avianca ordered airbus planes a320neo new seats chairs

Avianca announces new order for Airbus A320neo aircraft

the airínea Avianca reports new aircraft order 88 new Airbus A320neo for your fleet to boostá your network of destinations and flights.

Photo by Diogo da ConceiçãO

In línea with his business plan which includes the operationón of más de 200 routes in their greatestíto point to point and más de 130 aircraft for 2025, Avianca confirmó the commitment by an order of 88 new family aircraft A320neo to the European manufacturer Airbus. The agreement reached alsoén includes optionópurchase number for 50 additional aircraft.

Request for más Airbus A320neo for Avianca

With the arrival of the 88 new A320neo, that will be incorporatedáprogressively to the company's passenger fleetñíhas between 2025 and 2031, Avianca is committed to continuing to offer its customers flights of the máIt's high quality, while optimizing your operationón thanks to the efficiency and productivity of this aircraftón.

Rohit Philip, Avianca's Chief Financial Officer said:

“This is good news for our company.ñía, our people and our customers, taking into account that the A320neo family is the single-aisle fleet más advanced in téterms of efficiency, reliability and comfort. This order confirms that we continue to make the necessary investments for the growth of our network in líin line with our business plan”.

We are very happy that Avianca has confirmed its preference for the A320neo aircraft. The A320neo incorporates the úlatest technologyías, including new generation enginesón, Skarklets and aerodinámica, Together they offer a 20% fuel savings and reductionón of CO2 in comparisonón with the Airbus aircraft of the generationón anterior. With single aisle cabin más wide of its class, passengers on board the A320 enjoy más personal space, seats sás large and spacious overhead compartments to store your luggage”, Arturo Barreira said, President of Airbus for Latinoamérich and the Caribbean.

The A320neo fleet arrivesá with the new configurationócabin number defined by Avianca for your A320 aircraft, with which it offers its customers three types of chair: Premium, Plus y Economy. Currently, más de 90 A320 aircraft that are part of the Avianca fleet areán being reconfigured and 26 of them already have the new Plus and Economy seats. Starting in May, customers will be able toán enjoy the Premium offer and at the close of 2022 the entire fleet will beá completely reconfigured.

The 88 planes ordered by the companyñía are added to the más de 110 what's wrong with it Avianca en su operationónumber of passengers, the más complete of Colombia and one of the máBig Am'séRich Latina with a network 120 routes, más de 3.200 weekly flights and close to 500.000 chairs a week that connect customers with más de 65 destinations in Colombia, Américh Latin and Europe. Además, the use of up to 20% less fuel and the reductionón up 900 tons of CO2 per yearñor by avión contributeán to the sustainability of operations Avianca.

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5 comments on “Avianca reports new order for Airbus A320neo aircraft”

  1. Joaquin Zamora

    In huge request the truth, at first the change of seats bothered me but recently I tried them and they were quite comfortable and spacious it was similar to the previous ones since I was able to fly in both cabins and the truth is that they seemed very comfortable, the appearance may have had something to do with the poor reception of this type and although I would have liked to have entertainment screens after the pandemic I think they were a good decision and they will look great on the new A320. Good post

  2. It is possible that one of these planes will be given to Avianca Ecuador? Or that its operation be regulated in some destination such as Quito and Bogota for example?