Quito airport recovery statistics passengers flights cargo

Quito Airport advances in the recovery of air traffic

The Quito airport move towards recoveryón of the tráI'm theéinmate in a sustained manner since the resumptionón of business operations.

After the reactivationón of commercial flights from 1 last june, where it gave way to regular national and international operations, Marshal Sucre advances in what to beá a long recovery processón what monún THERE IT IS, couldítaking 4 o más añsubject to several factors, especially, económonkeys.

Quito airport: recover usón

Regarding domestic flights, during the months of June and July, three airídenies (Avianca, Latam and Aeroregional) They offered connections with six destinations within the countryís (Guayaquil, Cuenca, Manta, Store, Coca and Santa Rosa); for august, three additional destinations added (Esmeraldas, San CristóBal and Baltra).

The aerosolsíInternational routes grew from three in June with three destinations (ÁAmsterdam, Miami y Houston), to six in July with five destinations (Madrid and Fort Lauderdale joined) and nine in August with seven destinations (City of M was incorporatedéMexico and Panamaá, although only for connections).

Andrew O’Brian, President and CEO of Corporación Quiport, explainó to resume operations on 1 of June I allowedó gain essential time for reactivationón of connectivity.

“Of the airports that closed in Américh Latina due to the health emergency, Quito airport was the first to resume national and international flights, implementing strict protective measuresón sanitary and applying the protocols established by the Committeeé Emergency Operations; at that moment, the entire regionón remained expectant about what happenedíin Quito”, explainó the top executive.

In the first month of the restart, they mobilized 20 thousand passengers, this figure doubledó a 42 thousand passengers in July and in August we transport más de 48 thousand passengers. In the whole period, between 1 June and the 24 of September, we already exceeded 166 thousand passengers. Nevertheless  these números isán far from those registered before the health emergency and represent the 10% of those registered in the same month of 2019.

For December, according to Quiport projections, at Quito airport operateán 13 aerolíneas reaching 10 international destinations. On 2019 they flew 16 aerolíneas a 18 international destinations.

charge recovers

April was the worst month for exportsón cargo through Quito airport. At approxída was from 33.5% compared to the same month of 2019. Since then the recoveryón has been constant: In the May comparison the caída was from 9%, in June it was 4.7% and by July it was registeredó a growth of 1.8% compared to the same month of 2019 and in August the increase was 10.1%.

The main export productónpor vía aéarea from Quito are the flowers, a productive activity that employs thousands of people in the northern central mountains of El País.

It should be remembered that cargo operations at the capital airport were not suspended at any time.ún moment since the start of the health emergency, what I allowedó maintain flower activitiesícolas y además the airport was the entry point for medicines, inputs mémedicines and material for Covid tests.

Operationón safe

The 27 August, the Quito International Airport obtained the Accreditationón Airport Health (AHA, by its acronym in Englishés) Awarded by Airports Council International (ACI, by its acronym in Englishés). Accreditationón Airport Health (AHA) of ACI is based on the recommendations of the Council of the Organizationón of Aviationón Civil International (OACI) to establish common health measures and isá aligned with the best práACI tactics, así as with the aviation security protocolón developed by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

The aspects evaluated in the program include cleaning and disinfectionón, distancing fíphysical (when feasible and práskeptic), protecciónumber of airport staff, distributionón física, communicationón with passengers and passenger facilities.

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