Copa Airlines, the main airínew of Panamá informs of its international flights and routes for the months of January and February.
Siguiendo con su largo proceso de recuperación de su operatividad desde el «Hub of the Américh» Copa Airlines presentó en sus redes sociales la actualización de sus vuelos y destinos para los meses de enero y febrero.
Aunque dadas las diferentes restricciones que se implementan y que cambian rápiously, all this informationón es sujeta a cambios y se actualizará de ser necesario. Los vuelos operando y los próximos a operar son los siguientes:
- Panama Cityá – Aruba
- Panama Cityá – Asunción
- Panama Cityá – Barranquilla
- Panama Cityá – Belice
- Panama Cityá – Belo Horizonte
- Panama Cityá – Bogotaá
- Panama Cityá – Boston
- Panama Cityá – Buenos Aires
- Panama Cityá – Bucaramanga
- Panama Cityá – Brasilia
- Panama Cityá – Cali
- d cityand Panamaá – Delún
- Panama Cityá – Caracas flights resume from 23 of January of 21 with 4 weekly frequencies.
- Panama Cityá – Cartagena
- Panama Cityá – Chicago
- Panama Cityá – Curacao (NUEVO) from the 1 march 2021.
- Panama Cityá – David
- Panama Cityá – Denver
- Panama Cityá – Fort Lauderdale
- Panama Cityá – Guatemala city
- Panama Cityá – Georgetown
- Panama Cityá – Guadalajara
- Panama Cityá – Guayaquil
- Panama Cityá – Córgood (NUEVO) from the 1 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Curacao (NUEVO) from the 2 april 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Saint Martin
- Panama Cityá – Kingston
- Panama Cityá – Havana restricted to only 3 weekly frequencies by order of the Government of Cuba, from the 2 march 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Lima
- Panama Cityá – The Ádrooling
- Panama Cityá – Managua (NUEVO) from the 1 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Manaos (NUEVO)
- Panama Cityá – Averageín
- Panama Cityá – Mendoza (NUEVO) from the 21 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – City of México
- Panama Cityá – Miami
- Panama Cityá – Montevideo
- iudad de Panamá – Monterrey (NUEVO)
- Panama Cityá – Montego Bay
- Panama Cityá – New York JFK
- iudad de Panamá – Nassau (NUEVO)
- Panama Cityá – Orlando
- Panama Cityá – Paramaribo (NUEVO) from the 2 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Pereira
- Panama Cityá – Porto Alegre (NUEVO) from the 1 march 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Port of Spainña (NUEVO) from the 1 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Punta Cana
- Panama Cityá – Quito
- Panama Cityá – Recife (NUEVO) from the 21 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Rio de Janeiro Galeao
- Panama Cityá – Rosario (NUEVO) from the 1 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Saint Martin (NUEVO)
- Panama Cityá – San Andrésés Isla (NUEVO) starts from the 26 February 2021.
- Panama Cityá – San José (Costa Rica)
- Panama Cityá – San Juan
- Panama Cityá – San Francisco
- Panama Cityá – San Pedro Sula
- Panama Cityá – San Salvador
- Ciudad from Panamaá – Santa Cruz
- Panama Cityá – Santa Clara (NUEVO) from the 7 april 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Santiago de Chile
- Panama Cityá – Santiago of the Knights (NUEVO) from the 21 June 2021.
- Panama Cityá – Santo Domingo
- Panama Cityá – Sao Paulo Guarulhos
- Panama Cityá – Tampa (NUEVO)
- Panama Cityá – Tegucigalpa
- Panama Cityá – Toronto
- Panama Cityá – Valencia (Venezuela) from the 25 of January of 2021 with 1 weekly flight.
- Panama Cityá – Washington Dulles
*Recordar que la entrada a Canadá, Uruguay and Argentina allowed úonly for nationals and residents.
Hello, I have a flight from Havana to Guyana by the drink with a connection in Panama from 13 hours and I don't have a visa, I will have a problem
As long as you don't leave the airport, you shouldn't have any problems.
Good evening, I'm Peruvian and I'm traveling from Peru to Ecuador for a one-hour stopover in Panama and I'm wondering if they ask me for a passport in Panama since I can enter Ecuador with my ID
In theory, as long as you do not leave the connection area you do not have to migrate.
I have a ticket to paramaribo
Flights depart on June 3
Copa will have a flight on June 3 from Havana to Paramaribo
Can you confirm with the airline?
Hello there, I would like to know, I need to get to my country Venezuela , I'm in Brazil and one option is to get to Panama and then get to ccs, They tell me that I must have a Panamanian visa to be able to fly from there to vzla , can you help me it's hard to find information
you shouldn't need, since you are not leaving the airport.
I had a flight from Bs.As.Panama.Havana for the 12 May 2020, rescheduled for the 12 May 2021, the flight would leave 453 Wednesday?. I read that they were 3 the weekly flights that is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; Now I read Tuesday and Thursday. The truth is that this is day by day, but the situation overwhelms me.
Try to call Copa or through their social networks to confirm the flights.
Hello Nicolas, a question I entered Chile on 15 december of 2020 With a negative PCR test and flight insurance, the months that I will be here I will return to my country, Ecuador, on 2 March of the 2021 I don't need anything to go out
There are no requirements to leave, but you must consult the requirements of the country of your final destination.
Good morning; I have a pending ticket since March 2020; I left it open, I traveled directly to Maracaibo; venezuela;
Contact the airline at their call center or website