Cessna SkyCourier flight deck

There are already two Cessna SkyCouriers flying

The company Textron Aviation announcementó what doesó with ésuccessful flight of his second aircraftótest number of the new Cessna SkyCourier (P1).

The historic flightórich for the avióA high-wing utility vehicle comes just two and a half months lateréts the Cessna SkyCourier prototype took off for the first time on 17 past may. the grandfatherón P1 is the first avióproduction flight test numberón configured as a freighter.

The first flight of the P1, piloted by Peter Gracey and Todd Dafforn, duró one hour and 35 minutes reaching an altitude máxima de 14.200 feet with a speed máxima de 210 knots. The aircraft will be usedá for the flight test program, mainly for system testing, including motors, emissions control and aviónica.

The second aircraft joins the Cessna SkyCourier prototype within the certification programónumber of flight tests, what to includeá three variations of airplanes. Since the Cessna SkyCourier prototype completedó its first flight in May, the aircraft has completed with ésuccess 38 flights and has registered más de 76 flight hours. A través of flights, the team has been able to expand the límites speed and center of gravity, complete preliminary engine and h testsélice, así as initial stability and maneuverability tests.


The Cessna SkyCourier will be offeredá in various configurations, included as cargo ship with cargo capacity úto them 6,000 pounds and a versionón of 19 passenger seats, all based ​​on the com platformún, making it the aircraft of the future to replaceíto airplanes like the Beechcraft 1900.

Diseñdesigned for high utilizationón, The Cessna SkyCourier isá designed to offer a combinationóperformance number sólido and lower operating costs. the grandfatherón features the popular avióunique Garmin G1000 NXi and offers highlights such as a faster cruising speedámaximum of up to 200 knots and a range máximo of 900 miles náUticas. The Cessna SkyCourier includeá pressure refuelingósingle point as isástandard to allow for m response timesás ráI ask.



Length54 ft 10 in (16.71 m)
Alto21 ft 0 in (6.40 m)
Enbergadura72 ft (21.95 m)


Payload máximo (passengers)5,000 lb (2,268 kg)
Payload máximo (load)6,000 lb (2,722 kg)


Passengers máwe moan19


Required runway length3,300 ft (1,006 m)
Speed ​​mácruise xima200 ktas (370 km/h)
Alcance máximo900 nm (1,667 km)
range with load (with 5,000 lb)400 nm (741 km)
service ceiling25,000 ft (7,620 m)


MakerPratt & Whitney Canada
Power1,100 shp (820kW)
Manufacturer hélistsMcCauley
descriptionónBlackmac 4-blade aluminum, auto feathering, reverse

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