Avianca flights Quito Cuenca daily airbus price schedules

Avianca announces start of flights between Cuenca and Quito

the airínea Avianca Ecuador Announce your new route: tenderá direct flights between Quito and Cuenca.

Exactly one year agoñO, Avianca Ecuador the trial beganárespective mite to be grant 14 weekly frequencies on the Quito route – Cuenca round trip, Now this request is made concrete and will beá the sixth destiny sunéholding office in Ecuador added to Quito, Guayaquil, Manta, Baltra and San Cristóbal.

At the time, during the alliance Aerogal-Avianca, the airínea operó at the Mariscal La Mar Airport until 14 of January of 2015 indirectly, so this is the official arrival of Avianca to Cuenca with operationón under this brand.

Avianca flights between Quito and Cuenca

During a press conference held in Quito, the airínea Avianca together with the Ministry of Transportation and Works Públicas announced the start of flights with these details:

Start date

  • The flights startán from the 4 October 2021.


  • La operationóto beá as follows:
    • Monday and myércoles two flights daily.
    • Friday and Sunday one daily flight.


The flights will beán operated on Airbus A320 aircraft with capacity for 150 passengers in two classes (12 business y 138 económica):

  • From Quito the flight AV1604 take offá at 06:14 hours and lands in Cuenca at 07:06 hours on días Monday and myércoles.
  • From Cuenca the flight AV1605 take offá at 07:56 hours and lands back in Quito at 08:51 hours on días Monday and myércoles.
  • From Quito the flight AV1606 take offá at 18:00 hours and lands in Cuenca at 18:52 hours on días lsome, miércoles, friday and sunday.
  • From Cuenca the flight AV1607 take offá at 19:42 hours and lands back in Quito at 20:37 hours on días Monday, miércoles, friday and sunday.


  • The promotional prices available in the XS family range from $53 round trip including taxes and fees.
    • Avianca handles different rate families, so they should check whaté includes each.

Let us also rememberén that Avianca Ecuador account on your operating permitóin the cities of Sour Lake and Coca, where is it úlast destination isá scheduled to restart from 1 November 2021.

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