long flight jet lag

Myths and truths to survive a long flight and jet lag

In this installment we review the myths about recommendations that are found on the Internet and that «helpían» to survive a long flight and its jet lag.

Taking advantage of the trip that I told you abouté hereí from Quito to Japanón with scale in Paris con Air France, what was the flight más long in which state, prepareé this post where we experiment with Sil, some of the más popular remedies or recommendations to endure a long flight and its respective jet lag due to time change.

There are hundreds of tips on the Internet., rescueé those who más are repeated or the ones I promisedíeven better results and soí we did in this experiment:

The experiment

A list was made of the 11 advice or recommendations that más are repeated in different páweb pages and we tested them to find out if they work or not, really hoping thatí sean effective for theí to be able to enjoy the mágreat trip.

It is important to indicate that the experience of each recommendationón may vary from person to person depending onún his age, conditionón física and others, as far as, what we show hereí It is just a personal experience and does not mean that it is definitive.

Hydrateón al máximo before flying

It is recommended to drink plenty of water before the flight, for example coconut water to maintain electricity levelsóhigh lithos , what to helpá to reduce the effects of dryness, headache and más what you suffer on a long flight.

  • Sí it works, get on a plane fully hydratedón makes you feel better and less uncomfortable while you travel to that distant destination.

Eat light

They do not recommend eating much before or even during a flight., since by the sensationón extreme filling and pressure changesón in the grandfatherón hasán minus cótravel mode.

  • It works, feel light and without a stateófull wizard no doubt ago máthe trip is bearable. Así who controls assáhow much you eat if you go into one sala VIP.
  • Eating fruits helps hydrationón.

Change your sleeping hoursñO

If you travel west, thatéwake up a few hours before going to sleep, while if you travel east, sleep más early.

  • We don't feel it as a help, más aún because our journey was towards the east, to reach the west, so it was a líor organize well.

Not sleeping before a flight

Internet recommends, themselvesún the time of your flight, avoid sleeping so thatí you do it during the durationón of your trip.

  • We tested it and it works, sleepás (if it makes you fáeasy to do) más hours and the flight will beá más short.

In the grandfatherón, already use the time of your final destination

As soon as you get on the planeón, led byígive yourself the time of your departure city, set the time of your final destination.

  • It was the best recommendationón, forget about local time and start living normal life at our final destination, it costs a lot to do, but it will definitely helpá and the adaptationón.
  • If it's time to sleep at your final destination, sleep. If it's breakfast time, Eat something, etc.

Don't drink alcohol

Drinking alcohol affectsá your dreamñO, tea hasá feel sick and más.

  • For más free alcohol you can have on the flight, don't drink it. It dehydrates you, gives double headache due to pressure changeón and affects sleepñO.
  • I took a riské y tomé a wine, the effect was terrible, especially the multiplied headache.

Agua, water and más water

Stay hydrated throughout the flight with at least half a liter for every hour of flight.

  • Es mucha agua y no creo que en todo el avión haya tanta agua, but without any doubt, beber mucha agua te ayuda a sentirte mejor tanto física (ojos, nose, boca, etc.), como mentalmente.
  • Pide agua cada vez que pase el servicio abordo, no irás tantas veces al bañO, dado que tu cuerpo lo necesitará más de lo normal.
  • Evita jugos, té o café.

Camina por el avión

Dicen que hacer ejercicio te ayudará a sentirte mejor.

  • Definitely, en vuelos tan largos caminar por el pasillo del avión help youá a estirar los múdogs. Estar sentados tantas horas no es bueno para la salud, sobretodo para personas de edad o con problemas específicos de salud.
  • Spaghettién recomiendo hacer ejercicios de estiramiento de manos, piernas, brazos, cuello, etc. Notarás the difference.


Mantenerte aseado ayudará and the adaptationón al nuevo horario.

  • Como el cambio del reloj, si te mantienes aseado durante el vuelo y te lavas los dientes por ejemplo, cuando corresponderíto do it at the time of your final destination, help youá.
  • Láwash your face and refréskate hasá you feel better.
  • You can bring moisturizer and toothpaste as long as they are not from me.ás of 100ml each.
  • When you arrive at your hotel, a good shower will help youá to adapt to the schedule.

The light is your friend

Take advantage of the lightáximo when it isés at your final destination and continue your life safelyún the hour.

  • Equally, It is one of the best recommendations. When you arrive at your final destination and it is día, do normal activities like having lunch, go out and see for as many hours as you can until it's time to sleep.
  • If you arrive at night, follow the normal routine, acuéstate and try to sleep, sure to beás tired of your trip.
  • You will probably wake up several times in between at least the first three nights., but following a normal routine will helpá to make the most of your trip.
  • Avoid taking naps, stay awake as much as possibleáI know you can.


There are certain pills to counteract these effects..

  • Personally, We haven't tried them and I don't recommend them unless it's under prescription.étip, Be careful with this point if you read it on the Internet.


Some work and some don't, as i indicatedé varyá from person to person, even the time zone you travel to, type of aircraftón (the Boeing 787 Dreamliner reduce these síntomas) and durationón of the trip.

¿CuáThese are the tips against jet lag that you tried or that work best for you?

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5 comentarios en “Mitos y verdades para sobrevivir un vuelo largo y el jet lag

  1. Lo mejor que a mi me ha dado resultado es «usar el horario del lugar de destino ya una vez en el avion». Hay personas que me dicen «tenemos 3 horas de diferencia con..» y yo me niego a escucharlos, when I travel from Portland (Oregon) a Quebec (Canada), I'm already mentally using Quebec time.

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