quito baltra green airport aci-lac quiport ecogal

Quito and Baltra receive the ACI-LAC Green Airport Recognition

The Quito and Baltra airports they received the ACI-LAC Green Airport Recognition for its social and environmental sustainability efforts.

The program Compartamos, developed by Quiport at Mariscal Sucre International Airport (AIMS) from Quito; and the project Constructionón sustainable with designñthe bioclimateáethics and technologyían innovator that takes advantage of natural resources (wind, Light and water) executed by Aeropuerto Ecolólogic of Galápaid (ECOGAL), They were both recognized by the program Green Airport Recognition delivered by Airports Council International for Américh Latin and Caribbean (ACI-LAC).

The program Compartamos, carried out by Quiport Its purpose is the generationón of stratum alliancesélogics between the different commercial operators and companies that operate in the AIMS with the aim of fighting climate changeático. This alliance allows them to manage used equipment and materials in good condition to be reused by educational institutions, religious and community aledañace to the airport, widening theí his life úuseful and preventing them from entering landfills and waste dumps. From start of 2020 until july 2021 m have been donatedás de $68,000 thousand dólares in materials and equipment in good condition, avoiding theí una emissionsón of around 160 tons of CO2.

Ramón Meó, President and CEO of Corporación Quiport, thank youó to ACI-LAC for the recognition received within the framework of the program Green Airport Recognition.

“We are aware that there are many needs among the inhabitants of the surrounding parishesñas a nuestra operationón.  We developed the Compartamos program as a mechanism that involves the entire community of the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in búSearch for opportunities to help solve some of the greatest needsás pressing in the communities, turning the airport into a good neighbor involved in problems and their solutions. Miró take advantageó to congratulate the Quiport team for the great work done, and to ACI-LAC for creating this recognition and giving the importance that the efforts of this organization deserve. índole.

For his part, the ambitious project ECOGAL allowó the constructionón of a completely sustainable space in a áSensitive area declared Natural Heritage of Humanity. He saysñthe bioclimateático, la implementationón de sistemas de ventilationón 100% recyclable, I use itóno. of technologyíinnovative ways to take advantage of lightingón natural, la installationón of a wastewater treatment plant, and the environmental strategies applied have allowed a reductionósignificant reduction in environmental impact and operating costs.

Jorge RossilloGeneral manager from Ecol AirportóGal's gicápaid (ECOGAL), manifestó feel proud to pave the way for other airports to join the sustainability crusade:

“m agoás de 10 añWe are committed to a radical change and to demonstrate that it can be sustainable and profitable at the same time., without affecting the safety and passenger experience, thanks to ACI-LAC for this recognition”.

The Green Airport Recognition It is an initiative created by the Committeeé of environment and sustainability of ACI-LAC with the objective of promoting the best práenvironmental ethics that seek to minimize the impact of airport activity on the environment and its surroundings. This initiative offers airports the possibility of sharing their projects, environmental and social-environmental programs más highlighted.

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