aeromexico boeing 737 max 9 float plane primer

Aeroméxico received its first Boeing 737 MAX 9

As part of your growth and optimization planón of the fleet, Aeroméxico startó la receptionón of new airplanes Boeing 737 MAX 9. Aerom press photoéxico.

The first one landedó in the City of México the dawn of 29 May and very shortly afterés if incorporatedá immediately the second team of this model.

In the úlast déeach, Aeroméxico ledó carry out a transformationón histórich and the strategy has been successful in the commitment of the Companyñíto maintain one of the fleets máare safe, modern, efficient and less polluting in the industry.

Thanks to innovationón in their winglets, engines and other components, the new MAXs 9 consumeán up to a 16% less fuel, issueán 16% less than CO2 per passenger comparedón with other category aircraftísimilar and have an autonomyíto of más de 6,000 km.

The planes were specially configured for Aeroméxico with 181 seating, 16 in Premier Class, 18 in AM More y 147 in Economy Class. They are expected to start commercial operations in the first half of June.

Fleet of  Aeroméxico

With the arrival of the first MAX 9, Aeroméxico plans to end this month with a fleet of 108 teams, made by:

   787-8       787-9      737-800    737 MAX 8    737 MAX 9 Embraer 190
       8         10          33           7            3            47

Last April, Aeroméxico concretó agreements for increase your fleet with twenty-four new teams Boeing of the models 737-8 and 737-9 MAX, así like four 787-9 Dreamliner, which will be incorporatedán enters 2021 and 2022.

With the incorporate usón of these aircraft, the airínea podrá increase its capacity and offer on certain high-demand routes, as wellén expand the autonomyíto your flights, carrying más passengers, más far, but consuming less fuel, so it is to be expected that they will also be deployedén on international flights.

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