In this report we review cóhow the recover usón of the tráI'm theéworld criminal in the midst of the worst crisis in the history of aviationón.
With generally pessimistic data and that in several countriesíThere have been signs of recoveryón más slower than expected, THERE IT IS actualizó his report on the tráI'm theéworld prisoner for the month of september.
In this report, the Associationóno. of Transport AéInternational prisoner (THERE IT IS) announcementó that passenger demand in September remains very depressed.
- The total demand (measured in passenger-kilometersómeters of income or RPK) It was 72,8% below September levels 2019 (only betteró slightly with respect to the decreaseón annual 75,2% registered in August).
- capacity was reduced by 63% in comparisonón with ago añor and the occupancy factorón cayó 21,8 percentage points to 60,1%.
- International passenger demand in September plummetedó a 88,8% in comparisonón with September 2019, báphysically unchanged from the startífrom del 88,5% registered in August. Capacity plummetedó a 78,9% and the occupancy factorón was reduced by 38,2 percentage points up to 43,5%.
- Domestic demand in September fell by 43,3% in comparisonón with the añprevious one, bestó from a houseífrom del 50,7% in August. In comparisonón with 2019, capacity felló a 33,3% and the occupancy factoróno problemó 12,4 percentage points up to 69,9%.
As for the análysis by regióThe following information is revealedón:
- The demand of transporters Europeans in September it collapsedó a 82,5% in comparisonón with ago añO, which meant a revés in comparisonón with a caífrom del 80,5% in August. Europe was the úno kingsówhat an experimentó a deterioration in theácheap in comparisonón with August, due to new infections leading to a wave of border closures. Capacity shrank 70,7% and the occupancy factorón was reduced by 35,1 percentage points up to 51,8%.
- The tráAerosol ficídaughters of Asia-Pacífico in September it sankó a 95,8% in comparisonón with the same personíI smell the añprevious one, právirtually unchanged from a caífrom del 96,2% in August. To the kingsón beó suffering from caífell to meás pronounced in the tráfico, as flight restrictions have remained strict with little reopening of borders. Capacity plummetedó a 89,6% and the occupancy factorón was reduced 46,8 percentage points to 31,7%, the más low among regions.
- The aerosolsídaughters of middle East recorded a decreaseón of the tráfig of 90,2% in September, an upgrade from a caígives of the demand of the 92,3% in August. Capacity felló a 78,5% and the occupancy factorón se hundió 40,9 percentage points up to 34,4%.
- The aerosolsídenies norteamericanas experimentaron una caíday of the tráfig of 91,3% in September, una ligera mejora desde una caífrom del 92,0% in August. Capacity felló a 78,3% and the occupancy factorón cayó 49,8 percentage points to 33,4%.
- The aerosolsídenies latinoamericanas enfrentaron una caígives of the demand of the 92,2% in September, in comparisonón with the same month from toñor past, in front of a houseífrom del 93,4% en agosto frente a agosto de 2019. Capacity plummetedó a 87,9% and the occupancy factorón cayó 29,3 percentage points to 53,3%, the más high among regions.
- The tráAerosol ficídenies africanas is rushingó a 88,5% in September, just movedó of a caífrom del 88,7% in August. Capacity shrank 74,7% and the occupancy factorón cayó 39,4 percentage points to 32,6%, que fue el segundo más low among regions.
Mi hermano ya fue a migración del Eiza y le dijeron que era mejor que cambiarnos el viaje por qué no están aprobados eso vuelos hasta después del 29 de noviembre que está el decreto solo de nacionales y residentes de limitrofes.
Good afternoon Nicolás, tengo viaje desde medellín buenos Aires para el 20 of November, pero cuando reviso los requisitos para ingresar dice que tránsitos desde panama no está aceptados. Solo los limitrofes. And I called to change the flights but they told me that they don't have any more routes open yet for Argentina.
In Panama you can make a transit or stopover without leaving the airport without any problem.