Guayaquil needs new Daular Taura airport

Does Guayaquil need a new airport?

¿Needs Guayaquil a new airport? The debate has restarted once más on social networks, así Today we are going to analyze this topic.

The constructionón of a new Airport in Guayaquil It has been a recurring theme on networks in our country.ís, always with very different and divided opinions.

What más people talk about aviationón and its different edges is very good for the aero cultureáutica from Ecuador, That is why I applaud this debate and I want to contribute today with my point of view, remembering that the opinionón of all is váfair and you have to respect it.

¿Guayaquil needs a new airport?

There are already severalñfrom which construction is talked aboutón of the Mega Airport in Daular, project that takes several delays, but that has advanced in designñor and studies with several millions invested. In the 2018 ya sufrió a new postponement that you can review the causes hereí:

¿Becauseé them insteadó the constructionón of the new Daular Airport?

Now, with the pandemic the times to reach the núonly ones that trigger the need for a new airport, which are the 7.5 million passengers per year, aúThey don't look far away. Those who believe that an airport is going to be built in the prósix months agoán wrong and the project is now medium term (the before monún demand develops), even though it is already dueíto have started its constructionón time agoás.

back to the question, From my point of view, and regardless of the discussionón of dóWhere should or should not be built, Guayaquil sí needá a new airport. Very important to see the tense of the verb, in the future a new airport will be needed.

¿Becauseé? I justify my answer hereí:

  • Airport in the middle of the city: sí, there are other similar airports in the world and this is not why it is unsafe, but we are talking about an international airport with projectionóimportant growth rate over time. Being in the middle of the city limits the opportunities.
  • little room to grow: if it is required to grow the terminal, there are not many spaces available to do it, at least of courseá that costly expropriations are carried out.
  • the track is short: Guayaquil has great potential to develop m routesás distant that ÁAmsterdam what is the flight máIt's long from hereí and has a great advantage over Quito, be at sea level, but its just track 2.790 meters limitá in the medium-long term the development of routes toún más distant, what is it due toíto aim tooén, not only regional.
    • ¿track can be extended? Of course yesí, but they are important costs that require studies and do not take away from the fact that the city will continueá limiting growth if the project is to have an intercontinental airport with connectionsón to everyone.

Let's think about the future

We must see our airports as a gateway to growth and social development – económonkey, where we can all fly, This implies thinking about the future., not only in the present whereóLogically, having the airport nearby generates comfort for travelers, reduces time and costs around the trip, but if we want to have important infrastructures like those developed in other countriesíses, we must think long term, in thaté type of país and airports we want to have:

    • A current functional airport adapted to the reality of demand, but without options for large infrastructure developments.
    • A new functional airport, with projectionóin the future, with room to grow without limitations both on the track and in the terminal, with the más new technologyíthe aeroánavigation uticsón, increased safety and performance.

Let's just remember the change to connectivity that existedó on Quito with the new airport, independent of the distance to the city that is located, generó the arrival of new aerolílines and flights, that before there will not beíhave been possible.

¿Whaté you choose?

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11 Comments on “Does Guayaquil need a new airport?”

  1. Interesting analysis, I consider important the arguments presented for and against having a new airport for Guayaquil. Mobility is a very important one due to the problem around the airport at peak hours and for being in the access to the city through Duran, which generates a vehicular chaos in several avenues around the airport.

  2. Fernando Espinoza

    The best thing about arriving in Guayaquil as a business center in Ecuador is having an airport so close to the business center and hotels .

  3. Christopher Pérez Balda

    From the technical-operational point of view (as feedback), when the old Simón Bolívar airport operated from 1962 until 2006, suffered serious operational problems, because the administration of the airports was under the management of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, whose authorities were military and under that reality, operational safety was at risk because they did not comply with the 100% of ICAO international regulations, until in the year 2000, the Municipality of Guayaquil took possession of the airport, repowering the entire terminal building and its surrounding facilities. When operations began at the current José Joaquín de Olmedo airport 15 years ago, the airport system was improved, giving great reception to tourists and international airlines; However, so that this demand is met to start the long-awaited dream of having a mega airport that Guayaquil deserves, although the current airport has international recognition, will have to brave the many bureaucratic hurdles, including the socio-economic effects following the COVID-19 pandemic, For this reason, the airport needs to be relocated., because the track and its facilities surrounded by buildings, especially in the citadels The F.A.E., La Atarazana and neighborhoods surrounding the airport, remembering two unique plane crashes that happened on Friday 29 april 1983 and Sunday 22 October 1989, as clear evidence before this justification.

  4. You can make a note about the new airport in Mexico AIFA and the reasons why the construction of the airport in Texcoco was scrapped even though it was already under construction ?

  5. Good Morning:

    I have read your opinion and it is really very, very correct. No regionalisms, very objective.

    Really the new airport is necessary for the arguments that you exposed.

    However, without wanting to activate the regionalism button if I perceive that there is strong opposition to the construction of, I perceive that behind the scenes everything possible is being done to prevent the project from coming to fruition. In the case of the new Quito airport, on demand it was not necessary to build a new one, for its status as a high-altitude airport and for the development of aeronautics where larger aircraft are presented and where longer runways are required (for being on high) if it was necessary; when its construction was launched there was not as much debate or opposition as is being done now for the Guayaquil airport.

    In my opinion in practice, the new airport is needed now, ?why ? . The airport runway is very short and this limits larger aircraft from coming and taking off taking advantage of its full capacity. (Fuel plus passengers and cargo); I would dare to say that if at this moment the new airport with its longest runways were available, and taking advantage of the opening of the country to the open skies , there would be more flights , more airlines would come, it could even become a HUB that competes with Bogotá (saturated) and lime (That is already building a new runway and another terminal); and according to the plans is also the idea that it can become a charging HUB. This who does not suit ????


    1. The subject is, that Guayaquil its airport is currently very loose and a new construction requires hundreds of millions of dollars, totally agree, if it materializes, it would generate a potential increase in new routes, even more distant as I exposed. On the subject of Quito is different, yes i needed to grow in terminal and track, demand was at peak capacity, remember that it was really a small airport and you had to add a huge factor, safety, we saw a lot of accidents that justified his early departure from the middle of the city.

      I don't think it's regionalism, nowhere, the decision is in the Municipality of Guayaquil and its concessionaire, so there is no influence from any external entity, it is simply a very large investment for the current demand.

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