wingo flight cancun medellin flights international route

Wingo announces new international flight to Cancun

the airíColombian low cost nea Wingo announces new international flight to Delún From Rionegro de Medell airportín.

After the arrival of his sixth avión Boeing 737-800 and pointing to significant international growth and doméStico from Colombia, the airíNea announcedó a new destination in México.

Pese a la the situationón negative world for transport toéreo, some aerosolíNEAS have found new market niches or growth opportunities thanks to the decline of large groups toéinmates of the regionón, as was the announcement of Live Air to fly tooéfrom Medellín with his new hub.

Before the pandemic, Interjet habíOpen the door and stimulusó A little exploited market previously, Flights between Canún y Medellín, ante númere positive and possibility of growth under the low cost mode, Wingo confirmó flights between Medellín the Cancún at the following schedules operating from the 28 march 2021:

  • Flight P5-7408 take offá from Medellinín at 10:17 am and landá in cancún to the 1:32 pm after 3 hours and 15 minutes in direct flight operated on Boeing aircraft 737-800.
  • Flight P5-7409 take offá of Cancerún to the 1:08 pm and landá a Mediumín at 4:18 pm after 3 hours and 10 minutes in direct flight operated on Boeing aircraft 737-800.

Initially with two weekly flights operatedíThursdays and Sundays, But with an interesting projectionón of growth with its existing route from Bogotá, the airínea searchá underpin your international presence hoping to continue winning every time más a piece máS Big of the cake of the important and such competitive Colombian Aer.

For this new Wingo to court flightún, the company has featured a very attractive promotional introductory price since the $190 round trip including taxes and fees, value with which he intends to have an occupationón superior al 70% his 186 available seats.

Short term, Wingo hopes to increase its fleet with the transfer of MáS B738 aircraft from its Copa Airlines and As Matrix Houseí keep coming to destinationsún más distant and in competition with large airlineíNeas of the continent.

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