Boeing C-17 globmaster III characteristics models services capacities passengers

This is the Boeing C-17 Globemaster that has stolen the covers

In this post we are going to talk about the great Boeing C-17 Globemaster III that has stolen the front pages of media around the world.

During these daysías, what is happening has been world newsíethically in From Afghanistanán, but for those of us who follow aviationón has caught our attentionón cómo the great Boeing C-17 has stolen everyone's attention.

boeing c-17 globemaster afghanistan passengers 823
Foto Air Mobility Command.

This was the image that went around the world where they were initially told 640 people on board, but finally after countingñthey joined 183 persons más for the increíble récord de 823 passengers inside this aircraft.

El Boeing C-17 Globemaster III

To have managed to transport so many people on a single flight that is a new máximo recorded in C-17, you have to know meás details about this impressive aircraft.

His first flight was 15 September 1991 faced with a need for Force Aéarea of ​​the USA to be a modern replacement for the «monster» Lockheed C-5, but looking for greater flexibility for meúMultiple missions as cargo for large equipment, supplies, troops and much más for multiple operating conditions and unprepared runways.

Since the first delivery of the C-17 in 1993, Boeing provides support and maintenance to global C-17 customers in eight países with a total of 279 aircraft built to date 2015 añor the end of your productionón.

It's avión is world famous for maneuvers «al límite» with escaped turns, an incredible performanceíble and even many víThose doing push backs on their own have made it one of the favorites of all AvGeek because of its sizeñO, unmistakable engine speed and sound.

Boeing C-17

Characterísticas tétechniques

To have achieved fame as one of the best transport aircraft in the world, high characterístatics allows us to know details of what was achieved on the design tableñor by Boeing engineers who were inspired by the McDonnell Douglas YC-15.

external dimensions

Wingspan to tip of winglet 51,74 m
Length 53,04 m
tail height 16,79 m
Fromáfuselage meter 6,86 m


Four Pratt & Whitney PW2040  (designationón militar F117-PW-100) 40.440 thrust pounds each


side wall (permanently installed) 54 (27 on each side, 18 inches wide, 24 inches center to center spacing)
Línea central (stored on board) 48 (in series of six consecutive series, 8 series)
palletized 80 on 8 paddles, más 54 passengers in sidewall seats



Speed ​​máxima Mach 0.875 O 1.080 kilómeters per hour
Independentía 2.420 miles náuticas with 71.214 kilograms of cargo
Pesos mátakeoff time 585.000 pounds
fuel capacity 35.546 gallons
Distance required for landing 1.067 meters


Crewón 2 pilots
observer positions 2
instrument screens 2 head-up displays (HUD) full time, 4 l glass screensímultifunction active matrix fluidón
navigation systemón Electrónica digital
communicationón Integrated management systemón radio communications with open architecture communications system (WHAT)
flight control system Electronic flight controlóno witháredundant druple with mec backup systemánico


Área 353 square meter
Sessionón of aspect 7.165
Áthat's it 25 degrees
Airfoil typeámonkey Supercrítico
Flaps fixed, double slot, with simple hinges

Cola horizontal

Área 78.50 square meter
Wingspan 19,81 m
Sessionón of aspect 5.0


  • Force AéUnited States area
  • Royal Force Aébad Británica
  • Royal Force AéAustralian rea
  • Royal Force AéCanadian area
  • Strategic Airlift Capability
  • Force AéIndian area
  • Force Aéevil of Cathar
  • Force AéEmirates area ÁArabs
  • Force AéKuwait area

Accidents and incidents

Son 8 the events that have been generated with this aircraft, where despite his missions in the líline of fire, has maintained a réRemarkable safety cord highlighting its reliability.

For him 2015, the C-17 worldwide surpassed the 3 millions of flight hours with úonly one damn aéreo with fatalities, raised the 28 July 2010 on the basis oféElmendorf area in Alaska.

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