Recently American Airlines I receivedó are Airbus A321neo número 50 and today I will show youé cómo is its assembly process, paint y más details. photo press Airbus
the grandfatherón Airbus número 50 assembled in Mobile, Alabama was given to American Airlines recently and today we will see cómo is the long process that surprisingly begins in Europe.
In a series of 5 vígive us the airíI don't prepareó very good informationón visual so we can understand and enjoy this process, you can't miss it:
Assembling an Airbus A321neo
This series of víDamn it's very interesting, given that when orílet's talk about the fáAirbus factory in the USA thinkíWe know that the entire process is carried out in this país, but the reality is that the different pieces travel thousands of kilosómeters from all over the world.
The pieces arrive both by air, sea and land
It's before dawn at Mobile Harbor, Alabama, in an hourúhoneyñJune Anne. The Mobile Express freighter isá in the port, enjoying a much needed rest afterés of a trip 13 díthe ones i coveredó más de 4,500 miles that beganó and St. Nazaire, France. On board are components for one of the Airbus A321neo m planes.áAmerican's new, to arriveán for assembly in the LíAirbus U.S. Final Assembly Line.
Putting the pieces together
It's time to start putting the pieces of this puzzle together. 146 feet long. They need más de 3.000 rivets and two días to join the front and rear sections of the fuselage. Even with all the technologyímodern technology used in productionónumber of aircraft, Hand tools are used to ensure precision assembly.ón.
wings and tail
The fuselage moves along the líline and the wings areán united. With the incorporate usón of sharklets and LEAP-1A engines, the A321neo save a 15% of fuel than the planes of the generationón anterior. The cola isá installed, giving the neo its first touch of red, White and blue. American's A321neo isá almost ready to fly in the third video that details its assembly.
Seats and interior
As the Airbus A321neo continuesútaking shape, we move inside the planeón and we focus on amenities. From lightweight kitchens to spacious Airspace XL overhead bins, things inside are gettingán joining: it's just a questionón time before neo takes to the skies.
Before taking the track, our new Airbus A321neo is dressed to impress. It's not a feat eitherña fácil. Are needed 125 gallons of paint and eight díace to prepare the track. ¿some guessón about assáHow many colors are there in the American livery??
¿Whaté the parició? ¿sabíthe ones thatí was the long and técynical process of putting together an airplaneón? Cuétell me in the comments.
The truth is that it is a nice plane, I think the American paint looks very good on the plane., Thank you for sharing this montage with us and also explaining your part to us in the videos. Good post 🙂