Since December, the entry requirements change to Ecuador for all passengers arriving in international flights.
Again, the government announcedó Changes in protocols and admission guidelines due to Vía aérea to Ecuador, valid from the 1 from December to 2021 at 00:00 hours.
Mainly, The requirements come hand in hand with fear of the new variant found in Áfear, So BáSumically the measures now returnán to demand that travelers areén 100% vaccinated más a negative PCR test.
Entry requirements to Ecuador from December
Expanding the informationón, based on what was officially published by the President of Ecuador, The new requirements to enterán in force from the 00:00 hours of this 1 from December to 2021 And waiting for the publicationóN official by the National COE are:
- older people to 16 años; dutyán Present vaccination certificateón with the complete scheme of at least 14 díAs before arrival and negative RT-PCR test of 72 hours before the start of the trip.
- Both requirements are mandatory.
- People from 2 a 15 años, 11 months and 29 díAge, dutyán Present the negative RT-PCR test of 72 hours before the start of the trip.
- These controls will be carried oután también by the Aerolíneas at the point of origin of the flight.
- The negative test can be presented digitally.
- The people couldán Present the traveler's health form in Ediciódigital n in this link:
- He himselfíBe the entrance to national territory to every person whose point of origin, climb the tránsito is Sudáfear, Namibia, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Swaziland, Mozambique and Egypt.
- If a suspected case is detected among travelers, come trueá An RT-PCR test; and to be positive, The person fulfillá 14 díInsulation as. Opposite case, not to beá necessary.
Requirements for traveling to Galápayments since December
Foreign tourists, national tourists and/or residents in Galápaid:
- all passenger, greater than 16 añI owe themá submit the carné of vaccinationón against COVID-19 with at least 14 díeffective afterés of completing the scheme and negative result of qualitative test RT-PCR in real time made up to 72 hours prior to boarding.
- Para niñthose between 2 and 16 añI owe themán Present the negative result of RT-PCR qualitative test in real time made up to 72 hours prior to boarding.
- tr control cardánsito – TCT.
These measures will beán evaluated each 30 díAS FOR YOUR EXPANSIONóI didn't modify itón themselvesún Epidemiol advanceóLocal and World Gico.
Dear Nicolas, please help me by sending again the link of the traveler's form to enter Ecuador according to the new requirement from 1 from December 2021
Of course, I have already updated it in this post, es:
Unfortunate to have a new variant of COVID-19, You must continue to take care of yourself and take the necessary actions to prevent people with the virus from entering a flight., bus or cruise, especially Galapagos.
The safest, is that it is already here and no matter how many PCR tests it puts on, they can still arrive.
It is very good that they take these measures, so the contagion will be much less for the holidays. Thanks for the info.