netherlands klm flights restrict entry south america holland

The Netherlands prohibits entry from South America, KLM changes its flights

Given the measure of the Países Bajos that restricts the entry of all nationalities of On América, KLM changes the operation of your flights.

A new measure implemented by the Government of Paílow ses (formerly Holland) and which has been confirmed by the Parliament of this countryís, so the aerosolínea KLM verá alterada la operationón of their flights to the regionón.

This measure to beá valid since 23 from January to 5 February 2021, but subject to extensionón of the same, propíbe the tráI'm theéprisoner between On América y Byeílow ses, affecting the following países of the regionón más United Kingdom and Southáfear:

  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Guyana
  • Panamá
  • Paraguay
  • Perú
  • Suriname
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

further, travelers who sí can travel to Paílow ses, dutyán present a PCR test at the time of boarding the flight and upon arrival additionally take a r testárequest and carry out mandatory quarantine 10 días, All these measures are framed in the appearanceón of new mutations reported in both Brazil As the United Kingdom.

KLM flights

In this way, the airínea máPa's importantíses Bajos confirmedó que la operationón and flights to South América, fundamental en la operationón long distance company will be madeá as follows while the ban lastsón:

  • Arrival flights to South Américh from Holland, transportán passengers and cargo.
  • Departing flights from South Américh towards Holland, just transportán load; that is to say, do not includeá passengers, until further noticeón from the Dutch authorities.
  • While the measure lasts, flights operateán at the same known times.
  • The núgroup of frequencies isán subject to changes and provisions of the authorities.

To know the status of flights, Consult directly with your travel agency or on the KLM website for alternatives.

Follow, continueé updating.

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9 comentarios en “Países Bajos prohíbe ingreso desde Sur América, KLM changes its flights”

  1. Hello, good morning friend, a question from Ecuador to Holland, tourist flights are leaving because my wife has a flight but in reality she is going to Portugal, she just has to make a transfer there.…!!

  2. Carlos Fernandez

    thanks Nicholas, because I tell you that my flight was canceled for this one 29 from January, They offered me a voucher or money back. Kind regards.

  3. Carlos Fernandez

    Yesterday, Saturday, KLM reached an agreement with the government of that country. Now it looks like there will be some flexibility, but the suspension of flights to South America and Ecuador is actually maintained? Do you know something about it Nicholas??

    1. Hi Carlos, just as it says in this post, there is no suspension of flights, what there is is an adjustment to the operation, arriving from Europe with passengers and cargo, but returning to Europe without passengers and only with cargo.

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