Así construction is found and progressesón of the New Chinchero International Airport from Cusco.
The one to beá at least eight times más bigger than the current one Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport located in the city of Cusco, and what dutyá run on 47 calendar months, advances in its construction process.
Once some legal issues surrounding the site have been resolved, constructionón and social agreements with the inhabitants of the area, the development of new airport infrastructure that will bringá to a new level Cusco allowing you to count on meás international flights to cities as far away as Miami, advance más ráI ask for what is expected.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) informó what continuesúto the executionón of constructionón of the Chinchero International Airport in Cusco, important work that has the support of professional associations, local institutions and civil society,
A project longed for by the regionón, since the current Cusco airport has reached its capacityámaxim of growth and expansionón located at 3310 altitude meters, for which during theñO 2019 they moved 3,906,169 million passengers with 35,204 flights operated.
Constructionón of the New Cusco Airport
The Natividad de Chinchero Consortium will be in chargeá of the executionólanding strip no., the control tower and the passenger terminal. For his part, the AICC Consortium will beá responsible for supervisionón of those works.
Currently, earthmoving work is being carried out, which are necessary to be able to continue with the constructionón of the main works. Sayún report from the end of July, there is a level of advancement of 8.32%, that exceeds the goals originally set.
Once the new terminal is completedéprisoner from Cusco will haveá ability to receive más de 5 million passengers perñO, flights from Miami, México, Panama Cityá, Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Bogotaá, La Paz and Quito.
On the whole, airport infrastructure demandá a inversionón of at least US$ 427 millions, including the passenger terminal, what to beá eight times máIt's bigger than the current Cusco airport, and dutyá run on 47 months.
Alejandro Velasco Astete and Chinchero International Airports in Cusco
The Minister of Transport and Communications, Raul Perez Reyes, told the newspaper El Comercio on the day 27/11/2023 what, The Chinchero International Airport in Cusco is projected to be ready at the end of the 2025.
But, Neither the minister nor anyone else even indicates what the exit routes from the airport are..
The thing is that a minister does not know the technical background of an airport project, it's reality.
The appropriate time to develop a conceptual exit design, that allows us to know if the airlines will be able to take off avoiding obstacles even with engine failure, It's before building an airport, not after.
May be possible to operate with weight restrictions. Weight restrictions may also make the operation unprofitable..
It is also possible that, due to technical capacity it cannot be operated.
To avoid speculating possibilities or building an airport that later turns out to be inoperable, You just have to comply with the ICAO standard 9906. But, in the case of Chinchero International Airport, There is still no conceptual design of output or validated output..
Great contribution Bruno, The state has said something about it.?
Regarding departures from Chinchero airport, the state said :
Since the flight procedures described in the project studies, cannot be used, a subsequent project is necessary to design flight procedures.
Then they will have to spend more money on a new airspace study.
THE PROBLEM IN CHINCHERO.- The Chinchero airport is already a reality, there is no doubt about its construction. But, the airport itself does not provide an airport service. The service is provided by the users (airlines), using exit routes to be able to operate. There is the problem, the airport does not yet have validated departure procedures.
Is problem, generates a requirement for your solution, which can be defined as follows:
“The aeronautical authority is required to validate the airport departure procedures, before building the main work, so that users (airlines) can operate from the new Chinchero International Airport and thus improve and expand the airport service”.
It should be remembered that the projected work is: "Improvement and Expansion of the Airport Service in the Cusco region, through the New Chinchero International Airport”.
We see that the objective of the work is not only to build the airport, the objective is to improve the airport service, and that will not be possible if the airport does not have validated departures.
It is necessary that the aeronautical authority PROVIDES that Chinchero will have exits that users can use.
It is neither prudent nor responsible to build an airport first... and set the conditions for its operation later.
Thanks for your comment
How nice to hear good news in the midst of unjustifiable and inconsequential comments from interested people with disastrous ideas. Keep going until the ultimate achievement.
The new airport is necessary wherever you look at it, there is no justification that can say otherwise.
The airport is now a reality. But, DOES NOT HAVE exit routes. Know an authority from the Peruvian Ministry of Transportation who is capable of explaining … where the planes will depart from Chinchero airport ?
I, I can explain in detail… where they will NOT be able to exit.
Hi Bruno, you mean standard exit procedures?
…Hi Nicolas. And, I mean standard exit procedures, that were never validated.
Today it is officially known that those procedures that were "proposed" last year 2013, cannot be used.
To the date, the project does not have any conceptual design output or validated output.
To overcome the obstacles of that orography even with engine failure, a gradient of ascent of 5.7 %. But, aircraft do not have that technical capacity at that altitude.
Why NO ONE shows an exit route if the airport is already finished in August 2025 ?
The competent authority remains silent.
I think the problem is technical and the solution is political., no one can tell.
Surely, sometime, They will have to redesign the airspace or the airlines will have to operate with restrictions on their takeoff weight to be able to avoid obstacles and perform engine out procedures..
Dear Nicholas. Correct, I mean standard exit procedures – SID.
The ICAO Doc 8168 Volume II, Part 1, Section 2, Chapter 4, Quality guarantee, indica : »The State is responsible for ensuring that all instrument flight procedures published in its airspace can be flown safely by the corresponding aircraft».
We see that the standard requires that the State take measures to “control” the quality of the processes.
associated with the construction of instrument flight procedures.
In the case of Chinchero Airport, that standard is not being met. To November 2023, There is still no validated exit procedure, not even a conceptual output design. Because ? My opinion is that the orography requires a gradient of ascent that the technical capacity of the aircraft does not have..
That is the problem of the Chinchero airport, has no exit routes.
Thank you very much for your contribution Bruno, excelent as always. Let's see what happens. When should the airport open?