activities helicopters uses mining oil private flights tourism aeromedical evacuation

What activities can helicopters do?

¿Whaté activities can carry out helixópteros? Learn in this installment the different activities and missions that these adaptable aircraft can perform. Ecocopter press photo.

Today in Día, Among the main uses in which helic are involvedópteros are found: transport, constructionón, fire fighting, búsearch and rescue, military uses or surveillance, among others.

Although activities Más referentials of a helicóPtero worldwide and in regional territory are providing support to strategy sectorségicos as are the áPetrolera and mining, así as wellén passenger and load transfer, These aircraft alsoén isán in the ability to be used in others áscopes.

“The biggestíA activities are carried out with the Helicópteros AIRBUS H-125, predominant model in the helic marketólight pters. For special activities such as the OFF SHORE, We do it with Helicópteros Biturbina Airbus H-135 for 6 passengers and alsoén We count for certain activities where more load capacity is needed or more passengers the modern AIRBUS H145” I sayó Gustavo Junovich, General Manager Ecocopter Ecuador.

Notably Ecocopter, count on más de 13 añexperience of experience in the mining industry, time in which he has perfected his crewón and support equipment throughés of different demands and certifications. The firm operates under the certificationón BARS (Basic Aviation Risk Standard), a process created by Flight Safety Foundation In order to support the risk management of the CompañíAs operators working in the resources sector.

Activities that the helic can doópteros

  • Minería: In the mining industry the services toéinmates allow a lot of high complexity work as studies, scans, surveys, rescues and other services. El Helicóptero delivers versatility and efficiency offering the más violas isáparter de servicio.
  • Energía: In the minería a travéS of the aircraft research is carried outón of traced, constructionón of Torres, maintenanceón of líNeas to be transmittedón and support in the constructionón de Centrales de Generationón.
  • Telecommunications: In the telecommunications industry, the services aéinmates contribute to the connectivity of different territories throughés of the constructionón, installationóbladeóN Telecommunications Antennas.
  • Agrícola: In the agraítail the services toéinmates support múLtas propósites such as pest control, frost, rainy, fumigación, among others. The helicesópteros allow any of these activities to be carried outáby its versatility and efficiency.
  • Fire fighting: Año a añor forest fires grow in magnitude and quantity of affected surface worldwide. The services aéinmates borrowed for the combat of forest fires varíAn depending on the Geographía and conditions of each PAís, where in some of these it lends itself to the useón of large aircraft and for others, greater efficiency with más smallñas y toátiles.
  • Oil & Gas: In the Petry industryóleo and gas, There are projects that require services toéDIVERSE ías well as transfer to oil platforms known as “Costas outside”, constructionón e inspectedóN of the pipelines, installationón of camps and movements of large drilling and pipeías para la búsqueda and extracción petrolífera.
  • Aerom rescueéI say: In case of life risk, The waiting time for attentionón méDica is fundamental. The helicesóEmergency pteros méDicos arrive on time at the place of rescue, taking much less time than an ambulance and consequently, contributing to the greater probability of survival and decreaseón of sequelae. This service is known internationally as HEMS)és Helicopter Emergency Medical Service.
  • Heliski: It is an adventure sport in which the athlete makes off -track descents using skiís a board, enjoying the virgin snow in places where the lifts have no access. To reach such latitudes, Athletes are transported in HelicóPters for Heliski to areas where snow powder is of an impossible quality to obtain in the busy ski centers. Contact with nature and closeíA with the mountñso are others resulting from this shocking challengeíO.
  • Helibike: It is a new way of doing Mountain biking. This adventure is to wear people with their bicycles to the mounted summitña, where can you only fly or climb on Días. From thereí, couldás enjoy long descents throughés of natural paths and challenging freerides, passing through various points of contemplationón, ríos and lagoons of the wonderful Andes mountain range. Ecocopter and Andes Helibike offer this adventure service in Chile.
  • filming: You take them aéhigh definition areasón are used for all types of market, From industrial sectors to áreas científicas and recreational. Mainly, PEL producersífilms and documentaries, TV channelsón, companies and individuals use these services. At the filmsón aérea con helicóPtero assures a stable and maneuverable platform for the obtainingón of the best rings in ráAsk and high quality.
  • Advertising: The advertising industry is characterized by creativity and innovationón. The media aéinmates generate great visual impact and satisfactionón for the client.
  • Turismo: You can experience a perspective úNica and unimaginable to different destinations in Helicóptero generating an ideal experience to visit places.

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