united tests latin america covid flights houston

United will offer tests for travelers from Houston to Latin America

the airíNorth American airline United Airlines announcedó what to offerá COVID-19 tests for passengers traveling from Houston to Latin Americaérica.

United announcedó Today the expansionón of your program of COVID-19 tests to include flights from Houston to certain destinations on Américh Latin and Caribbean. From 7 from December, Passengers traveling from George Bush Intercontinental Airport will haveán the opción to self-administer and mail a test that meets local entry requirements for the following destinations, what will allow themá meet your family or start your vacation más ráI ask:

Aruba (DO NOT)

Belice (BZE)

• Guatemala city, Guatemala (CAVE)

• Lima, Perú (LI)

Panamá (PTY)

• Funán, Honduras (RTB)

• San Pedro Sula, Honduras (SAP)

• San Salvador, The Savior (SHALL)

• Nassau, Bahamas (NAS) • Tegucigalpa, Honduras (TGU)

The cost testá USD$119. To beá administered by Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL) and processed at their COVID-19 testing lab in San Antonio, Texas. United will communicateá with passengers 14 díbefore your flight with informationón about the specific requirementsífics of the countryís to travel toán and provide themá instructions on cóhow to request the test. United advises passengers to research local requirements for specific questions.íyou stay  United offerá COVID-19 testing for passengers traveling from Houston to Am destinationsérich Latin and Caribbean.

Passengers are encouraged to take their test 72 hours before your departure and wait to receive your results by emailóunique within 24-48 hours to mail your proof.

The self-administration kitón of ADL includes a pl tubeástic, a nasal swab and instructions on cóhow to collect the sample correctly. The interaction systemóADL's virtual health centerá available to assist passengers traveling to países that require a health professional to supervise the COVID-19 test. United has worked closelyón with the officials of each countryís to ensure that any passenger with a negative result can enter the país, whether they are foreigners or nationals returning home.

¿Whaté les parece esta alternativa que busca motivar e incrementar la demanda de viaje ante la llegada de temporada alta de diciembre?

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