boeing 777x faa certification process

is delayed! The FAA objects to the certification process of the Boeing 777X

La Administrationón Federal Aviationón – FAA of the USA Communicationsó that the certification processón of the Boeing 777X dutyá delayún más. Press photo Boeing.

After finally having started the certification flightsón in January 2020, but what shouldíhaving started in the 2018, Boeing faces a new revés in the certification processón of your avión más grande.

In this opportunity, más allá of the delays that the program has had even due to the pandemic, the FAA after months of deliberationón sentó a letter the 13 from last May to Boeing, donde indicó that the company is notá ready to advance «I lookedón para authorizationón of type».

¿But whaté It means this? Sayún the authority, are neededún más resources to certify the Boeing 777X and sees it highly unlikely that this total process will be completed in its entirety before the end of the 2023.

«As we subdue the avión to a comprehensive testing program to demonstrate safety and reliability, we are working throughés a rigorous development process to ensure we meet all applicable requirements» – Boeing

This new situationón was published by The Seattle Times after the leakón of the letter in questionón and makes the actions of Boeing in the midst of intense work by the North American manufacturer to regain the trust of its customers in both the new aircraftón like not so much problem anymoreático 737 MAX.

Despite the negative situations, Boeing ha logrado histórich MAX orders from United, but he is still detained in the delivery of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner before I took itón of the FAA to comply and provide greater peace of mind to the regulatory body, to theí avoid having the known problems again.

Finally, the FAA indicó what isá concerned about design developmentñor incomplete, insufficient data and above all due to a situationón that occurred in a test flight in December in which the nose of the Boeing 777X you changeó suddenly in directionón.

After the event Boeing said that the December flight continuedó without incident and landedó in a safe way, planned to resolve the cause of the event in a new updateón of software and más test flights, that alsoén requiredó the FAA.

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3 comments on “It's delayed! The FAA objects to the certification process of the Boeing 777X”

  1. La Boeing Aircraft , just like NASA, They must hire Latino personnel experienced in aviation and especially young people from the Universities of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, to reorganize the former workers of that important industry, In addition, greater drug addiction controls in the production lines, cases that have been aired in the American Industry.

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