how to avoid jet lag long flights effects

How to avoid jet lag?

¿Cóhow to avoid jet lag? In this installment we review some recommendations to face this phenomenon.óless generated in long flights.

Many people identify with the sleeping disorderñor recognized or jet lag, but many don't know what that's calledí and what it can really do to a person, hereí I'll tell you a little about this disorder and what should be done to improve it..

The “internal clock” that we have or circadian rhythm by which we govern ourselves, permite regular biolólogically our sleeping timesñor and rest. It is “clock” synchronizes with theíears of light and darkness of the place where we are, of course, the times in which we are accustomed to carrying out our community activitiesún.

This synchronizationón is what allows us to be active during the dayíto and sleep during the night. For this reasonóWe bring you some recommendations that we know can work for you when this moment arrives..

  • Firstly, it is important to prepare yourself to avoid jet lag a little before you start your trip and get a good night's sleep.
  • Reach the destination by handñana or early afternoon, even though you can end up very tired, you arrive at night with sleepñor and you can sleep during the hours of darkness.
  • To hydrateón is important, help us feel better with the new time zone.
  • Avoid consuming alcoholic beveragesóface, cafeína and/or stimulants.
  • take a good shower, once at the destination it is good to try to relax, this will help usá to better manage the remaining hours of the dayíbefore going to rest and release all the tensionóaccumulated n.
  • The key that during the flight is to be able to get up a little and stretch. If the destination is in the evening, try not to sleep too much on the trip, so that when it arrives it turns outás fáeasy to sleep. If you arrive by mineñhe, It is better to try to sleep during the journey to be healthier.ás active upon arrival at the destination and thusí feel good.

The effects of decompensationón hours usually last between 1 a 3 días, it all depends on each person, of your body, your age, It has been determined that in neitherños and in adults of más de 50 añThese types of effects are más dominant, although it is impossible to avoid jet lag, what i knowí we can is counteract the sísymptoms as long as we put into practiceáfollow the aforementioned recommendations.

The experts at EMMA Sleep advise that no matter what activity we do, It is of utmost importance to take care of our hábits of sueñO.

“The dreamño plays a vital role in keeping us fit and healthy. When you sleep a lot you wake up being the best version of yourselfón of yourself, Well, you have given your mind and body the time it needs to recharge and wake up feelingéndote renewed”, explains Verena Senn, don't doólog and investigation managerón of sleepñoh and Emma – The Sleep Company, who clarifies us whyé neglecting our sleep routinesño and continue with the bad háBites at bedtime mayíto be harmful to our health.

In the case of those who manage an agenda full of trips, for them the stressés to travel by planeón, así how jet lag is inevitable, but stillí They or anyone must make the effort to get used to traveling for several hours, así how to get used to the time change and try to manage this conditionón in the best way, trying to follow the above tips to reduce levels of fatigue, tensionón and strés.

¿CuáHow does jet lag affect you?? Cuétell me in the comments.

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