types fuel aviation airplanes airline industry jet A1 avgas

types of aviation fuel

In this new installment we will reviewáThey are the types of aviation fuelón that are used in aviationón commercial, general, military and industry in general.

It is a fundamental part so that the industryéarea comes into motion, without this there simply will not beíso that planes make the beautiful moment of takeoff into the infinite sky.

Okay, there are aircraft that fly autonomouslyónamed, but that require an impulse to rise, such as a glider that is generally towed by an aircraft.ón that requires aviation fuelón to move, but that's another topic.

Although it is essential in the industry toérea, aviation fuelón is not the same for the entire operationón and there are different types.

fuel types

And tégeneral terms, The fuel is divided into AVGAS and Jet Fuel más known as JET A and A1.

Jet A1

It is the one that commercial airplanes powered by jet engines or turbohélice utilizan para su operationón is colorless and refined from kerosene.

  • The freezing pointón of Jet A is -40 Celsius degrees, while the Jet A1 freezes at -47° what makes him the máIt's suitable for long-haul international flights, especially those that fly over polar routes.
  • Jet A1 mainly contains heat dissipating additives.áethics.
  • The Jet A is primarily used in the US. UU., While Jet A1 is más común in the rest of the world.


Aviation gasolineón when translating it directly, It is the type of fuel used by airplanes with piston engines.ón mainly used by pilot schools, aviationón minor and private.

Electric EXHAUST tooén includes two subtypes, what are the AVGAS 100 and AVGAS 100LL. The 100 in both types it refers to the octane rating.

  • The EXHAUST 100 has a high lead content (tetraethyl plomo additive), while AVGAS 100LL (low lead content) includes low amounts of tetraethyl lead, as its name refers.
  • The EXHAUST 100 it has a green color, while AVGAS 100LL has a blue hue.

Other types of fuel

  • TS-1.
  • Jet B.
  • JP-8.
  • JP-5.


It's the way aviationón continues its path towards environmental sustainability that seeks to reduce its impact of 3% of the world's carbon emissions. MáIf you know about this topic you can read it hereí:

Así the aviationón continues to reduce its environmental impact

With excellent informationón of ijet.aero

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4 comments on “Types of aviation fuel”

  1. Good evening
    I don't know if my question is coherent
    Jeta and JetA1 fuels are comparable to automotive gasoline?
    of being as3, what is the octane?


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