The government of Ecuador publicó el nuevo protocolo de PCR test de ingreso internacional por vía aérea por los aeropuertos de Guayaquil and Quito.
New requirements and protocols for entry into Ecuador:
Ecuador updates its guidelines and entry requirements by vía aérea
From the National COE, se publicó el nuevo protocolo de ingreso de extranjeros y ecuatorianos por vía aérea para los aeropuertos internacionales de Ecuador, buscando flexibilizar los requerimientos con el objetivo de impulsar nuevamente el turismo hacia el país.
with entry into valid from the 15 august 2020, fecha de publicación of the resolutionón of the National COE, the new and updated protocol dictates the following:
Mandatory preventive isolation, themselvesún los lineamientos generales establecidos por la Autoridad Sanitaria, es de un período de al menos diez (10) días. El conteo de los días de APO es a partir del ingreso al país (9 nights 10 días).
- Anyone who takes an RT-PCR test (efectuada como máximo hasta 10 días antes del viaje o posterior a su arribo) and get a negative result, is exempt from compliance with the time of the APO.
- Las personas pertenecientes a grupos de atención prioritaria no requieren una prueba RT-PCR y realizarán el APO en domicilio. En caso de arribar al país con una prueba RT-PCR negativa no deberán realizar el APO.
- Passengers dutyán fill out and sign, prior to disembarkation, la Declaración de Salud del Viajero, what to beá entregada al MSP a su arribo.
- El MSP clasificará a los pasajeros en virtud de: priority and non-priority groups, to is último grupo se los clasificará por contar o no con el resultado RT-PCR negativo y posterior se realizará el tamizaje de signos vitales y la recepción from Declarationsón de Salud del Viajero a todos los pasajeros en los puntos de entrada.
- Se solicitará a los viajeros el resultado negativo de una prueba RT-PCR, realizada como máximo hasta 10 días antes del viaje.
- After arriving in Ecuador, el viajero que no cuente con una prueba RT-PCR negativa a su ingreso al país, couldá realizarse una prueba RT-PCR, at your cost and comply with the APO until the delivery of the negative result. The traveler's dutyá gestionar de manera personal con un laboratorio acreditado por el ACESS para que el servicio de laboratorio acuda al alojamiento temporal donde se encuentra cumpliendo el APO. No isá permitida la movilización del viajero hasta el punto de toma de muestra del laboratorio. Once the result is obtained, la persona podrá salir del alojamiento temporal, previa validación y authorizationón del PMU al correo [email protected]. En caso de que el resultado de la prueba RT-PCR dé positivo deberá completar el APO en el alojamiento temporal hasta completar los diez días; si la persona presenta síntomas, se requiere de al menos tres días más de los diez ya cumplidos de aislamiento, that the person does not have a fever, no use de antipiréticos y no tenga síntomas respiratorios. The número total de días mínimo serán de trece (13) días.
- Los funcionarios acreditados a misiones diplomáethics, Consulates and international organizations in Ecuador, servidores de la Policía Nacional y Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador, así como sus dependientes, no requieren de una prueba RT-PCT y deberán realizar el APO en las instalaciones institucionales habilitadas para el efecto o en sus domicilios previa autorización del PMU. De arribar al país con una prueba RT-PCR negativa no deberán realizar el APO.
- En caso de que el viajero salga del Ecuador con una prueba RT-PCR negativa emitida como fecha máxima 10 días antes del viaje y retorne dentro de ese plazo, el viajero no deberá realizar APO al retorno, ni realizarse otra prueba RT-PCR en el país de origen.
- All transportation costs, alojamiento y alimentación dutyán ser asumidos por los viajeros.
- In cases where the APO time is spent at a temporary accommodation site, el costo de la estadía y de la alimentación dutyá ser asumido por la persona que ingresa al país; and, dutyá realizarlo en la misma ciudad del aeropuerto que empleó para ingresar al país.
- En casos de NNA no acompañados y de no encontrarse un representante legal o una persona debidamente autorizada, la autoridad migratoria coordinará con la DINAPEN.
- The change of place of APO, for any circumstance, to beá solicitado documentadamente al PMU para resolución de cuya decisión se informará a las partes intervinientes en el proceso.
- En caso de violación del APO y de proporcionar información falsa en la Declaración de Salud del Viajero, los viajeros se sujetarán a las sanciones administrativas, civiles y penales que correspondan según lo establecido en la normativa vigente.
- En todo el procedimiento se garantizará el ejercicio de los derechos de los ciudadanos sujetos a este protocolo.
- Los PMU serán los encargados de operativizar este protocolo dentro de sus competencias, being these National PMU in Quito (todo el país) and PMU Guayaquil (Guayaquil).
- El PMU Nacional autorizará las solicitudes realizadas desde el extranjero en los casos de calamidad doméstica debidamente justificados, regardless of the airport where the passenger enters.
- El MSP deberá notificar con 48 hours in advanceón al MTOP y al MREMH, la lista de países que mantengan un alto nivel de contagio desde los cuales se suspenderán vuelos directos o con escalas.
- Las instituciones involucradas en este protocolo para mayor ilustración considerarán dentro de sus responsabilidades y actividades las Directrices expuestas por la Autoridad Sanitaria para la implementación del Protocolo.
El documento completo y oficial lo pueden leer a continuación:
Hello, if I have a complete vaccination card, I need mandatory pcr
I leave you the updated information:
Hello, sorry, I have my vaccination schedule complete. I am traveling from Colombia to Ecuador, the PCR is mandatory. ?
Hi, Diana, here I leave you the latest information:
Good afternoon Nicolás, It is possible to travel from Ecuador to Peru (Lima) by Tumbes? Land borders are now open?
No, land borders remain closed.
There are so many acronyms or initials without ever giving their meaning. Personally I was not looking for requirements to leave the country related to covid-19 only, but in general. But this site only provides information about the restrictions and requirements related to the Covid-19. I already have the two doses of the Moderna vaccine and I hope to travel to Ecuador in November of this year. That's why I need information to enter and exit the country when I have to return to the United States. Information about the other requirements I need because I need to help my brother obtain all the documents to leave the country so he can come visit me for a couple of months.. Thanks
I leave you the updated requirements:
I have a question to enter from Ecuador what requirements are they asking for because I am a girl from here in Salvador and I want to travel as a tourist to Ecuador what are the requirements apart from the test and something else I wanted to know about the flights from here to in August or September are more expensive
Hello marisol, the requirements are indicated on this page. Remember that the less time in advance you have, the purchase will be more expensive.
Good afternoon Nicholas, my sister is coming from Switzerland with my nephew from 10 years. There they do not do PCR tests on children under the age of 12 years; In that case, what should be done to enter Ecuador?? Thanks.
I leave you the updated information:
Good afternoon Nicolas, I have a question. , I am Venezuelan, I have a humanitarian visa from Ecuador, but at the moment I am in my country, I can return to Ecuador again ? my visa still
is in force
Of course, If your document is valid, you have no problem.
Buenas tardes, I have double nationality, (American and Ecuadorian (I was born in Ecuador but I live in the US)). My Ecuadorian passport is expired but I have the Ecuadorian identity card that is valid.
If I want to travel to Ecuador, I can enter the country only with the American passport? and show the Ecuadorian identity card?
Also when leaving the country, I will have a problem if I only present the American passport and the Ecuadorian ID?
Or do I need the Ecuadorian passport to enter and leave Ecuador?
The trip will only be 2 weeks.
Asked, because once you enter Ecuador, An immigration agent told me that I needed an Ecuadorian passport to enter Ecuador if they didn't give me a fine. (I don't know if this is true)
Hello Pedro, You can only travel with your US passport as the only travel document, you must make sure you enter and leave with the same document. About the fine I do not know that there is any of this type, but i have heard before, especially in Guayaquil that ask travelers with dual nationality to present both passports.
Hello, if I travel with a single one-way ticket, I will be able to enter Ecuador from El Salvador.
It is always better to have a round trip ticket to avoid problems.
How many days can Peruvians stay in Ecuador as tourists?? enter the 8 from December 2020
90 days should be the maximum normal.
Hello, I have a question. We are Ecuadorians. We are on vacation in Mexico., they told us that the pcr test was only for adults, have 2 under 1 and 7 years not tested, we no longer return to ecuador, there will be some problem with them ???
As I understood, all travelers must present proof, but if they let them board, Upon arrival in Ecuador, the test or isolation must be carried out. You tell us how it goes.
Hi Nicolas… I would like please, will you help me with some doubts.
1- We are a Venezuelan family, 2 adults and 1 girl of 4 years. We all have a Humanitarian Visa that was granted to us in Peru in the month of September 2020 for 2 years. We will be able to enter regularly in February of this year?
2- The girl requires a Pcr Test to enter Ecuador?
3- With a Humanitarian Visa it is necessary to buy a return ticket to the country of residence?
I thank you in what you can guide me. Thanks!!!
Hello Josmary, I recommend you check with the consulate of Peru directly, since they are very specific concerns.
About the PCR test, yes, all passengers must show a PCR test in order to travel to Ecuador.
Hi Nicolas, It is not very clear to me if you have to do a compulsory forty if you have done the PCR test in the country of origin before traveling?
With negative PCR test, you should not do isolation.
Hi Nicolas, Good evening. Me and my family are going to travel to Ecuador in January. Are 7 total, of which 5 we will do the PCR test, In our family there are two children, one of 6 months and another of 5 years. As I read, it is not necessary for them to take the PCR test but they must isolate if the 5 tests come out negative?
The protocol changed and everyone needs to present a PCR test:
Buenas tardes
I would like to ask I will travel with my children in March from Germany to Ecuador
My children are three years old, they need the pcr test to enter the country ?
Thank you very much in advance
Hello John, do not require.
Hello, I am a fisherman and I work on tuna vessels. I left Peru and entered Ecuador with the Ecuadorian vessel, Due to the pandemic we entered Peru and I disembarked without leaving Ecuador.
going back to Ecuador I will have problems…… If there is a penalty, how much is it???
You can talk to the Consulate of Ecuador in Peru for more details.
Good afternoon, could you help me with information please?
I understand that as a requirement to enter Ecuador you must have a certain amount of money.. How much would be the amount per person?
It's my first time traveling, please help!!
No, there is no such money requirement to enter Ecuador, where did you read it?
In a travel agency they gave me that information
That I had to have a certain amount as a requirement to be able to enter and that it was for sweater expenses
not required, but in immigration they could ask you to confirm hotel reservations, round trip ticket and how are you going to cover your expenses, can be a credit card.
Good afternoon Mr. Larenas. I am Ecuadorian_German . I travel to Quito on 15 January. The rules and requirements have not changed ?
Of course, I leave you the information:
Excuse me, he is terrified of doing it because at his school he had to do it 2 times and it was to avoid the child in a bad time, but equally, even if we travel with pcr, adults have to quarantine.
If adults arrive with PCR they should not quarantine.
Hi, good morning, Nicolás. I am traveling from Spain to Ecuador on 10 from January 2021 I have my son 7 years it is mandatory to do the PCR test .
It is not, but if you do it is better since you avoid quarantine.
Hello good morning,
Children under 14 years need PCR to enter Ecuador?
No friend.
Hello there, my relative arrives in Quito on 26 from December, but your pcr test will not be delivered on time and I cannot do isolation, since it only remains until the 30. What I can do? They tell me that a test can be done here, but I don't know how long it takes for the PMU to validate the test.
Without PCR they must do isolation, I have read that the PMU takes a long time to respond.
Hi Nicolas, I am going through Quito UIO only in transit, from the United Kingdom with Lima as the final destination. I'll be laying over a few 21 hours at Mariscal Sucre airport (he arrived 28/12/2020 21:01 and I go out 29/12/2020 18:01). Unfortunately that day there is no shorter connection. I could be without leaving the airport those 21 hours? (I am allowed?). I shouldn't quarantine 5 days in? Since my final destination is Lima, I will only take the antigen test there (no RT-PCR). O I always have to carry the RT-PCR test for Ecuador? Please answer me soon because if so tomorrow I have to run to take the PCR test. Thank you very much and congratulations for your excellent dedication.
Hello there, First I understand that for Peru you need a PCR test to enter, no of antigens, the same one that would serve you for Ecuador.
Hello there. Tomorrow I travel to Quito, but they can't give me the test, and I'll just stay 8 days, I can't complete the 10 isolation days. What I do?
You can leave the country without any problem when you require it.
Dear, you enter the country on 22 at night trip from Chile with a stopover in Panama with a negative test at the correct time and a health declaration, mandatory isolation in hotels is necessary?
No, there's no need.
Thank you for the answer but forget to specify the person is not an Ecuadorian resident, he is coming for 10 days nothing more to see his son than if he is Ecuadorian
I invite you to read in this same post the updated entry instructions.
Hello there, I will travel to Ecuador with my daughter 2 Years and a half, she must present a pcr test as well?
No, but you will have to isolate upon arrival.
In what language can the test result be?? Here they offer in German, frances, Italian or English.
English preferably.
Hi Nicolas, a query.
I am Ecuadorian, I travel to Ecuador from the US in a couple of weeks, but my passport expires in mid-April (3 months of validity).
I will be able to enter Ecuador without problems?
Thank you very much
Your passport is Ecuadorian? Yes that's how it is, you shouldn't have any problems, given that if your Ecuadorian passport expires, you are Ecuadorian and you are in your country.
good afternoon, if I travel the day 24 and they give me the result of the PCR a day before boarding it would be good to enter the equator?
The important thing is that the test does not have more than 10 days.
good morning Nicholas, I am Ecuadorian but I live in Spain and I have nationality. I travel to Ecuador in a few days, my question is: I can perform the APO at the home of a relative?? And if so, I can do it if my address is in a different city than the airport??I have read many queries appearing here from other people, but they all have their own address. Thank you very much in advance.
hello aurora, as i understand, you should do the APO in the city of entry to Ecuador, I don't have the exact information about your case.
I would like to know if the land border has already been opened, I am going to travel from Peru to Ecuador by land and what are the requirements? ,I am Ecuadorian
Land borders are not yet open.
Hi Nicolas, By chance there is already information about when the land borders with Peru will reopen?
No, have an idea.
Hello there , I travel the 20 December with 3 children one of 13 ,10 , 4 years as far as I read the comments they do not need a Covid PCR test I just want to rectify that it is true and that they will not charge me any penalty or I will have some inconvenience at the airport
Do not require, but they must carry out mandatory isolation upon arrival.
can i enter ecuador and take a plane to lima that same day?? I have an impediment to enter Ecuador, because I exceeded my stay due to a pandemic, That's what they told me when I left Ecuador a few days ago for Spain ( I have a ticket already bought months ago, round trip, that's why the query)
If you have an impediment, You can't enter Ecuador. The only way would be without leaving the airport, bone without migration and only connection in transit.
Good evening, I have double nationality (American and Ecuadorian). My question is, Yes, I have my current Ecuadorian passport and my American passport with a little more than 5 months of validity when returning to Ecuador would have problems??
The regulation of the page of the Ministry of Government says I must have 6 months if I am a foreigner, but it does not speak of dual nationality. According to the page of the American embassy here, I understand that the Ecuadorian passport has priority when entering Ecuador, but it depends on the immigration officials. I want to know if there would be any problem.
It is easy, Just enter with your current Ecuadorian passport and the American one, don't even present it.
Hello Nicholas good day, I am traveling to Guayaquil at the end of this year and it has become clear to me that I have to present a negative PCR to be able to enter the country and avoid the APO. But now I am also interested in knowing if I need to present the test to leave Ecuador, that is to say, on my return to Mexico, since I have read some articles on the web in reference and they indicate that they do not request it at the airports of their country to board the plane, but that it is necessary to review the conditions and/or restrictions to enter each country, Such is my case that to enter Mexico they do not request it. Would you be so kind to inform me if those articles that I have read with the information that I expose are current and true?. Thanks in advance for your help and attention.. Greetings!
Hello Sergio, You do not require a PCR test to leave Ecuador, I leave you information:
Hello good day, with antigen test you can enter Ecuador?
It must be a PCR test if you want to avoid isolating.
Hello greetings, I request help I need to take a departure flight from Ecuador to Lima Peru, The problem is that I don't have the entrance to Ecuador, I am a resident of Peru and I have to travel urgently and I have to go from Venezuela to Colombia by trail after Colombia to Ecuador, can or should pay a fine, I just need to take the flight and that Ecuador gives me the exit
You must complete the legal process to regularize your entry into the country, but it is a complex issue since you are illegal.
Hi Nicolás, I have to leave Spain on the day 27 d this month to Ecuador but they ask for the pcr test 72 hours before but the 25 It's a holiday on Saturday they don't work and Sunday is my trip. Can I take the test one day before? Thank you.
The test is with 10 days before.
I travel to Ecuador from Hamburg, I have to quarantine?
Of course, unless you bring a PCR test.
Hi Nicolas, It is possible that with a positive test they will not let me leave the US.? Or they don't ask for proof when leaving there? I am of Ecuadorian nationality.
If you have a positive test, please don't travel, you have to be responsible.
Hi Nicolas, I travel to Ecuador from Lima with my daughter 5 years, we both got covid in may. The PCR test is mandatory for 2?
Yes, it is mandatory, Because she is a minor, your daughter would not need, but upon arrival you must isolate 15 days.
Hello, if I do not arrive with a PCR test, obviously I have to isolate 10 days, but I can do it at my house at my home or it has to be there in Quito in one of their hotels?
You can do it at home without problem.
Thanks for your attention. Greetings!
Take the test upon arrival in the country, implies isolation and waiting for results, it's like that Nicholas?
According to the protocol, Yes.
Hello Nicholas good day, I ask you please if it is possible to guide me based on your experience, I present my case: I am Mexican and I have bought since February (before the Pandemic) some flights to travel from Guadalajara, Mexico to Guayaquil from 18 al 28 from December, My trip is a tourist and I have realized that there is a protocol from the Ministry of Health to enter your country, in which they request the negative PCR test so as not to perform the isolation of 10 days, but I have some doubts and that is why I turn to you. I will travel with my wife and my 3 girls of 5, 2 and 1 year, both my wife and I will take the PCR test. According to the protocol, I understand that girls are not required to present it because they are within the priority groups, but we would necessarily have to do APO for not taking your PCR test? or it is possible that they exempt us from it by presenting it only us and not having a place to reside?, there is flexibility in this regard on the part of the authority for being a foreigner? the problem is that they are very small and here in Mexico they are not performed, and there would be no point in traveling to be inside a hotel room, since I have neither family nor friends where to reside in Ecuador. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me., it will be very useful; perhaps upon his arrival he was able to realize what happens in cases like mine, or for what you have knowledge, It has been difficult for me since Mexico, I can't find any information about it. Thanks and sorry to bother you. Greetings!
Hello Sergio, if they do not present proof, the protocol indicates that they must carry out isolation, but you can take the test when you arrive in the country.
Good morning Nicholas, thank you very much for the important detailed information.
I would like to know if the rules or regulations are for all countries in general!
I would travel from Switzerland possibly at the beginning of December!
If I do the PCR test ? here in switzerland, according to what i understood, I would not have to do the APO when I arrive in Ecuador! I have understood correctly?
Or are there other more current rules that I should know?
I would really appreciate it, If you can also help me with the meanings of the following acronyms! I can pretty much imagine what they could mean, but i'm not too sure about it.
Thank you very much in advance for the information.
Hello Jose, the rule of this page remains in force without changes. If you come with a negative PCR test, you should not perform APO, regardless of the country you come from.
good afternoon, If I arrive from the US without a PCR test, can I quarantine at home or should I do it in a hotel?? I choose where to do the PCR test?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, you can do it at home. About the test, I understand that you choose where.
Hi Nicolas, I am passing through Quito only in transit, from Bogotá with Houston as the final destination. I will be making a stopover for about two hours at the Mariscal Sucre airport, without leaving the airport. They are going to require the COVID PCR test, when in transit no more? Thank you very much.
If you don't leave the airport, connection zone bone, you do not require proof.
Excellent, Thanks a lot!
They will have the contact of places where to carry out the PCR test and if they work on the weekend??
I have my return flight on Monday at 2pm but today I came to take the test with 72 hours in advance they tell me that they will not give me the results until Tuesday.
What else can I do? I do not want to incur more expenses, if they had contacts to perform the test on me, I will thank you.
hello mavilia, places that do the test there are many, but all do take time to deliver the PCR.
Good Morning, In January I will travel from Chile to Guayaquil and then from Guayaquil to Cuenca, I will make the trip with my daughter 3 Months of age, I understand that because she belongs to the priority group, she does not require PCR, but yes insulation, this can be done in Cuenca ? or in guayaquil ?
is known, that isolation must be carried out at the point of entry into the country. Perhaps the Ecuadorian embassy in Chile can clarify this point for you.
I just read the protocol and it says that the isolation of people in the priority group must be done at home and my home is in Cuenca, not in Guayaquil, I leave the airport and immediately go to Cuenca in a private car. Is this correct ?
from what i knew, you must isolate yourself at the point of entry in Ecuador, but i could be wrong.
Hello there, how are you? there are RT-PCR tests taken through the nose and others through the throat, both are valid? Both are PCR
Yes, while they are PCR, serving.
good morning Nicholas,
I travel this Sunday to Ecuador from the US, I did my PCR test yesterday but in Medellín, Colombia.
From what you have been able to read in the protocol, Do you believe that there is an obligation that the negative PCR test must be carried out in the country from which your last flight originated?? or the only requirement is the 10 days?.
Namely, If I travel from the US to Ecuador, but I did the test yesterday in another country, Have you read in the protocol something that limits or describes this case??.
Thanks for your help
I haven't read about that specific topic, if you are doing the Medellin flight – USA – Ecuador should be valid.
My flight from Medellin – USA was today, and on Sunday I travel to Guayaquil from the US.
My question is if there is nothing that specifies that the test must be done in this case in the US and they do not accept the one that I have done in Colombia.
If you manage to know something please I would appreciate it, I'll still let you know if I find the answer, either before my arrival or after, to feed this blog.
Excellent, I thank you David. if i know something i'll let you know.
hello ! In January I travel to Ecuador can I only take the covid test or by force I have to take that exam?
If you want to avoid isolation you must present the PCR.
Nicholas, My dad is a foreigner and he came to Ecuador on vacation in March 2020, his flight was canceled many times and finally the 2 August without paying a fine. He wants to come visit me again in December 2020, That's possible? can i pay the extension?
Of course you can come without problem, but I don't understand what extension you want to pay?
My son lives in Miami has 6 year old, You must take the PCR test before entering Ecuador
You can get tested to avoid isolation upon arrival.
Hello friends.. I need a return ticket to enter Ecuador? or only the one way is enough
Do they require travel insurance in Quito or not??
if you are a tourist, you always need a round trip ticket. Travel insurance is not required.
Hello Nicolás, the covid test is used by the one carried out in the hospital, I am in Spain, thank you
It's the PCR test.
Greetings my dear
I would like to know I live in Spain
I will travel to Ecuador and I will not take a test
Respecting the 10 quarantine days
But when I return to Spain my habitual residence
I have to take the test ? It is mandatory ?
I have not heard that to enter Spain they ask for proof.
Hello how are you good afternoon.. I need help please
My girlfriend wants to travel here to Ecuador, she is from El Salvador and we don't know how to do it.. But what I would most like to know is how much money she can get here with because they tell me that she has to have a certain amount of money that is like a requirement.. I would like to know how much is the minimum you have to have.. Please help
Maximum 10 one thousand dollars, can bring more, but you will have to pay taxes.
Nicolas, good evening, I'm in the US.. I am a person with a disability 43% I understand that people from vulnerable groups do not need to take the COVID test and do the APO at home upon entering Ecuador. I appreciate your confirmation. Greetings
that is so.
Hi Nicolas, return to Ecuador, via Madrid, arriving on Saturday 7 November at 6:00 a.m., PCR tests were performed on 28 October at 11:41 a.m. (Istanbul time), is this test valid? I really appreciate your answer. Unfortunately I had a change of itinerary and I had to arrive today, with which I would not have had any problem.
The test must have 10 days maximum since it was taken.
apologies, My arrival time is around 7:00 p.m.
Must be 10 maximum days from the intake date.
Dear Nicolás, I would like to tell you that today at interlab they recommended that I take the PCR test tomorrow Wednesday because my trip to the United States is this Wednesday and it is not for the 10 days that you have to have because of the maximum arrival time but because the MSP indicated that the test must be 3 days before the flight you published this maybe I didn't read it please confirm
The test must be valid for 10 maximum days to enter Ecuador.
Hello Nicolas, I have a question. My mother is traveling through LATAM on Tuesday. 10 November from URUGUAY, She is Uruguayan and is an Ecuadorian resident., for various reasons we prefer to stay there, but now we already organized his return. It is mandatory to come with a swab? if you don't bring it, they will do it here. And otherwise I couldn't get out 10 days of the house? so it would be. I appreciate your response, or suggestion of what is the best thing to do. very friendly
If you do not have isopado, it should be done here and maintain the isolation.
Dear please, I am a Venezuelan with a temporary Unasur visa. I would like to know if I go to Mexico or Venezuela can I re-enter Ecuador to return. Is there any restriction ? I appreciate your information . I have a house here in Ecuador
To enter Ecuador there are no restrictions, More than immigration you are up to date and have a PCR test.
Good afternoon Nicolás, I have a question I hope you help me solve it, I am going to travel to Ecuador in December and I am going to be there for more than ten days, Will I need another PCR test when I return to my country?? Cheers
That depends if your country of origin asks you to have a PCR test for entry.
Excuse me, I have a question, I have a flight to Ecuador from Peru, I have not been able to perform the covid test 19, My question is if I arrive in Ecuador with a stopover in Quito, I will have to do the isolation there or I can do it in Guayaquil since that is my final destination
You should be able to do it in your final destination city.
Hello there, good evening, I have planned to make a trip to Guayaquil in December for just one day, (round trip) What would be the procedure to follow regarding the tests to enter and leave?
To enter and do it freely you need the PCR test, you don't need anything to go out.
Hello Nicolas, we have to travel to Ecuador in November. My husband is American and I am Ecuadorian. Here the tests are expensive and only he is going to take the test., My house is located in Ambato, there is the possibility of taking the test when I arrive.? and make isolation in Ambato?
In theory, you could do the isolation in Ambato, but it is better that you arrive with the PCR test.
Hi Nicolas, I want to consult you, I am returning to Ecuador in a few days, last flight is Istanbul-Frankfurt-Houston-Quito, Is there any additional restriction or only a negative PCR test is enough? (less than 8 days from made to arrival)
Only the PCR upon arrival in Ecuador.
Good afternoon, I will travel from the Dominican Republic to Ecuador because I came on vacation.! But here it is a procedure to do the PCR and I will not be able to perform it! my query is, I have to do the isolation in a hotel in Guayaquil until I get the negative test when doing it there? Or is it necessary to stay in a hotel all the time of isolation? Or it can be done at home?
It is understood that you could do it at your home.
Please help me by informing that I am going to travel to the USA. USA for 8 days with my 2 10 year old daughters and 15 years I would like to know if they need to perform the PCR ?
And we adults with how many days before the trip should the test be done ?
The protocol says 10 maximum days before entering the country, the test must have been carried out.
Good afternoon, perhaps this question has already been asked thousands of times. … I have a baby of 4 months and another of 6 years old they must have some test they must have a medical certificate or something similar I traveled from Colombia to Ecuador
The protocol explains that, but they will have to isolate.
Nicholas good afternoon, I've been following your thread for a few days now..
They have changed the protocol of the PCR test to enter Guayaquil, I have a person who will travel the 05 November and he tells me that they sent him a video with information indicating that he should be tested 36 hours before departure, not with 10 days in advance as it appears in the previous topic. Could you please confirm if this information is true or where we could confirm it. She will travel from Guatemala-Panama-Guayaquil. The test here in Guatemala is not complicated., but for dating issues, it was thought to be done with 72 hours in advance. I will appreciate if you can inform me. Greetings,
No changes have been made to the protocol yet., not at least officially to enter Ecuador.
Hi Nicolas
I have reservations for Miami from 4 days, My question is, can I take the test before traveling and it helps me to enter the country here?
Of course, as long as it is in force 10 days until you return.
If a person takes the PCR test, it comes out positive but if they do not have symptoms of anything, they may or may not travel
No, you can't travel.
Hi Nicolas, I travel with my daughter 4 years for 7 days to miami, Back in Ecuador I see that it is not necessary to do the PCR for being a minor, but the insulation you should do, Is it at our home or at a hotel??
at your home
Hi Nicolas, the PCR test is only delivered by email. It can be presented digitally at the entrance of Guayaquil (airport) from the cell phone without having it printed?. Greetings.
Yes, but personal recommendation, she impressed.
Nicholas. Good evening, can I take the blood test? It's also valid..
Only PCR works.
Good evening dear Nicolas., my husband and I are Ecuadorian residents, we will return to Ecuador on 30 October to Cuenca where we live arriving in Guayaquil from Canada; if we don't have proof, we would have to stay in Guayaquil or we can travel to Cuenca and do the test there?, They are doing tests at the airport?, I seem to have seen that it was possible. If we do the test in Guayaquil, How many days does it take to get the results??… Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards.
Hello Tatiana, you would have to carry out the isolation and test in your city of entry to Ecuador. It is best to arrive with the PCR test.
Thanks for your reply, very friendly.
I got stuck in Switzerland and I want to return to Ecuador. i am senior, So I don't need PCR and I can do APO at home. Nevertheless, my address is not in Guayaquil, but three hours away. They will let me travel there?
I couldn't tell you Eva, the most likely thing is that you have to do it in the city of entry to Ecuador.
Hello there, If I travel to Brazil for 8 days and I have the PCR test, when I return I have to do another PCR test again?
If when you return to Ecuador the test does not have more than 10 days, serves you.
Hello, good afternoon, I traveled to Ecuador with a baby of almost 1 a;O, I read in previous comments that the PCR test is not necessary for the baby. You can help us with the official link where we can verify that to present at the airport? Thanks
At the end of this post is the complete official protocol.
We must return to Ecuador in November, we are stranded in Argentina. I travel with two minors, Here we are isolated and when we arrive we will continue to be isolated because my husband is a population at risk. Negative PCR is necessary or complying with the isolation is sufficient?
If they do not present proof, they must carry out isolation as dictated by the protocol.
Hello there, my daughter is Ecuadorian and my son-in-law and my grandson from 10 months are Colombian, They come to Ecuador in December. The bb test must be done to enter the country?
baby is not necessary, but you will have to isolate.
Hello Nicolás, my question is the following. I travel with my daughter from 7 years to ecuador alone chilean and we go as tourists when doing the pcr they are 19 days before I have a flight date for the 27 November and back on 27;February to return to my country I would have to do the PCR in Ecuador, thank you very much for your answer.
Hello Natalia, Remember that to enter Ecuador you are 10 days before maximum, with 19 days you could not use it. To return to Chile depends on what requirements are requested.
Dear Nicholas, I have 2 girls one of 5 and another of 3 years, are required to submit the PCR test to enter Ecuador?
It is not necessary as indicated in the protocol.
Hello there, a consultation that happens with people who already had the virus and have the quantitative test indicating that they generated the antibodies, they also have to do PCR to be able to enter or with the quantitative test is enough.
No other valid test is mentioned other than PCR.
Hello there, I need to know what else is required when entering Ecuador I have a negative test, It will be that they ask for a certificate since a person will give me accommodation at their home? And what data should the document contain or to whom it will be addressed
No, only the requirements indicated as PCR test, nothing more.
Hello there, Nicolás the people who come from European countries,if they can enter Ecuador?
Yeah right.
Nicholas: My wife and I are returning to Ecuador on 6 from December to 2020. We are seniors with 68 and 70 years. If we do not arrive at the airport with a PCR test, Is the confinement in our home?? because that is not clear. I mean: we arrived, They do the PCR test and we go home confined by 10 0 15 days?
This is dear Carlos, you can do it at home.
Dear Nicholas, Is there any restriction to enter Ecuador from Brazil or only the PCR is required?
Only PCR to avoid isolation.
In that way?, What do you mean by "regular flights operating"?. I have searched several webpages for line harnessing and I can't find any information that is true.. KLM offered flights on the website but the Colombian embassy tells me that it is impossible because there are no flights to Colombia from Europe yet. Expands information for me, if you have it, please
flights are allowed, now it's up to the airlines to operate them.
Greetings, The same regulations continue 15 of August 2020???
I travel to the US and I must present my PCR at the airport here in Ecu, and it works for me if it has a maximum 10 days to my return.
Yes, the same regulations of August remain in force.
Hello there, I am in Sweden right now, I need to leave for Colombia because my temporary stay here expires and I don't have more money to renew it. The foreign ministry told me to try a commercial flight to Ecuador. Is that possible?
I have not heard anything about it yet and it would be strange because there are already regular flights operating.
I'm going to get tested for COVID 19 tomorrow 10 October and return to Ecuador to Guayaquil exactly. On Sunday 18 October Still works for me
As long as I have 10 maximum days, sirve.
Hello Nicolás, a question I am Venezuelan, I am in Spain and I am traveling to Ecuador with my wife and son, but my wife is only valid. 2 months the passport we only enter Ecuador and from there we will go to Colombia I would have a problem because of that
It requires the passport yes or yes to have 6 months of validity for entry to Ecuador, so be it in transit, if you are leaving the airport.
A person travels from Guatemala to Guayaquil del 5 al 15 of November, You must bring a negative test or because of the short stay you can ignore it??? They have the list of laboratories in Guayaquil to perform the PCR test? In how many days are they delivered?, because to return to Guatemala you must have 72 hours in advance
Any person who enters Ecuador and does not want to isolate needs to present a PCR test.
Buenas tardes, One question I have to travel to Lima because my father died there, I assume that there is no problem with bringing his ashes on the plane due to the pandemic, right??
additional to that, the time of the 10 days to not do APO run from the time the test is performed or from the time the result is delivered?
No problem about the first point. About the second is from the date of the test.
good morning, to a child of 3 years old, a PCR test is requested to enter Ecuador?
There's no need.
Airbus press photo We start a review of the most important news, How long does it take to have the results of the PCR test from the laboratories around Quito?? leaves the same day?
It depends on the laboratory and the price you pay for it..
Good morning, I have seen many very clear answers. Can I ask you a question? .. I am Ecuadorian, I live in Italy, can I enter with a negative test? 8 days ,To return to Italy I have to take another test in Ecuador or they do me here in Italy when I arrive?
To leave Ecuador you do not require any proof, consult the requirements of Italy.
Good Morning
I want to know if the protocols for entering Ecuador will remain in force until December?
Another question, my son's father is going to travel from the USA.. UU. Here in Ecuador in the month of November, if you bring the negative PCR test, obviously you are no longer isolating yourself in a hotel. I would do it at home right? And if you must return to the United States immediately. UU. I could do it?
I would appreciate the answer you know how to give me
It is impossible to know how long these protocols will be in force. If you have a PCR test, you do not need to do any isolation.
Hello how are you? I travel the 2 October from Colombia to Quito. I understand that my husband and I must have negative PCR, but that my children of 4 and 1 years are exempt correct?
That's Cristina.
thank you thank you for your answer
good afternoon! I have 62 years, I have to take the PCR test or I enter the priority attention group to enter Ecuador, my trip is in october
If it is already a third age, no proof required.
Thanks Nicholas for your answer..
Excuse me, the third age for Ecuador is from the age of 60 years?
I understand that since 60 years.
Good evening, excuse me Nicholas, I am being presented with the following: Today the airline suspended my flight reservation that I had for the 16/10 and it asks me to re-schedule again… I have a humanitarian visa, now my concern is about the passport, expiration date is 06 of May 2021 and for him 06 of November 2020 starts counting six months before expiration, I would like to know if I have no problem entering Ecuador, because the availability to re-schedule the reservation is after the 06 of November … I have a humanitarian visa, I am Venezuelan,I traveled from Ecuador to Colombia on 07 March with return ticket to Ecuador on 27 March and later changed to the 16/10 and now waiting to re-schedule a new date, Please if you have information if due to all this situation there are considerations regarding the passport. Thanks
You could check with the Consulate if there is any extension of the validity of the passports given the current situation.
Hello Nicolas, I have a sea of doubts, as I told you before, I have dual nationality in Spain, my Ecuadorian passport expires. 2018 I was not in my plans to travel at this time for family reasons, the trip urged me, I will only be 26 days and my identity card is valid I was forgotten at the family home in Ecuador I only have a few years ago that I was on vacation I only have a copy I don't know if migration asks for any national document when entering the territory I will travel with a Spanish passport I need your information to leave of doubts thanks
You can enter as Spanish without problem as long as the passport is valid.
good afternoon, a question… I live in Colombia and I want to travel to Ecuador (Guayaquil) I'm just going to be 4 days I must take the test to enter Ecuador and again take the test to enter Colombia ??? Thanks
To enter Ecuador you do need a PCR test, for Colombia you would have to look for its protocols.
Buenas tardes, Dear Nicolás, a question please, I must travel to Ecuador from Chile with a small child of 2 years 9 months and they tell me in a laboratory that it is not recommended for such a young child to take a nasopharyngeal sample for the RT-PCR test. The question is can I get him to do a blood test??. Additionally, if the minor must do APO, for not having an RT_PCR I would also have to do it so I have if I have a negative RT-PCR result?. Thank you very much.
Being a minor from a vulnerable group, You do not need to present a PCR test, but you will have to perform APO.
Dear Nicholas, I must also perform the APO despite having a negative RT-PCR test for traveling with the minor or not?. Thanks
If you have the PCR you should not do APO.
I am Ecuador I will travel to the Dominican Republic and does not ask for pcr, When I return to the country, they will not tell me that I have to take the exam again, after that go out with Isolation, And why should the traveler's expenses be covered when it is you who give them Isolation?, SO THAT SO MUCH PROTOCOL AND DISTANCE IF I FINALLY FINISH THE AIRLINE SELLS ALL THE SEATS AND NONE OF THAT APPLIES THAT WILL GUARANTEE MY HEALTH AND IF I GET INFECTED ON THE PLANE WHO WILL COVER MY EXPENSES OR WHO CAN I SUE FOR BREACH OF PROTOCOL
When you return to Ecuador, if you present a negative PCR test, you should not perform isolation. Distancing on airplanes is not necessary given HEPA filters, air recycling, use of mask, etc.
Hello Nicolas, I have dual nationality, my passport from Ecuador has expired but I enter with a valid passport from Spain, I may have problems
None, but when you leave you must do it with that same passport. You can even ask to enter with the Ecuadorian, I am almost sure that the validity period for expired passports was extended due to the pandemic.
Good evening, a question, I need to go to the equator but I can't stay more than 7 days, Can I enter the country and leave on the seventh day or would I have to wait for the tenth??
The protocol does not say anything of what you indicate. If you come with a negative test, you do not need to do any type of isolation.
Hello, one question I took the quick test that works for me from Venezuela
Must be PCR test, not fast.
something totally impossible in venezuela there is 2 laboratory and it is in the capital and they only test those who are very ill and those who are hospitalized. I really don't know what to do
The other is to enter Ecuador without a test and isolate yourself in a hotel to take the test there..
Last question if I don't have enough money to isolate myself,I am in Venezuela but I live in Guayaquil with my husband and I travel with my baby 3 years .. as I would do with the bb..
I couldn't tell you in this particular case.
Hi Nicolas. Do you know if the PCR tests are done at the Quito airport?? And do you know the price and more or less how long it takes to give you the results?? Thanks
Hello Pedro, yes there is a laboratory that does PCR for you, I understand that the cost is $80, I don't have time.
Hello, good afternoon, I traveled to Ecuador for a family emergency, that the PCR test must contain a seal or signature, I will take the test in Mexico to present it when I enter Ecuador, I hope you can help me, Thank you.
It is not specified what it must have, it should only be and say PCR.
Buenas tardes … someone please help me with this concern I want to travel to Ecuador only for four days , with the subject of quarantine if it is possible to travel only for four days ??
Of course it is possible, but you must bring a PCR test.
Dear All , They tell me that with the rapid Covid test I can also enter and leave the country, That is true???
I am from Guayaquil and I am ready to travel with my husband to the USA
Yes, You can leave with a test done in Ecuador and return with it while you have 10 maximum days of completion upon return.
Hello, I need help with some information. I have to return to Ecuador with my children. 6 The eldest is 14 years old. I have already read that they are from the priority care group, but since they do not need the test, it means that if I am negative and my wife will not have to go to some temporary accommodation. ? How can I have a copy of the protocol and support myself with true information to be sure when I arrive at the ecu
So is, If you and your wife have the test, you do not need to isolate. The complete protocol is at the end of this post.
I have planned to travel 2 From November from the USA to Quito to this date, new travel provisions for tourism are still in force
The current protocol does not have an expiration date.
Hi Nicolas,
I am Spanish and I want to travel as a tourist in November to spend there 20 days. What is convenient so as not to have to spend days in isolation there? Do you think that by November things will have changed??. Thanks and best regards
To avoid isolation you must bring the negative PCR test at the entrance and you will not have problems.
Hello there, I travel to the United States 5 of October and return on 16 October, if I take the test myself 5 from October until my return 11 days , Does the PCR test done in Ecuador work for me or will I have to take others in the US?, Isolation is done at Home ( Manta)
It does not work, since maximum are 10 days.
Good afternoon, one question, tourism in Quito in Guayaquil and the beaches is still closed
No, Ecuador is not closed to tourism.
greetings sir. Nicolas, I plan to arrive in Quito on 12 October with my wife from Honduras and leave on 3 November with our tests in hand with a validity of less than 10 days as indicated in the protocol, my questions are : it is recommended and safe to travel to Ecuador ? Curfews are day or night ?
The protocol will be the same for October ?
It gives me a link to obtain permission to travel during curfew, Thank you very much for your attention …best regards
Why should I buy my tickets between 18-22 of November….. Thank you very much for your attention
The protocol is maintained in October, for the moment they have not reported changes. In Ecuador there is no longer a curfew.
Who has already traveled to Ecuador with children and if they tested children under the age of 12 years with their parents
Hello there. I plan to fly to Ecuador in early October. I am a citizen of Tajikistan and have a Schengen visa. Can you drop me off from the airport like in Mexico?
I did not understand the question.
Hi Nicolas, my daughter (18 years) is returning from the USA in a few days, if you enter without a PCR test performed, You must perform APO in a hotel or you can do it at home, until the test is done and it is negative, thanks for your answer.
You must do it in a temporary place, who does not explain if it is a hotel or it can be a home.
What can happen if the person who is going to continue testing positive for months, but they can no longer infect, What is the protocol to follow when entering the country?.
The protocol is the one you find in this post.
Hello everyone, it seems to me an avuso on the part of the government. They do this not thinking about the health of Ecuadorians but to fill the empty hotels and do business.
If not, say that the subway via van is crowded with passengers stuck to each other, also because one has to wait 7 days to do the test if you can do it the next day you arrive. If they require the test because they don't do it for free but they go to the hotel only those that they authorize and charge 90 dollars tell me if what this is about if the pcr tests do not guarantee that a person is healthy from this virus that is less than a stationary flu then they should ask for certificates for other more contagious and deadly diseases than this virus that is less than a stationary flu
there for those who only watch tv .
Hello, what are the requirements for domestic flights?. For a Guayaquil-Quito flight.
I leave you this reading:
It's a trip from abroad, no comercial, thanks for your reply.
Hello there… he arrived 7 From September to Quito without proof, I could do the APO in a rented apartment in Quito for the days of accommodation?
The protocol speaks of temporary accommodation, It is not clear if a rented apartment is used.
Hello Nicolás, I am Ecuadorian and I must travel on 6 September to Ecuador I have performed the PCR making sure to comply with the 10 days, My doubt is that I have done the PCR in Germany since I first fly from Germany to Madrid on 3 September and then 6 to Ecuador from Madrid.. Do you think there will be an inconvenience for taking the PCR from Germany and not from Madrid?? Thanks in advance for your answer
No problem, as long as you don't have more than 10 days the test.
Hi Nicolas! After living in France for so long, I will return to my country to live there permanently. I will travel at the end of September. So given my situation my concern is the following,I would do the PCR test a few days before my trip and if the test is negative I would normally enter the country but what would happen if the result is positive?, aun asi, could enter the country? I could do the 15 isolation days? My trip is not for tourism, but I want to return to live in Ecuador leaving everything sold and liquidated in France.
hello Rocio, if the result is positive, For the safety of all passengers and yours, do not trip.
Hello there, I travel to Ecuador from New York in October, with a girl of 3 years and a Mrs. 71 years, they need to take the negative PCR test too ??
They do not need, They are from priority attention groups.
Hello good afternoon I have a concern. If a foreigner arrives today 1 from September to Quito during curfew hours after 11 pm, how do you go to your destination, do you need a safe-conduct or not?. I have to go pick you up in my vehicle and I am confused with the new rules. Please if you can guide me thank you
You need a driving license and boarding pass.
Nicolas, there are different PCR tests, or i'm confused or wrong… Please can you help me if the PCR is that of the isopate or it has to be done in the blood… can you answer me since I travel to Ecuador .. Thanks for your answers
The PCR is that of the isopate.
Hi Nicolas, I travel with my husband 2 September from NY where we live, I am Ecuadorian and my husband is a foreigner. My question is, if we arrive with the negative Test test; we could stay in Guayaquil at my mother's house for 10 days only? Do you think we will have problems returning to the United States?, there in immigration when leaving , since we would only be 10 days in Ecuador. Thanks for and prompt response. Cathy
there is no problem, If they have a negative PCR test, they can lead a normal life upon arrival in Ecuador and leave when they need to return..
Good afternoon Mr. Nicolás Larenas, my question is… We traveled to Ecuador with my wife and I and she is pregnant with 4 months and a half she needs the PCR test or not…. And I as a companion and husband also do not need to take the PCR test yes or no…. You seem x my wife we are in the priority attention group.. I accompanied her because she has also had pressure surgery for years, sorry for the inconvenience, I await your response, Mr. Nicolás Larenas, thank you, we are here 3 days of the trip can you inform us as soon as possible thank you good day
The protocol indicates that a pregnant woman belongs to the priority care group, but it is not specified for their companions.
Dear Nicholas : one less than 8 years is within the priority attention group, reason why you do not need to take the PCR test to enter Ecuador ?
That's right Patrick..
I travel to Ecuador on October 1 with a child of 8 years old the child needs covid-19 test
No, the child does not need to be a priority care group.
I want to know if a girl from 5 years I must do the covid test. To be able to enter Ecuador
Hello Nicolas, it is true that Ecuador suspended the entry of foreigners to Ecuador
I have not read, you have link?
Good afternoon. I'm going to go to Quito in October. I'm going from Colombia to Quito. I need to do the PCR test. ?Thank you
It is not yet known if there will be changes to the protocol for the month of October.
Buenas tardes, A concern, the Swab Test is valid??
I have return to Ecuador I travel from Panama on 04 September and I am going to take the test on Monday, I will have no problem entering Ecuador.??? I also travel with my son 14 years old and my two nieces 13 and 10 years they need to take the test??? The information would help me a lot because from so much that comes out it is not known who to believe and I would not want to spend with them in isolation since we do not have the means
As long as the test has maximum 10 days is fine. Children under 18 years do not need to present proof, but they must perform APO in a home or hotel.
Good evening Nikolas. The Latam airlines are not yet informed about the new entry protocol to Ecuador.. from 8.15.20.. therefore they do not want me to be able to enter.. because I have a negative pcr and I exempt myself from the APO ..What I can do??
I do not understand your question, The airline is not the entity that can prevent you from entering Ecuador.
Good day , I want to travel in September, my destination is Loja. Once I have the negative PCR test, Are there any additional requirements to take a domestic flight?
No additional requirement, more than wearing a mask.
Hi Nicolas, a question my mother came on vacation Spain with her husband, He is Spanish and my nephew is from 9 years, they arrived on 24 February and his return was on 13 to open for covit reasons 19 can't come back, they are looking at open flights to return, and they manage to get a return flight, Is there a problem for them to enter the country?, being people of 68 years and the child.
There is no problem that they return as long as they comply with the requirements and protocols.
Excellent service Nicolas. I am Ecuadorian, I live in Chile. And, the requirements are very suitable. God bless you!!
Hi Nicolas, I am in Mexico and I travel the 29 of August, I am going to do the PCR test but the result is given to me digitally due to the clinic's environmental policies, Will the PCR result be valid for me being digital?? Or do I necessarily need a stamp?, business, etc. Greetings.
Hi Fabrizio, good question, not specified about it.
Dear Mr. Nicholas, please, your help with these questions:
the boys of 14 and 15 years, being minors, according to the protocol, they do not need to take the PCR test, it's right?
Who make up the priority attention group??
Thanks in advance for your help
Yes, being minors, are priority attention groups.
People belonging to the following priority care groups and their companions, with those who return from abroad: under 18 years; older than 65 years; pregnant; People with disabilities (with meat); and, people with catastrophic illnesses, rare and orphan diseases defined by the Ministry
Good evening, Excuse me, what is the circulation permit?
Here you have the website:
If she doesn't need the test as you say, because she is pregnant, I mean, I don't need to take the test either, because we are in the priority care rules, thank you Mr. Nicolás Larenas…
It is specified that: People belonging to priority care groups do not require an RT-PCR test and will perform the APO at home. In case of arriving in the country with a negative RT-PCR test, they should not perform the APO.
If the other passenger is not from those groups, must submit proof.
If a person arrives in Ecuador just at curfew, it will be possible to circulate with a safe-conduct?
If possible, but you must also present the boarding pass and circulation permit.
Hello, thank you very much for answering, I forgot to tell you, my mother is diabetic, hypertensive, she should also have the test or she belongs to the priority group.. And since I travel with them, I would have to take the test. 28 years old and I am the mother of my son 5 years
If you are elderly, don't need proof.
Please I travel to the U.S.A in September for 5 business days 2 days before traveling I will take the quantitative covid test. This test helps me to leave the country and enter the country 5 days with the same test to Ecuador thanks for your help..
So says the protocol.
Hello, good afternoon. I have a question. I travel on 28 to Ecuador and they give me the result in three days I can enter
while I have 10 days of validity until entry no problem.
I have a daughter under 3 years that you must return with me to Ecuador . Ask : The minor must undergo the PCR test to enter? if in the US they do not perform such tests on children of that age .
Being from a priority care group, it is not necessary for your daughter to have the test.
Hello, my dear, I would like to know if I can travel by land to Ecuador from Colombia
Land borders remain closed.
Hello my dear I would like to know I travel the 5 September to Ecuador, can i do a pcr test 3 days before the trip if it's ok ?
The test must have maximum 10 days.
Hello there, One question, could you enter Ecuador without a problem with the PCR test done three days before??? I also want to go to Ecuador, thanks and regards
Hello Nicolás Larenas and my wife is pregnant, she also needs to be tested or she doesn't have 4 months and a half of pregnancy please may I know thank you very much
Being a priority care group, It would not be necessary.
Hello Nicolás, I am Peruvian and I want to travel to Spain from Ecuador with an invitation letter and I don't know how to do it
The problem is entering Ecuador from Peru.
From Peru you can enter Ecuador illegally by another route and you can take a plane from Ecuador to Mexico. Do you think there may be a problem?
It is necessary to present an entry stamp to Ecuador, you must follow the legal immigration processes.
Good information, I will travel from Spain to Ecuador on 24 of this month, I already have my PCR negative, I need an affidavit to enter your country?
Yes, the statement will be given to you at the airport or on the plane.
Buenas tardes, a question. I have the appointment to perform the PCR on the day 25-08-2020, and my flight is 03-09-2020. Do the days count from the moment I take the test?? because I would have 10 days before entering Ecuador. Until the exact time?
The protocol says test taken 10 days before entering Ecuador.
I am going to travel to Ecuador with my son and my mother my son has 5 years my son would have to take the pcr test please tell me what is correct so as not to have problems at the Quito airport thank you very much I await your response
Being part of a priority care group does not require.
Hi Nicolas, my question is.. I travel from Switzerland to Ecuador on 3 It's September and here they don't want to do the test if I don't have symptoms what can I do? I'm from Santo Domingo and what I don't want is to do any quarantine in Quito, what do you advise me, Mr. Nicolas?… Another question I travel with my wife she is pregnant and she needs the test or not….. When I get to Quito, I can go home. Thank you, Mr. Nicolas. Please, can you answer my question?…
hello Mauricio, no PCR test, you will have to do the APO in a hotel.
Nicolás, a query allows flights from Brazil to enter, In other words, a Brazilian can enter Ecuador with their respective negative test? Thanks
Yeah right.
To enter Ecuador I have to present my negative PCR test performed 10 days before traveling. Once here in Ecuador, isolation is necessary or not anymore?
With PCR test it is not necessary.
Hello, I want to know if my daughter 6 years old you have to take the pcr test to travel to ecuador
Minors are not required according to the protocol.
Hi, I'm traveling 12 of September and return on 27 of September, when you advise me to take the PCR test so I don't have to do it again upon admission
Maximum 10 days before entering Ecuador.
Hello, I want to travel to Quito from Bogotá, my husband lives there. If I don't take the PCR, I can do the isolation at my husband's house.? Thanks.
So is.
God willing, I will travel with my daughter from 5 years , the girl also has to present the pcr test?
Being a priority care group, the protocol says no.
Hello Nicolás, I am traveling from Madrid to Ecuador the other week.. I would take the test at the beginning of the week because the equator only came as a stopover while I take another plane from another airline to reach my destination, which is Colombia.. I won't need accommodation, certain? Of
You are leaving the airport in Ecuador?
Do the PCR tests have to be translated into Spanish to be able to enter??
It is not specified about it, very good restlessness.
If I travel the 22 August 2020 and I don't have the PCR test, I can do the same from my home and keep the quarantine at home until the result of the test??
The protocol says: temporary accommodation until you have the result.
Hello, I would like to know if the accommodation is at someone's home for those who do not have the income to stay in a hotel if I do not have the proof, thanks
It can be at your home, that's what the protocol says.
Hello, I would like to know if a three-year-old child needs to take the PCR test to travel to Ecuador.
traveled alone 10 days, so I don't know if there would be a problem if the test is not performed
You do not need to present proof, but you will have to isolate 14 days.
Hi Nicolas, I'm here. 30 to Guayaquil from the US but the 31 I leave Guayaquil for Lima, Peru, I have a girl from 7 years it is mandatory to take the molecular test because to enter Peru they only ask me for a certificate of good health, please help me with that
For minors it is not necessary to present proof, but you will have to isolate.
Children under 12 years old have to take a covi19 test to enter Ecuador, I travel the 23 with a minor
They do not require according to the protocol.
Regarding the children, the protocol now says that "children, girls and adolescents without legal representative or father». Therefore, children accompanied by their parents or legal representative must have a negative PCR test.. In U.S.A (Florida at least), PCR tests are not done on children under the age of 5 years. It is these types of cases that I am referring to.. I don't know if in Ecuador they do them to children under the age of 5 years and then there, at least, they would just have to wait for the results while staying in a hotel. now of course, as i have heard (I have no reliable sources to confirm it.) PMU responses are delayed or non-existent, which would further complicate the scenario I mention.
At that point, you're right, it is complicated what you mention.
DANIEL you are misinterpreting the protocol says that the people who belong to the priority care group are not obliged to receive a pcr test … and the following are the children ,girls and adolescents WITHOUT a legal representative, that is, another person who is the parents…….or children,girls and adolescents with father..
geovanny, the text says that "children, girls and adolescents without legal representative or parents». That "without" indicates that minors traveling alone (without legal representative or parents) are those who belong to the priority group. What I believe is that they wrote the text badly and they wanted to say what you mention and that it is what agrees with the article 35 of the constitution.
Travel with 2 girls one of 15 and one of 4 I need to do the covid tests
Being minors, no, but they will have to isolate.
Buenas tardes, A concern, the Swab Test is valid??
I have return to Ecuador I travel from Panama on 04 September and I am going to take the test on Monday, I will have no problem entering Ecuador.??? I also travel with my son 14 years old and my two nieces 13 and 10 years they need to take the test??? The information would help me a lot because from so much that comes out it is not known who to believe and I would not want to spend with them in isolation since we do not have the means
One major rollback change is that now a family with young children is no longer considered to be in the "priority focus group.". This somewhat complicates families traveling with young children and who do not have a negative PCR test for each member., because after arrival they will have to comply with the APO (I assume that only those who are of legal age, not the whole family group. this is not clear) in a hotel (temporary accommodation), either until they take a PCR test and it is negative for all members or until they meet the 13 days (if it tests positive and has no symptoms). It seems to me that this point was not analyzed well, because the norm is designed for solo travelers, not for family groups.
Hi good day, I have my negative PCR test since yesterday , Ya emvie ala pmu ,and until now they don't answer me ,I no longer have money to continue paying for accommodation, which is very expensive .
The PMU response is a big problem, many have reported that they never respond.
Hello there, I travel in December to Ecuador from Spain to Quito with my children, 2 of them minors one of 9 years and 1 baby of 10 months... I have to do the PCR tests on them too??.please I await your answer, gracias..
No, but they must quarantine upon arrival for 15 days.
Hello to this email you are writing
[email protected]
Validate it just in case
Dear Nicholas, This test can be quick or it necessarily has to be a tedious and harmful swab to the nasal passages because I understand that the WHO prohibited these tests, cordial greetings Jose Arias
It must be yes or yes PCR.
that is my equator, one more step to economic recovery, that pride.
Dear Nicolás, according to the new protocol when I travel this 27 August to the United States and do the PCR here in Ecuador on 25 of August, with the same PCR test carried out here in Ecuador on 25 August will serve me for my return 2 of September because it is within the 10 days to be established?
So is, that's right.
Super!! Thanks a lot
Excellent ? Thank you
I want to know if in Ecuador the PCR test is requested for a two-year-old baby
Babies of 2 years do not require it.
This of the minors 2 years do not require proof is still valid ?
So is, it keeps.
Good morning, Nicolás, excellent. I think the changes are more flexible for travelers.. These changes have already been notified to the airports in Ecuador? For the support of travelers?
I'm sure they already notified about it.
Hi Nicolas, Thank you very much for the information.. I am in Saudi Arabia and I must travel to Ecuador on 1 days of september, I am not Ecuadorian I am a foreigner there is no problem with my entry if I comply with the required protocols????
No problem, just make sure you bring your PCR test to avoid isolation.
Another query I am of Venezuelan nationality and I saw that I must have a visa to enter the country, I don't know how to do in that case, why should i travel 1 of September..
You should check with the respective consulate.
And in the case of not having the money to take the test in the country of origin, there is also the option of taking the test when you arrive in Quito and comply with the isolation there because in Quito the family's economic support was already opened, it is possible or not board without proof from the country of origin and seize upon arrival in the country of destination that is what it also says on the page of ecuador
Yes, that is possible as indicated in the protocol.
My esteem Nicholas, I don't know what to do? i live in saudi arabia, riyadh. There is no Ecuadorian embassy here and I don't know where to go to process my visa because I am Venezuelan and thus have access to enter Ecuador.
You would have to go to a country where there is an Ecuadorian consulate.
Nicholas, a query. I can enter Ecuador as a foreigner with a tourist visa?. I am doing the management to be able to leave by the end of September. I will have no problem? Because I will only go to Ecuador for a few days.
Not a problem as long as you bring the negative PCR test.
Good evening
Siy Ecuadorian resident in Lima
My mother, my two daughters and my entenada had to stay in Lima due to the pandemic., They already want to return their current sigydn permit or I have to get new permits
To enter Ecuador they only require a PCR or antigen test, as well as full vaccination card.
Hi Nicolas, a query, I travel to Mexico 16 September and return to Ecuador on 24, if I do the pcr here in ecuador, Is it valid for admission from right here??
As long as you have max 10 days the test, Yes.
Hi, I got tested for covid. 19 the day 10 of September, negative. In USA.. I have a trip planned for him 18 to Guayaquil would have a problem entering the country since by then they would already pass 8 days?? Thanks
can have maximum 10 days.
Hello Nicolás my name is Cristina Rodríguez, I have a question. I just read an article where it is said that the test must be current 72 hours, but in this article it is said that it is ten days, can you please explain it. I am Ecuadorian but I live in the US.
To enter Ecuador are 10 days, no 72 hours.
good morning mr nicolas, My question is, is a quick antigen test useful for me to enter Ecuador as of today? 21 May 2021
As long as it is antigen, Yes, it works.
Dear Nicholas. I am currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment abroad and I need to enter my country Ecuador.
I have to take a PCR test? Or I belong to the priority group?
I don't know what kind of diseases are considered in that group, when in doubt, it would be better if you come with the test or check with the Consulate or MSP.
Hi, excuse me, please help.. Look, I'm traveling tomorrow morning and on Tuesday I did the pcr and on Thursday they notified me that it came out negative and they agreed to give me the result until Friday at the latest but it never arrived... and I don't have money to stay and wait, what can I do anymore? he wants to help me
You need at least one email the result, insist that they give you the result. Sino, You will have to get another test in Ecuador and comply with isolation.
What would happen to the children, for example? 6 years
They have to bring the Rtpcr test or when they arrive they quarantine
They have to isolate upon arrival.
Good evening, I'm going to travel to the Dominican Republic, my husband, my son. 21 years my daughter of 13 years old and I my husband and I are diabetics my husband is Dominican I want to know if we should take the covid test to go to the Dominican Republic
I understand that the Dominican Republic does not ask for any type of test to enter, but it is better to consult at the Embassy where you are.
I would like to know if I need to do PCR on my daughter 4 years old to enter Ecuador
I leave you the updated information:
Hello, good evening. I plan to travel. 10 days in chicago with my son 4 years in December upon return he also has to bring the PCR test or only those of legal age?
adults only.
Hi Nicolas, From what age is considered older?? It was not mentioned in the protocol?
Since the 18 years.
We spoke with the Ecuadorian embassy in CDMX and they told us that the tests are mandatory for children as well.
To get to Ecuador under 18 years do not need a test as they are priority care groups.
Hi, I'm going to travel in November from Spain. I need the PCR test.
See if your nationality allows you to enter, more than the test requirement.
Good afternoon, my dear, sorry for a question where we could review the list of laboratories approved by the COE or MSP to carry out the PCR test for a trip abroad
On the MSP website it must be.
My son has 16 years old and has tickets to travel to Ecuador on 25 from December,need proof
If you want to avoid isolation, Yes.