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, roomún, Canadaá, Cape Verde, RepúCentral African War, Chile, China (República Popular), Taipei Chino, Congo (Rep. To the.), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, RepúDominican War, Ecuador, Egypt, The Savior, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, In Swat, Finland, France, Gabón, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Granada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, sharpí, Honduras, Hong Kong (Chinese SAR), Hungría, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Andán, Iraq, Ireland (Rep.), Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Kazajstán, Korea (Rep.), Kosovo (Rep.), Kuwait, Kirguistán, Latvia, Líbano, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao (Chinese SAR), Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritani a, Mauricio, México, Moldavia (Rep.), Mówhy, Montenegro, Morocco, Paílow ses, New Zealand, Nicaragua, North Macedonia (Rep.), Norway, Aboután, From the packán, Panamá, Perú, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Fed. From Russia, San Marino, Santo Tomé yPríncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sudáfear, España, San CristóBal and Nieves, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sweden, Switzerland, Tayikistán , Thailand, Turquía, Uruguay, EE. UU., Ukraine, Emirates ÁUnited Arabs, United Kingdom, Vatican City (Holy See) o Vietnam en los úlast 14 días no pueden ingresar hasta el 31 July 2020.
- Resident Income, nationals and their close relatives.
- Pasajeros que lleguen al país dutyán realizar aislamiento por 14 días.
- Resident Income, nationals and their close relatives. dutyán realizar aislamiento por 14.
- Únicamente permitido el ingreso de nacionalidades determinadas por la Unión European.
Máwith informationón and:
Hello to Chile when you can travel from Buenos Aires .
When Argentina allows it.
Is the airport in Mexico open?? and United States?
Yes, they are open.
An affectionate greeting to all .
I'm stuck in Australia , I had a return ticket to Colombia in May and it was canceled , My return is with a stopover in Chile , so my return depends on the opening of flights in those three countries and I don't know if it's possible in September, I want to return to my country and my apartment , I have 67 years and thank God good health so far , I am a little afraid of being infected on those flights but I want to return and I don't know when to schedule the flight without being charged another fee .
Hello, good afternoon, I am from Venezuela and I have a scheduled flight since March, which means that I will not be able to travel to Portugal even if the Venezuelan airport opens ???
When the airports in Central America open I want to go to Nic. And I'm in Spain .
When can I travel to Guatemala I am in Nicaragua and my husband is in Guatemala
Hello, I am Paraguayan, I have the ticket for December for Paraguay and they sold me the ticket and told me not to open any problems
I am Uruguayan but my partner is Colombian the question is when I leave Colombia can I go with my partner we are legally home thank you very much for your attention.
Depends on where you travel.
Flights to Spain.
When can you travel and what is the protocol??
So in no country are they going to allow tourists to enter?????
The measures should be made more flexible, as you will see, The United States has no major restrictions, just like Mexico and so.
As if we Ticos were interested in going to Japan, a country where so many viruses also come from. We are not interested at all.
But that if, here they will also have their good restriction.
God my Alvaro, leave the anger that is useless. Look, your country is the only country that did not open its borders to anyone but we speak to no one, so everything is fine that your president takes care of the citizens and that is why they cannot be criticized, much less blamed. We don't have to aim because more fingers point at us.
Pass in transit through Panama…I have to quarantine??
You should not, but it will depend on the government.
And the savior when commercial flights open
And if you only transit through Mexico making a stopover, it is also necessary to present a state of health?