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Spirit responds with flights from Miami to Latin America

the airínea Spirit Airlines strong bet from its new base in Miami with new flights to Latinoamérica. Press Photo Spirit.

After having started flights at Miami International Airport, like a new «mini base» of operations, the airínea Spirit Aim and attack hard to winárequest a space at this important airport.

Mainly focused on alternative airports such as its strong operation.ón since Fort Lauderdale, Spirit has found a new opportunity to grow and, above all, make itself known.ún más strong in its network of destinations towards Latinoamérica with its model low cost.

Now, from Miami the North American Spirit Airlines startá flights to these destinations in Latin Americaérica and others in the Caribe:

  • Miami – Barranquilla from the 17 November 2021 with a daily flight on Airbus A320.
  • Miami – Bogotaá from the 6 October 2021 with a daily flight on Airbus A320.
  • Miami – Cali from the 17 November 2021 with a daily flight on Airbus A319.
  • Miami – Guatemala City from 6 October 2021 with four weekly flights on Airbus A320.
  • Miami – Averageín from the 6 October 2021 with a daily flight on Airbus A320.
  • Miami – Port-au-Prince from the 6 October 2021 with a daily flight on Airbus A320.
  • Miami – St. Thomas from the 18 November 2021 with three weekly flights on Airbus A320neo.
  • Miami – San José (Costa Rica) from the 17 November 2021 with four weekly flights on Airbus A320neo.
  • Miami – San Pedro Sula from the 17 November 2021 with a daily flight on Airbus A320neo.
  • Miami – San Salvador from the 7 October 2021 with three weekly flights on Airbus A320.
  • Miami – Santo Domingo from the 6 October 2021 with a daily flight on Airbus A320.

These routes are also addedén at incorporationón of más de 20 new sun destinationséstatic, all from Miami.

With inform usón by @theaeronetwork on Twitter.

further, spaghettién from its base in Orlando, the airínea resumeá the following routes and additionally some new ones towards our regionón:

Cancun (WITH A) new route Daily Immediate start
Punta Cana (PUJ) new route 3 per week Immediate start
Santo Domingo (SDQ) new route 4 per week Immediate start
Cartagena (CTG) reboot 2-3 per week From 10 of September 2021
Guatemala City (CAVE) reboot 4 per week From 9 of September 2021
San Salvador (SHALL) reboot 3 per week From 19 of November 2021
San Jose, CR (SJO) Increase in flights Daily From 17 of November 2021

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2 comentarios en “Spirit responde con vuelos desde Miami hacia Latinoamérica

  1. Good Morning

    Do you think they consider frequencies from Miami to Ecuador??, esto por que American Airlines «atacó» fuerte con terceras rutas hacia Guayaquil y Quito que inclusive obligaron a Eastern a dejar la ruta desde Miami a Guaysquil



    1. You could certainly think about it., but I would think that before Miami, They would fly from Fort Lauderdale, but unfortunately there are no more frequencies available between our two countries to analyze new routes.

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