accident millon air air blanket years flight

25 years of the Millon Air accident in Manta

The 22 last October they were fulfilled 25 años of the regrettable damn aéreo of the North American cargo company Millon Air in Manta, Ecuador. Foto por Werner Fischdick/Aviation Safety

Today we will remember an event that occurred in the city of Manta ago 25 años, that possibly few of you remember or even, maybe they never heard before.

after the 22:45 tuesday hours 22 October 1996 a boeing 707 cayó about the La Dolorosa neighborhood, generating destructionónumber of houses, churches and the unfortunate death of 27 total people.

Millon Air flight accident in Manta

of this accident, there is not much informationón online that represents the causes of the same, but American media élittle as relates the following:

Millon Air, the Miami-based operator of the avión cargo that crashedó in Ecuador at the cost of dozens of lives on miércoles, has a history of maintenance violations.

Has paid $49,000 in fines and other sanctions to the Administrationón Federal Aviationón since 1984 and had another fatal accidentñor past, themselvesún the agency. The FAA isá investigating the airlineínea for two additional unspecified maintenance violations.

The compañíto alsoén receivedó warning letters about violations of drug testing regulations all añthem since 1994, for a total of nine cards. Five of them were received only in 1996.

the boeing 707 involved in the accidentércoles burstó on fire and crashedó against the bell tower of a church shortly afterés taking off from the port city of Manta in southeastern Ecuador.

The four members of the crewóthey died.

At least 30 people on the ground tooén died and others 48 were hospitalized.

the grandfatherón transported frozen fish.

The aircraft of 29 añThose involved in the accident had numerous service problems, themselvesún FAA documents, including corrosionón and cracked parts, loose and leaky. On 1995, a Pratt engine & Whitney JT3D falló 35 minutes laterés of takeoff.


The crewón continuousó towards the destination before receiving attentionómaintenance no..

the grandfatheródid not originally belongía a American Airlines y entró in service on 27 October 1967.

Millon has operated the avión since October 1989.

in april 1995, one of Millon's DC-8 freighters crashedó in the Guatemala city, killing six people and wounding two.


In February of this toñO, one of the boeing 707 from the airílanding lineó at Miami International Airport with the nose-to-tail trainún got up afterés that a v failedálvula of presióin hydrástreet.

The díbefore that accident, Millon informó having solved problems in the líneas hydráulicas and replace broken connectors.

The carrier had another minor accident in Dallas Fort Worth in 1987, when i crashó with another avión while rolling to park.

The aviation authorityóA civilian from Ecuador isá investigating the accident.


A three-member team from the US National Transportation Safety Board. I headedó to the accident site on wedércolles afternoon.

They were accompaniedñated by an FAA inspector and representatives from Boeing and Pratt & Whitney.

In the worst recent accident in Ecuador, I saw oneóDC-8 cargo n crashedó in Quito on 22 September 1984, killing the 75 people.

Another peculiarity of this accident is the compensation process.ón, which was fulfilled by the insurer of Million Air in its entirety, but that until 22 October 2021 were left $250 thousand dólares to be claimed by relatives of one of the vítombs on the ground of the accident.

Final report

If I searchó a final report that determines the causes of the accident, but so far there is only this informationón available thanks to Aviation Safety:

Date: Tuesday 22 october 1996
Hour: ca 22:40
Type: Silhouette image of generic B703 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different
Boeing 707-323C
Operator: Millon Air
Registrationón: N751MA
Numéro of série: 19582/639
AñConstructi'són: 1967
engines: Pratt & Whitney JT3D-3B (HK)
Crewón: fatalities: 3 / occupants: 3
passengers: fatalities: 1 / occupants: 1
Total: fatalities: 4 / occupants: 4
Vítimas on Earth: fatalities: 23
Andñyou in the Aircraft: Total
Impact: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Locationón: SW of Manta Airport (GUY) (   Ecuador)
Phase: On Route (ENR)
Nature: Load
Departure airport: Manta Airport (MEC / SEMT), Ecuador
Arrival airport: Miami International Airport, FL (MIA/KMIA), United States of América

descriptionón: A Millon Air cargo flight a Boeing 707-323C carrying frozen fish and flowers crashedó afterés taking off from Eloy Alfaro airport, Manta, Ecuador. the grandfatherón startupó roofs of houses in the Dolorosa neighborhood and crashedó on fire against a restaurant. Local officials claim an engine was on fire. the grandfatherón was destroyed. The pilot in command of the air transportínea, the first officer, the flight engineer, one passenger and one 30 people on the ground were fatally injured. About 50 people on the ground suffered serious injuries.

¿Do you remember this accident or have máwith informationón about it?

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14 comments on “25 years since the Millon Air accident in Manta”

  1. Javier Montesdeoca

    I remember this accident very well, I was a university student and I learned about him as breaking news on Ecuavisa's defunct "Telemundo" news program.. An anecdote of this tragedy is that the image of the Virgin Mary at the entrance of the destroyed church remained intact., only blackened by smoke. The locals attributed it to a miracle. Another anecdote is that no one claimed insurance compensation for a person who died on the spot. In addition, on the ground of the place there were fish according to press photos.

  2. really very good story thanks for telling us this accident happened that 12 Years before I was born and I had no idea it existed., very good post and follow like this

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