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Mexico maintains visa requirement for Ecuadorians

The government of México maintenanceá indefinidamente el requisito de visa para Ecuadorians que busquen viajar en vuelos internacionales hacia este país.

Having removed this requirement in November 2018 looking to boost tourism, business and trade, the government of México returná a solicitar visa para ecuatorianos desde el 4 September 2021.

Along with recent additional requirements for Ecuadorians que buscaban frenar en algo la migración ilegal con destino final hacia USA, se han tomado medidas más extremas para frenar este movimiento, la visa fue el camino lógic.

xico vuelve a pedir visa a ecuatorianos

El anuncio inicial se hizo en agosto pasado y entró in effect from 4 September 2021, but this requirement has been expanded from indefinite way themselvesún se actualizó the 25 February 2022 subject to changes or negotiations that may exist between both governments.

As there has been no evidence of progress in the matter that improves migratory flows, insurance, orderly and regular, México decidió ampliar sin nueva fecha de término este requisito, unless both governments take appropriate action.


  • Personas que cuenten con visa vigente hacia de Canadá, de los Estados Unidos de América, Japón, el Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte o cualquiera de los países que integran el Espacio Schengen no es necesario solicitar visa.
  • Todos los ciudadanos que deseen emitir la visa mexicana deberán ingresar a
    • Create an account and follow the indicated steps.
  • step of $48 dólares exactos en efectivo el día de la cit.
  • Certificado con sello y firma del banco que compruebe su solvencia económica con trabajo estable, con antigüedad mayor a un añO (original document) y que obtiene en los úlast 3 months an income greater than $709 monthly USD.
    • Fotocopia de la cédula de quien firma el certificado de trabajo.
  • If you do not have a stable job or are independent, you must have in your bank account an approximate of $2150 dóhomes.
  • Otros documentos podrían ser solicitados previo a la cita.
  • Todos los requisitos actualizados los encuentran aquí:


  • The value of the visa is $48 dóhomes.


  • Quito: Of. 6 of December N36-165 and United Nations
  • Guayaquil: Pedro Carbo No. 555 y Vélez Edificio Ecutel, Second floor

We will update this informationón themselvesún sea necesario.

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12 comentarios en “México mantiene requisito de visa para ecuatorianos

  1. Not even two days ago in another entry I had told you that they would put a visa again. Here is the visa again “temporal”. For Mexico to allow Ecuadorians to travel without a visa again, they will spend a minimum 10 years at best. A pity to lose that visa exception. I hope they don't start entering other countries where they exonerated us and not leave as happened with Mexico. Otherwise the Ecuadorian passport will lose more and more its value.

      1. When Mexico abolished visas for Ecuadorians in the 2018, Guatemala also suppressed it. Guarda is how in you blog :). Without counting, it will go very badly for us with what came walking from Europe. We will see a setback in the positions gained by the EC passport.

          1. Hi Nicolas,

            Here I leave the news that I forwarded to you in this comment that you will keep. Actually Guatemala did it faster than expected.

            The decision was made to put a visa to Ecuadorians to enter Guatemalan territory.. Measure, which will come into force from next Monday 20 September for an indefinite period

      1. greetings friends, I have a flight in October to Mexico, but I do have a Canadian tourist visa.
        Even so, it is necessary to acquire a visa to go to Mexico.
        Why when they released the news of this new requirement in a post it said that it should be a permanent visa (Canada.. USA..)
        But now they only say Visa… So what is the valid document they need.?

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