renew visa united states get first time quito guayaquil consulate embassy form ds160 pay appointment

Step by Step: How to renew or get a visa for the United States?

Today I bring you the guía about cóhow to renew or obtain the visa for the first time USA on Ecuador for the consulate of Guayaquil and embassy in Quito.

First indicateé let me knowóní available is for the renewal processóvisa number in Ecuador, the same one that can change país in país himselfún own protocols for each one.

SpaghettiéYou can't see it explained in video, where I resolve some additional concerns about the renewal processón of the North American visa:

After the renewal process has restartedón y missionsón of new visas suspended due to the pandemic, demand has been highísima and the Embassy of the USA in Ecuador has reported that they have processed más de 150 thousand requests, The número más highest of all othersás embassies and consulates around the world.

Renew or get a visa to the United States for the first time

With the recent experience of having carried out this taskámite, I share with you the renewal processónon-immigrant visa number, the same one that is exactly the same to obtain the visa for the first time.

  • One difference is currentlyá in a stage of the form where they are askedán informationón of the previous visa they have had.
  • Spaghettién differs in the interview, where those who obtain it for the first time mustán present más papers and the consular process could be más strict.


let's go step by step, the process is not difficultícil, but yesí it's quite long, especially the phase of filling out the form that we will see in detail:

Paso 1

Enter the páofficial website of the Department of State:

United States visa renewal process
Upon entering the páofficial gina appeará this sectionón pink.
United States visa renewal process
You must scroll down until you see this sectionón blue. Hereí the good begins.

Paso 2

We will start the visa application process by clicking on the link next to 1 Apply for:

United States visa renewal process
They must click on the link marked in yellow.

Paso 3

A new application is startedón filling out the following fields:

United States visa renewal process
1. Select where to applyá for the visa. 2. Enter cóI say captcha. 3. Dar clic en start an application.

Afterés the filling out of the form begins formally, will generateá an application IDón and a security question is configured, It is important to save both data since it allowsán recover the applicationón in case of disconnectionón.

form ds-160 visa united states

  • The process takes at least 90 minutes.
  • Have passports on hand, addresses, studies, work places, contact of family or friend in the United States, etc.

Photographeríto for the visa

This is an important point and I clarify thaté need to have:

  • The photo must be in both digital and fíphysical (impressionsón on photographic papería) that they measure 5 x 5 cms (2 x 2 inches).
  • be in color.
  • Having been taken within the úlast 6 months to reflect your current appearance.
  • have a white background.
  • without glasses

photo for united states visa white background characteristics as it should be

Paso 4

Complete the entire form and its 10 sections including security questions and have uploaded the photo that meets the required requirements. Once this is done, you mustán digitally sign the document by filling in your full name, saving and sending the form to finish this stage.

Remember to download the form in pdf format and all the instructions on the screen along with the application as backup.

Paso 5

Dutyán return to página: and click Continue:

United States visa renewal process
We click Continue to move forward with the process.

Paso 6

It will opená this screen, where dutyán log in with your account. If they don't have a dutyán create one or recover the key in case they lost it:

United States visa renewal process
Login or create account.

Paso 7

We advance by clicking on New group:

United States visa renewal process

Paso 8

We click on continue of the sectionón Current status – Add Applicants:

United States visa renewal process

Paso 9

We click on A twiceñapplicant addir:

United States visa renewal process

Paso 10

They must fill in all the requested data that must exactly match what is indicated in the DS-160:

United States visa renewal process

Following the process you will be askedá indicate dówhere to do itán the trámite, passport delivery at the office, appointment date and finally, the respective payment.

  • Show offá a screen with all the requirements that mustán present on your appointment date, así keep that informationón para que estén ready for when the day comesía.
  • From the 4 april 2022 some people in the process of renovationócan'tístill not requiring a face-to-face interview.


Payment is made by credit cardédito directly and exclusively on the páState Department website

  • Value of $160 dóhomes
  • Never make payments elsewhereáwebsite other than the following:
  • The opcióBank transfer number works only for people with US accounts.


From the 4 april 2022, el proceso para renovationóvisa number changedó and some people beíare eligible to avoid the in-person interview, so oweán follow the instructions and wait for approvalón consular to skip this point, for this you mustán comply with the following:

  1. You must be renewing a B1/B2 visa issued in Ecuador that isé current or that has expired within the úlast 48 months; and,
  2. You are an Ecuadorian citizen or permanent resident in Ecuador and areá fíphysically present in Ecuador; and,
  3. Fingerprints were taken (of the 10 fingers) when it was issuedó are úLast B1/B2 visa; and,
  4. They are úLast B1/B2 visa was not lostó, or was stolen or revoked; and,
  5. They are úlast applicationón for B1/B2 visa was not denied; and,
  6. Other requirements to establish your eligibility may apply.

for new visas, waiting time is 1 añor and 5 months, but these times mayístill reduceún visa processing and the user's responsibility to check daily for new quotas in months más nearby.

Please note that due to an accumulationóIncreasing number of requests for visa appointments, There may be a significant delay between payment of your visa fee and scheduling.ón of an appointment for the interview.


At the moment, both new visas and renewalóThey do not require an in-person interview at the embassy or consulate, unless otherwise indicated by the subsequent system when selecting the date for the same.

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86 comentarios en “Paso a paso: How to renew or get a visa for the United States?”

  1. Buenas tardes, estoy solicitando renovación para grupo familiar, la de mi pareja aparece sin entrevista pero yo si requiero entrevista, y las citas están para Abril de 2026, a él solo le asignaron cita en el CAS, para mi caso CAS y consulado. La cita de él se puede separar de la mía? o definitivamente le toca esperar hasta que tenga yo la cita?

  2. Buenas tardes, my renewal qualified without an interview. They already asked me to send the documents to the Consulate and I already did it. What is the next step? I will receive another email informing me that I can collect my documents with the visa at DHL?

  3. Once the DS-160 form is completed, have made the payment, How long does it take for me to receive the email asking me to send the documents to the consulate? (Why do I qualify for renewal without an interview?)?

  4. Hello there, I am renewing my visa and the instructions in the email say: Include a copy of these instructions along with the list of documents you send to the consulate.
    Only include the requested documents.
    4. Print Confirmation and Instructions Page from this Web page.
    Ask: Should I include a printout of the email I received or just the confirmation page and instructions printed from the website?
    Thank you very much

  5. Hi Nicolas, thanks for the info. I have a son who is about to turn 12 and obtained a visa for the first time at 7 years. I don't remember if they took the 10 fingerprints, in this sense, What should I fill out in the form?, whether or not it has fingerprints?

  6. Hi Nicolas, my wife and I have to renew our visa, but I must obtain a visa for the first time for the child of 3 years, What would the process be like??

  7. greetings Nicholas, a question: for the renewal of the visa a girl of 16 years old, can she come alone to the interview or does she need to have her legal guardian accompany her?? First of all, Thanks

    1. Hello Jorge, if it is renewal, I may not even have to do an interview, but if so, I recommend that you attend with the legal guardian, At the entrance they will tell you if it is necessary for you to enter or not.

  8. Hi there, I am renewing a visa that expired, but this previous visa was obtained in another country(mexico), Is it possible to renew it in my country?(ecuador), Since I currently return to my country,

  9. Very kind Nicholas, for your answer. one last concern! So it implies that you have to make an appointment as if it were the first time and wait for the embassy's decision or how it is? Thank you very much in advance for your answer.

    1. Yes, that's exactly how it is. The system or an agent will later see that no interview is required (unless otherwise determined) and indicate an email to deliver the documents and already.

  10. Very clear information about filling out the DS-160 form. In my particular case, I want to renew and I meet all the requirements to do it without an interview. Could you help me how is the procedure for me to complete the process and obtain the visa without attending the interview?, since nowhere in the explanation, mentions this procedure. Thank you very much for the help.

  11. greetings Nicolas, I am renewing my visa and they have already sent me the documents that I need to send in which it appears: The non-immigrant visa application, confirmation page of the DS-160 form and the confirmation and instructions print page from the website. what is the visa application for non-immigrants, form confirmation page?

  12. Greetings, very well the explanation; My family and I qualify to avoid the face-to-face interview, you need to submit form DS-160, or only the confirmation page of the DS-160 form, together with the other documents that if I have them clear.
    Thanks in advance

  13. Good evening:
    I applied for visa renewal for two minors 12 and 13 years ( 30 december) but so far they have not confirmed the sending of the documents. Confirmation usually arrives quickly and according to what I have read, it takes between 3 a 10 business days the confirmation of sending documentation. The visas expired in Feb.. 2021. How can I know if the application was filled out correctly?? or the reason for the delay ?

  14. greetings Nicholas. Thank you very much for the video, it is very explanatory and it helps us a lot.. I have two questions that maybe you can help me. My wife and I wish to renew the visa without an interview, but we also have to obtain the visa for my little one from 5 years that is the first time. You should request everyone together or first ours and in another process the child's?. And at what point is family information entered into the system?. Thank you very much for your kind attention and help.. keep going with your videos, especially the historical ones of Ecuadorian aviation.

  15. Hello my questions. We are all renewal and we have always traveled without problems, our visa expires in jan 2023, but we have new passports and we want to renew. I must fill out the D-160 of each one (mami 88, papi 76, is 18 and me 49) take appointment date and then create a user and enter everyone in a group. Can I register them as a group?, or should it be on my dad's account. On 2018 an account was created with him and we were all a group in his account. I could now make an account of mine and that everyone is a group in my account?

  16. I am close to renewing a visa with my family group, (children and wife), but I want to include my nephew for the first time, what steps should I follow??

  17. Good morning, My parents have already completed the visa renewal process and generated a message “Consular Authorization Pending” As indicated in the message, it is NOT necessary to attend the interview and that you must wait for instructions to send the application to the email address that was provided; but we have not been able to schedule an appointment nor does it allow you to select the place of delivery of passports. It could clear up that doubt that we have? I thank you in advance. Kind regards.

      1. Hello Nathali, when the message comes out “consular authorization pending” They will notify you by email when you can leave your passports, this process can take several weeks until the renewal is approved without an interview.

  18. hello,I did my visa renewal process without an interview. on the page indicates how “no status” I don't know when I should send the documents; elsewhere it appears as “Actual state” send documents; I don't know who to turn to. guide me please?

  19. Hi Nicolas, I have a question about the payment since I carried out all the steps but in the payment part it does not give me a payment option, only the amount appears and there are no appointments available.

      1. Thanks for answering!. And how do I look for appointments? ? because it only appears in the final part below the amount of the tariff “There are no appointments available at this time. Please check back in a few days as the Consular Section will open more appointments.”

  20. a minor who has a visa and that expires in November of the 2022, He has not been able to travel due to the pandemic and wants to renew the visa, you can do it without any hassle? thanks for your correct answer

  21. Thank you Nicholas, the information is clear, I have a private query, I have my valid visa, from my wife expired in december 2021, we want to travel with my two minor children (11 and 13 years) in December vacation or next July vacation, can i apply for my wife visa renewal as a group, where my two children are included or should I do an independent process. Thanks for your correct answer.

  22. Juan Guasco Bonilla

    Good afternoon, how can I make an appointment to renew my visa? I live far away. Can you help me please? And God bless you always.

  23. Thanks for the info, I am going to renew it, I want you to remind me if once all the information is saved I can proceed to update or modify information; since I have a passport renewal 13/10, but I want to move forward

      1. The information is kept 30 days, after that it is deleted and you will have to make a new form. If you enter before 30 days the counter returns to zero, that is to say you have 30 days but… that's how you keep the data.

        You must enter and click on save.

  24. Thanks for all the information shared.. How long does the entire visa renewal process take from the time the form is entered until it is received, please??

  25. Good afternoon Nicolás, thanks for the very timely information, I have two questions, the first is the subject of the signature is an electronic signature obtained through the civil registry? Or is it a digitized firm, i.e. scan or something.
    My visa expired a long time ago but I have had a good record of previous visas and travel, to you of 2015, this could help in the case of starting a new process to obtain a visa ?

    1. Hello there, the signature is only writing your name in a part of the form, nothing more. Definitely, they do check your travel history, but since so much time has passed, it's like getting it for the first time.

  26. good morning Nicholas,First I want to thank you for this blong and your youtube channel which is of great help for people with no experience in renewal and visa application for the first time..
    my questions is, I can make the application for the renewal of the visa with 6 months before the current visa expires?

    1. Hi, Pablo, Thank you very much for your comment. About your question, yes you can renew it early, just keep in mind that in practice you would be losing 6 months of the visa you paid. So long before I had not seen before, the normal thing is to start 3 months before expiration, but I understand why you want to do it given the delay in the process.

    1. Hello Henry, Yes, to renew we all must make an appointment, then the system analyzes each case and if so, they eliminate the appointment and you receive an email indicating that you are going to leave the passport.

  27. Hello there!! a question please, a young man from 16-17 years you have a valid visa to renew, visa parents and siblings, Is he necessarily assigned to an interview or could he enter the process of sending documentation without an appointment?? Thank you very much!

      1. Yes, he has his fingerprints taken., he has had a visa since he was very young and they have always renewed it, but they had told us that because of his age (16 Years old) reapplication was to be by appointment only. Thank you very much for your kind attention!

        1. You must go through the normal renewal process and book the appointment for the interview. If the consular entity determines that an interview is not required, you will be notified by email with the next steps.

  28. Thank you very much for the information.
    Could you help with the process once we have to send the documents to the courier, I have certain doubts and I don't want to make any mistakes.

  29. Juan Carlos Vargas

    Hi Nicolas, thanks for the info, One more or less doubt, you know how long the process takes from when you enter the data until they give you the visa in case of renewal.?

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