air traffic 2020 world passengers statistics icao

This was the drop in passenger air traffic in the world 2020

OACI has revealed its complete state reportístic about whaté it happenedó with the tráI'm theéinmate of passengers around the world during the difícil 2020.

We all know the pandemic and the impactón in the economyíworld is unprecedented, but on this occasion the Organizationón of Aviationón Civil International – ICAO publicó an expanded report where we can know that the tráI'm theéguilty of 2020 all over the world felló at levels equivalent to 2003.

Sí, how did you read it, The núnumber of passengers who traveled onñor past is equivalent to having gone back 17 años, everything when the aviationón was at its best historical growth ratesórico, powered by never-before-operated destinations, new aerosolílines and planes flying más far, consuming less.

The report indicates the reductionón of the seating capacity was a 50% the Añor past, Total passenger volume decreasedó a 60%, dátaking a tripájust 1800 million people during the first toñor the pandemic, in front of the 4500 millions of passengers who flew 2019.

The figures of the Organizationón also indicateén that the líneas aéareas have suffered some péfinancial losses worth 370.000 millions of dólares as a result of COVID-19, and that airports and navigation service providersón aérea (ANSP) have experienced some péadditional losses of 115.000 millions and 13.000 million respectively.

Due to large-scale confinement measures, the border closures and travel restrictions that have been put in place around the world, In April the global volume of público passenger habíhas descended a 92% with respect to the levels of 2019, that is, an average of 98% of the decreaseón observed in the tráinternational and 87% on trips toénational prisoners.

The tráI'm theéprisoner in the future

A key point is recoveryón y witháhow long to takeá This process, but the restrictive measures that governments continue to implement, instead of relaxing them, postponeá aún más return to the level of 2019.

La Organizationón does not expect improvements in the global outlook before the second quarter of 2021, although you are dependingán of management effectivenessón of the pandemic and the introductionón gradual vaccinationón.

Sayún the hipsótesis más optimistic, It is expected that in June 2021 the volume of p has been recoveredúpassenger ship in a 71% regarding their levels of 2019 (the 53% for the púinternational passenger ship and 84% for the national). a hipótesis más pessimista prevé a recoveryón of only the 49% (the 26% for the púinternational passenger ship and 66% for the national).

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2 comentarios en “Esta fue la caída del tráfico aéreo de pasajeros del mundo 2020

  1. Excellent in data. It remains to be noted that although it is true that airline demand has decreased, However, cargo airlines are pleased.

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