the airíline in trainingón Ecuadorian Airlines information about job offers, tickets and alsoén about cóhow to invest in the company.
Ecuadorian Airlines publicó a new statement seeking to clarify some details towards the opinionón pública referente a procesos de selección de personal y ofertas laborales, assumptions «free tickets» a nombre de la aerolínea que se están ofreciendo por vía telefóunique and alsoén sobre posibilidades de inversión en la misma.
Regarding job offers, the airínea indica lo siguiente:
Equally, hemos recibido amplia cantidad de preguntas sobre oportunidades laborales en Ecuatoriana Airlines y apreciamos el interés en nuestra aerolínea. En este sentido informamos que la aerolíjust startá su proceso de contratación in December 2020 or early January 2021, However, sólo entrevistaremos a candidatos que posean un fuerte conocimiento del idioma inglés tanto escrito como hablado. If you meet this first requirement, le recomendamos que participe anticipadamente enviando su currículum (CV) a [email protected].
Regarding a new modality of fraud that isá realizando por vía telefónica a nivel nacional, where supposedly free tickets are offered in the name of Ecuadorian Airlines, this comments:
Los afectados por dichos intentos de engaño están recibiendo llamadas indicando que han ganado un pasaje de ida y vuelta en Ecuatoriana Airlines de Quito a Guayaquil.
For this end, se solicita una tarjeta de crédito para cubrir los impuestos del billete aéreo. Ecuatoriana Airlines is notá involucrada de ninguna manera con este acto fraudulento ni ofrecemos billete gratis, la empresa se encuentra en proceso de certificación before the aero authorityáutica, por lo que el inicio de operaciones será informado oportunamente en los prówe cry months. Si usted recibe una llamada por favor no proporcione ninguna información personal y póngase en contacto con su autoridad policial local.
Finally, en el comunicado publicado en sus redes sociales y página web habla de las posibilidades de inversión en la aerolínea:
Queremos indicar también sobre oportunidades de inversión en Ecuatoriana Airlines. Para aquellos interesados en recibir un paquete de cartera de inversióno informationóadditional n, recomendamos enviar un correo electróunique to [email protected].
Follow, continueé actualizando sobre las novedades de esta aerolíline in trainingón.
Good morning, please, if you give me information about the airline so I can apply for airline security , I have knowledge of the English language , airport courses etc etc. help me with the telefs please
Hello there! I don't have that phone number data.
I would like ,work with a cabin crew or flight attendant , Thank you , best regards.
You must be attentive to the so-called contracting officers.
Buenas tardes
I would like to work in your airline. I have experience in.
El aerial from ramp or platform..
I have many airport courses.
Also in airport security
from supervisor console .
I have a lot of experience..
Good evening, excuse me, do you accept interns for maintenance technicians?? I already did my first practice in the Shell in minor aviation, but I want to gain experience in major aviation.
I recommend contacting the company directly..
Hello Nico, you can still apply for a pilot… Do you know the contacts or telephone numbers to call thanks
Hi Adrian, i would think so. In this post is the email to apply that they had shared.
Good afternoon, I would like to belong to this airline. I have experience in security. My airport courses are in force. Airport experiences. 7 years
Hopefully job opportunities will open.
Good morning, I have experience in aviation, I work at Emsa DHL in everything that is customs cargo, please, I hope they take me into account
Good morning, when you need staff, you will upload the job offers to this blog.… thanks for the reply.
If I find offers, I will publish them-
dear nicholas, something is known about the recruitment for cabin crew of this airline?
No friend, not known yet.
I used to work at Goddard catering and I know a lot about service on board airlines, maybe even a job there in the warehouse, cleaning, etc.
Kind regards
Darwin Cushicagua
Seeing Ecuadorian again in our and in foreign skies will fill Ecuadorians with so much pride and I hope that this project will come to fruition very soon and begin to fly.….
we all expect that, thanks for comment.
Hi Nicolas, I would like to know if they are still with him, recruitment process to be able to work in such a distinguished airline, thank you very much for your reply.
I understand that they continue, but there is no hiring yet as they don't start flying until july or later.
They are not looking for cabin crew yet?
From what I understand, not yet.
Hello.. they called me to win 2 Air tickets from Ecuadorian airlines... they didn't ask me for anything in return, I'm talking about money or cards…They only told me to confirm the time that I can be there... and they send me a code so that they can assist me… Is that true or not????
totally false, This same post talks about it.. The airline is not flying yet, so they called you is a scam.
Good day, Cheers
I would like to work in this airline, my obstacles would be my size and age since I have 32 years, it will be possible to enter, if someone helps him to see if I have possibilities
You should wait for the hiring process and it all depends on which area of the company you want to apply to.
The operation of Ecuatoriana Airlines is already approved by the Directorate of Aviation??
Not yet, and after the approval of the CNAC, the certification process is coming. In the statement above they talk about it.
A question how much English they are asking for will be a 80% spoken or written, or evening a basic English
For what it says in the same statement it would be high or advanced English.
Thank you very much Nicolás for the information because I am very happy with the new project in our country
I'm glad this airline continues to make progress, because it is EC PLUS nothing is known.
No, nothing new has been known.