Afterés of défalls of operations, the traditional and histórich aerosolínea Alitalia cesó your operations, giving way to the new aerolístate airline ITA Airways.
Accumulating theñthose of pérdidas económicas and hundreds of millions of state aid to keep it afloat, they closed 74 añhistory of Alitalia, giving way to a new state project.
The end of Alitalia
With the úLast flight between Cagliari and Rome 14 October 2021 under the núgrouper AZ1586 ended the life of the troubled Alitalia, that as an example in the 2017 accumulationó péloss of más de $500 millions of dóhomes.
Homeó operations 5 May 1947 and at the close of its operations it had a fleet of 84 aircraft serving 100 destinations worldwide as an Italian and airline referenceíflag line, a concept that isá departure in favor of free and healthy competition.
A troubled lifeáethics, going through administrationón state to private on several occasions seeking to solve pélosses and maintain an operationón profitable, but they did not bear fruit and I had toó be rescued by the government Italy in meúmultiple opportunities with contributions from meás de 5 one thousand 400 million Euros.
With the current pandemic crisis, su situationófinancial situation became complicatedó aún más and requireía new injectionón state for 900 million Euros, but the Commissionón of Unión European rejectedó you transact itón and the aerosolíno debió return these values as they are considered illegal.
Without this help, the plans to start a new airline from scratchínea gained strength and this 2021 he concretized himselfó the creationóITA as a lifeline for aviationón italian who will stayía without a competitor that serves the más important destinations from Italy and airínew official of Papa.
Nace ITA Airways
Italy Air Transport (ICAO: ITY – THERE IT IS: THE) it's the airíAlitalia's successor company in a complex global context, but what to takeá the post where he stayedó the closed airínea, but without keeping a cent of the debts and economic problemsómonkeys.
A fresh start to look forá be profitable and más efficient, having learned from mistakes, but initially using the entire structure as sales channels, distributionón, Alitalia personnel and aircraft, while advancing in a healthy transition processón.
An undoubtedly controversial start, given that the ITA itself boughtó for nothingás and nothing less than the Alitalia brand for $90 millions of dóhomes, which initially made us think that Alitalia had notíto die, but that the día 15 October, At the official launch the president of Aerolínea confirmó that this strategy was designed to prevent the competition from taking over the brand and thusí power temporarily wearing uniforms, paint, web, etc.
Equally, se confirmó that Alitalia disappeará over time until it became completely ITA Airways:
The first flight took placeó between Milan and Bari under flight ITY1637 operated by an Airbus A320 (Alitalia colors) where your initial fleet of 52 planes have begun to fly through the skies of Italy and Europe.
further, in the ITA corporate plan, until the 2025 a fleet is expected 70% composed of aircraft úlast generationón, after order formally placed with Airbus weeks agoás what isá made of:
- 22 Airbus A220.
- 13 Airbus A320neo.
- 9 Airbus A321neo.
- 15 Airbus A330neo.
The commitment of the airlineínea tambiéto beá incorporate Airbus A350 aircraft for expansionón international long-haul.
We wish ésuccesses for ITA Airways in its start of operations.