the airíne Australian Qantas realizedó the flight sáIts long history since Buenos Aires towards Darwin. FR24 and Qantas photos
With one of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and on the occasion of repatriationón of Australians stranded in On América, Qantas realizedó which has been the flight más throughout its history.
¿Becauseé they made this flight? ¿Cuánto duró? AND, ¿becauseé they did it? Hereí I'll tell you all the details of this particular flight..
The flight más throughout Qantas history
If we have seen anything in this pandemic, is that there have been flights that neverás habríhas been possible, uniting cities never before connected, flying distances and times récord.
The repatriation flightótake offó at 12:44 pm local time in Buenos Aires, following the south of Argentina, skirting the edge of the Antádeparture before crossing the Australian coast at 5:28 pm (AEDT) and land in Darwin at 6.39 pm local time last night.

Qantas' first non-stop flight between Buenos Aires and Darwin voló completely in the light of dayíwith mild conditions, experimentó Average headwinds up to 35 kilómeters per hour and temperatures as low as -75 degrees Celsius while flying over Antártida.
Is not the flight sás throughout the world, but yesí for Qantas, landing in Darwin (a center specialized in forty) from Buenos Aires.
Australia keeps its borders closed, except with New Zealand, so arriving on commercial flights from the world is almost impossible, so he joined hundreds of Australians stranded in Buenos Aires to take them on a single flight back home.. QF14 transportó a 107 passengers and flightó non-stop from Buenos Aires to Darwin.
¿Cuáhow long was the flight?
the grandfatherón was in flight for 17 hours and 25 minutes.
¿Whaté travel distanceó?
The flight from Buenos Aires to Darwin coveredó 14.683 kilómeters, what it was 184 km más that the London-Perth flight, the commercial flightás long formerly of Qantas.
Since March 2020, the airínea has operated hundreds of flights chárter y de repatriación on behalf of the Australian Government to bring Australians home during the COVID19 pandemic, flying to 31 destinations abroad, included 19 that are not part of the regular airline networkínea.