Colombia remote control tower

Colombia will debut first remote control tower

The AiráCivil utica of Colombia announcementó that began the pilot testing phase of the country's first remote control towerís at C Airportúdisease. Frequentis reference photo.

In the próximos días, the Airáutica Civil pondrá an ambitious Pilot Project for Remote Control of the Tr is underwayáI'm theéreo a través of Digital Towers equipped with úlatest technologyía. This development will allowá the entity to manage landings and takeoffs of aircraft at airports of differentíeasy access and logístic; who face an emergency, how it happenedó a San Andrés and Providencia after the passage of Hurricaneán IOTA, or have a low núgroup of operationséreas, in which to optimizeía Tr ControláI'm theéreo (ATC, by its acronym in Englishés).

this pilot, what will developá initially at the Camilo Daza Airport in Cúcute and then beá taken to uncontrolled airports of the Northern Regional of Santander of the Aerocivil, worká thanks to a complex and modern technological systemógic, composed of teams and cámaras de alta definitionón, in which they were invested 280 millions of pesos.

This is the result of work carried out by the entity with the objective of implementing new technology.ífor managementón of the tránsito aéreo, that supports navigation servicesón aéArea in Colombia. All this in accordance with the Regulationsón established by the Organizationón of Aviationón Civil International (OACI) and entities such as the European Security Agency Aérea (EASA).

Remote Tower is a visualization systemón in real time, which helps the traffic controlleránsito aéprisoner to maintain continuous surveillance with the operationséareas in the áaircraft maneuvering areaóDromo, themselvesúAeron engineers explaináutica Civil, with the support of the SINEA project (National Space System Aéreo).

This is achieved using a set of cámaras de alta definitionón and video output with resolutionón of míYOU 1080 pixels and 25 frames per second, that allows managing the landing and takeoff of aircraft in conditions of high operational safety in airports that until today do not have the provisionón of control services, or who face a situationóemergency number, how it happenedó recently on the island of Providencia after the passage of Hurricaneán IOTA.

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6 comments on “Colombia will launch its first remote control tower”

  1. I understand Mr. Nicolás but if I take the test missing 10 days for the trip to Ecuador what happens that here the test is delivered from the 22 days I can request a text message from the health center here in Switzerland verifying that it is negative or by email both things can be valid because here is a lot of the order request sorry I await your response and my three-month-old baby does not need thank you for being a vulnerable person

  2. Excellent initiative and management by the Colombian Aeronautical Authority. Without a doubt, the entire aeronautical community of the SAM region will be attentive to the results of this pilot project..

  3. Hello, good afternoon. I have a question. I would like to know how the entrance to the country of Ecuador works. I would like to know the protocols. I want to travel on 30 from april to ecuador my departure is from switzerland to quito i travel with my husband and my baby from 3 months and a half after birth the PCR test is mandatory please answer my question thank you …

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