helicopter industry evolution world crisis

Helicopter industry adapts to the current crisis

In this installment we review cómo the industry helixópteros evolves and adapts to the current crisis circumstances worldwide.

The transportation marketéprisoner has undoubtedly been affected by the arrival of the pandemic, and in this sense the challenge máThe most important thing that companies have is to continue operating and maintain the biosafety protocols to take care of both passengers and crews; However, the opportunity appears for people to use aviationóminor n (small airplanesños y helixópteros) as an optionón for your transfers with the aim of having as little contact as possible that occurs on regular commercial flights.

The arrival of the pandemic alsoén significó innovación for companies, for instance, Ecocopter realizedó at factoriesón y adaptationón of a insulating capsule to be able to carry out passenger transfers withíhelical respiratory symptoms or diseasesópteros, something that is not available in the local market.

The firm maintains a strict protocol to guarantee biosafety measures during the transfers it carries out., What, for instance: practice every 15 dítesting of personnel involved in flights, spaghettién they implement medical controlsótemperature, así such as cleaning with disinfectant products and requiring the use of masks, on the other hand, the helicalsópteros go through an exhaustive disinfection processón after each flight.

“a lessonñThe pandemic has left us with a very clear message and that is that we are capable of adapting, to innovate and be resilient. Ecocopter's objective is to reinforce its offer in Ecuador as a safe alternative to make transfers toéhelic iceópteros” I sayó Gustavo Junovich, General Manager of Ecocopter Ecuador.  

The firm within its reactivation strategyón econóit's small money 2021 is looking at the possibility of joining adventure tourism activities that areán growing in the Ecuador, such as HeliBike services and passenger transfers to adventure places., what are the mounts like?ñas.

Notably Helibike It is an activity that Ecocopter has been carrying out for several years.ños in Chile. This adventure, consists of carrying people with their bicycles, where you can only get there by flying or climbing by días. From thereí, you can enjoy long descents throughés of natural and challenging trails, passing through various points of contemplationón, ríos and lagoons of the wonderful Andes mountain range.

The helical serviceópteros also worksén to carry out rescues on occasions when adventure tourists require it due to various situations.

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