Costa Rica visa process obtain ecuador ecuadorians travel flights

How to obtain the Costa Rican visa for Ecuadorians

Today we are going to review cówhat is the process of obtainingóvisa number for Ecuadorians seeking to travel for tourism to Costa Rica.

Taking advantage of the return of direct flights between Quito and San José, that offer a new connectivity alternative between both países and responding to your requests, let's check cóWhat is the process to obtain a visa to Costa Rica?.

To travel to this little oneñor big país, Ecuadorians currently require a visa to be able to enter their territory and thusí get to know one of the main world tourist destinationsísticos recognized for their safety, service and attractions.

¿CóThis is the process to obtain a visa to travel to Costa Rica?

With the opening of this new route, It has been opened to the possibility that both governments negotiate and that Costa Rica review the possibility of eliminating the visa for Ecuadorians, but while that happens, we will still need to perform this taskámite, unless you do the following:

  • have one valid visa for the United States del tipo B1-B2, B1 or B2, visa type D, C1/D of múltiple tickets.
    • In this case the stateía máxima beá from 30 días.
  • SpaghettiéDoes the entry visa to Canada work?á (visa múltiple).

If you do not have this visa, dutyás comply with the following process to obtain the Costa Rica visa obtained thanks to informationón of the Consulate of this countryís:

  1. Application letter addressed to the Costa Rican Consulate including: In case of minor applicants, the duty letterá be written and signed by both parents or legal representative.
      1. Full name and surname.
      2. Date and place of birth.
      3. Núpassport grouper.
      4. Place of residence.
      5. Reason for the trip.
      6. Exact date of arrival and departure of the país.
      7. Professionóno job.
      8. DireccióExact location of where you are going to stay in Costa Rica.
      9. Númere telephoneóunique and emailóunique to receive notifications.
      10. Date and signature.
  2. Application formón. This is an official document, so i knowóApplication forms issued by the Costa Rican Consulates or on this website are accepted.
  3. Photographería actual a color, tamañthe passport (5 x 5 cm), White background.
  4. Original passport with a validity of míminimum of six months at the time of travel to Costa Rica and color copy of the entire Passport (includes páblank pages).
  5. International Certificate of Yellow Fever Vaccination (present original and copy for the trávisa limit). The vaccine must have been applied for at least 10 días before entering Costa Rica.
  6. Ticket reservation, ticket or travel ticket to Costa Rica and reservation, return or continuation ticket or ticketón of the trip, with tell usón of the itinerary (Stadiumía máxima 30 dínatural ace).
  7. Consular fee payment. US $32.00 (non refundable). DepóCASH location (NO TRANSFER) to the savings account in the name of the Consulate of Costa Rica, número 6183442200 Pichincha Bank. Present original and copy of proof of depósite issued by the bank.
  8. Enterprisesón color of current criminal record certificate, with a shipping timeón no more than one month. Only in case of applicants of legal age.
  9. Documents that demonstrate economic solvencyóapplicant's credentials:
      1. If you are an employee, certificationón labor. Original issued by the employer, signed and sealed, indicating position held, working time and salary. Addressed to the Consulate of Costa Rica.
      2. If you are a business owner or self-employed, Original RUC and copy.
      3. If you are a student, certificationón issued by the institutionówhere do you study, addressed to the Costa Rican Consulate, where it is stated that the person is a regular student of the study center.
      4. If you are a farmer, show evidence through invoices and contracts of the sales of the agricultural product.ícola.
      5. Current accounts, savings or credit cardséhere: The account statements of the three úLast months where movements and balances are shown; must be issued by the bank (original).
      6. Original and copy of the matrírear of the vehicleíass (if you have).
      7. Property tax payment documents. original and copy (if you have properties).
      8. If you are economically dependentósolely from the parents or legal representative (less than 18 años), provide economic solvency documentsómica of them.
      9. If it is a third party who coversá Expenses, provide a signed letter and legalize the signature before a notary púwar certificate in which said commitment is certified.
  10. Reservation of lodging where indicated: Your name, exact dates of stayía, dirección y nútel grouperéphone. (Document issued by place where you will stayá).
  11. If you stay in a dormitory houseón, present signed letter and copy of céidentity card of the person who invites you, indicating your personal qualities, exact dates of stayía, dirección and teléplace phone, addressed to the Costa Rican Consulate (If the person who invites, coverá with the applicant's travel expenses, dutyá attach your econ solvency documentsómica).
  12. If the reason for the trip is to attend work meetings, seminars, courses or other similar, present letterhead, signed and stamped by the company in Ecuador and by the hosts or organizers of the activity in Costa Rica, addressed to the Costa Rican Consulate, in which they confirm participationón of the interested party and whoén covers travel and stay expensesía.
  13. If you are a minor, The presence of parents or legal representative and permission to leave the country is required.ís, granted by a Notary or the Juvenile Court. original and copy. In the event that one of the parents does not attend, dutyán present a letter authorizing the other parent to carry out the workámite, provide a signed letter and legalize the signature before a notary púwar certificate in which said commitment is certified.
  14. If you are a minor, you mustá present certificationóbirth number.

¿Cóhow to get the appointment?

To schedule the appointment you mustán send an email to [email protected] with the following informationón:

  • Full name:
  • Emailónico:
  • City of residence:
  • Nationality:
  • Tentative travel date:
  • Núcontact grouper:

¿Ready to travel to Costa Rica?

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129 comentarios en “Cómo obtener la visa de Costa Rica para ecuatorianos

  1. Hi Nicolas, what a taste! Gracias por la información en este post.
    A query, yo soy Ecuatoriana y estoy interesada en solicitar la visa a costa rica, como primer paso solo debo de enviar el correo a la embajada solicitando la cita con los siguientes datos
    • Nombre completo:
    • Correo electrónico:
    • Ciudad de residencia:
    • Nacionalidad
    • Fecha tentativa del viaje:
    • Número de contacto
    Es decir no debo de adjuntar a ese correo ningun documento o si?

  2. Hi Nicolas. A query. ¿Sigue vigente para ecuatorianos entrar con visa de EE.UU a Costa Rica? Te agradezco mucho por la orientación.

  3. Saludos Nicolás ya me asignaron la cita para la visa, quisiera saber más o menos que nomas preguntaran en la entrevista y que documentos adicionales podrian solicitarme a parte de los que ya envíe, de ante mano gracias por la ayuda

    1. Te preguntarán motivo del viaje, tiempo del viaje, dónde te quedarás, cómo pagarás tu viaje y todo lo relacionado al mismo, más cualquier otra cosa adicional que el agente pueda determinar ese momento.

  4. greetings Nicholas, quisiera que me ayudes con una inquietud ayer envíe los documentos en pdf solicitando cita para la entrevista podrías decirme en que tiempo me responderán el correo para saber si está en orden la documentación ya que yo tengo planeado viajar a mediados de julio

  5. Marjorie Avellan

    Hola Nicolás soy Ecuatoriana me case con mi pareja es mujer de costa rica deseo saber cómo hago para la visa o ella me pide o cual es el tramite para ir a donde mi esposa

  6. Hi Nicolas,
    I have some questions, I hope you can help me. Have 8 applications we are all family. How should I apply?
    1. Should I send one email per applicant or I can send in a single email?
    2. I must make the payment when they answer me and give me the date for the delivery of documents?

    1. Hi Alexandra, It's a very good question, I have not done in this embassy group application, so I couldn't inform you well. My logic says that it is a separate and independent application by people. About payment, If I'm not wrong, part of the requirements to apply is to have already made the payment.

      1. Nicolás another question, I sent the email requesting the appointment, I should have already paid for the shift? Additionally, I can choose which dates I wish to appear.? Or they assign me the day and time?

  7. Alejandro Vallejo

    Greetings, very good afternoon, I am putting together my visa folder and I have several concerns., As for the invitation letter, it would be necessary for you to send it to me physically from Costa Rica or do I just print the pdf?, The second part of the invitation letter will require attaching the Airbnb reservation? and the third I plan to travel on 17 July since I have a flight reservation for that day, how much time would you recommend that I request an appointment at the consulate??

  8. The information is very complete, thank you for sharing. It could clear my doubt. The invitation letter must be the original, that is, ask them to send it to me from Costa Rica or I can simply print the pdf. Thank you for your response.

  9. Fredy Alejandro Vallejo

    Very good morning, very good information., I would like you to help me with a question, How far in advance of the trip do you recommend I request an appointment at the Consulate?

      1. Hi Nicolas, I am applying for the Costa Rica visa, I am Ecuadorian., I need you to support me with a query, After I show up for the appointment, how long will they give me the answer?? Additionally, if the answer is positive, How long does it take to get my passport back?? Thanks


  11. Hello there. good afternoon, Excuse me, I want to travel to Costa Rica, I am Ecuadorian..
    Do you know how long it takes for the consulate to respond??
    I sent all the requirements but they still haven't answered me.. I sent all my documents on 20 of November..

      1. Hello Nicolás, can you guide me to obtain a visa to Costa Rica?, he took 2 weeks looking for information and one says one thing, the other says the opposite.
        please help, I am from Ecuador Manabí.

    1. Hi Rodney., I found this: A visa application letter addressed to the Consul of Costa Rica containing the following information: full name and surname, nationality, passport number, home, purpose of your trip, the duration of your trip, the place and date of arrival and departure, Profession or occupation, exact address in Costa Rica, place and date of birth, fax number or email for notifications, the date of the application and signature.

  12. Hello, I am Ecuadorian, I am going to travel to Salvador, I have a stopover in Costa Rica 6 hours, Before you could make a stopover without a visa and now they say you can't anymore, you have knowledge of something?

  13. Hello my name is Michael, I have 20 years old and I am from Ecuador I am interested in volunteering in Costa Rica for six months. What kind of visa do I need?Should I show the invitation that the volunteer gives me??

  14. Hello there, How long does the Costa Rican visa last?? Is it only for the period of time that you request it or is it issued for years??
    Is it necessary to buy the tickets without first having the confirmation of the visa?

    1. Actually the duration is determined by the migration agent at the airport, They will ask you from what date to what date you stay and according to that they give you the days that you can stay, this is what i understand.


    Good evening, I have a doubt, I am Ecuadorian but I am currently studying a postgraduate degree in Mexico, Some friends invited me to Costa Rica for tourism purposes, but I wanted to get the visa now that I am going to Ecuador on vacation in July I will stay there for a month. My question is, If I can get the visa from Ecuador ? even though when I travel to Costa Rica it is from Mexico?

  16. Hellooo!
    I have a couple of doubts. I'm from Ecuador, I plan to travel to Costa Rica for 8 days in order to give classes to a group of young people from a foundation. I require a visa for the 8 days. Approximately how long is the visa delivery time? There are some special cases in which they can expedite the process?

  17. Good morning,

    My family and I are Ecuadorians, we have a return flight to Ecuador from Mexico with a stopover in San José, in this case we require a visa for transit or not.
    Thank you very much

  18. A question, I want to travel to Costa Rica and I am putting together the folder for the embassy, but, I'm going to visit a friend who lives there, then, about the stay, Is it better to do it through a hotel or with an invitation letter? The same way, I don't know if they ask about a travel itinerary or something, because in my case, I would do tourist things, but with this person and his family. The same way, another question, If you already cancel the value of the procedure in January, but never use that voucher, Can I use it now or do I cancel the price of the procedure again?? And they give me the trip as a school graduation present, I'm of legal age, but my parents are engaged in agriculture, in this case, would a third party pay me, but, Should I submit invoices or any letters from the companies that work with them for economic solvency?? Apart from the copy of the RUC.

    1. Hello Melina, a taste. about your questions, I will try to answer as many as I can.. Invitation letter would be nice, where the lodging information is detailed and that she will receive you there and that she has all your personal data. Itinerary, they are not necessarily going to ask, but it would be good if you have it very clear or armed in an Excel to show it in case they ask you with everything you will do tourism. I have no information about having canceled the procedure before., there yes only they can help you. If it's a graduation gift, You could ask if the invoices where the names of your parents are is enough. Take into account that they will ask you for backups of how you are going to support your trip financially while you are there.

  19. Paola montenegro

    Buenas tardes, I already got the appointment to get the visa, I don't know if you can guide me more or less with the questions they ask or if you should prepare me on any subject to be able to obtain this document ?

  20. Hi Nicolas, I have a relative who is processing the visa to Costa Rica through a travel agency, The adviser told him that he had an appointment for the 8 February to which he appeared in Quito but they told him that he was not scheduled but that they had received documentation from him, then the adviser made her sign another application with a new date and yesterday she told her that today she has to make a new application and present a travel reservation for the 10 of March. This process is normal when I read in your comments that the visa is granted in a matter of 15 days? The first request was made by 30 from January

    1. Hello Maria, I never recommend processing the visa with third parties, It can always be done directly at the Consulates to avoid additional costs and that precisely generate these problems. If you follow the normal process, directly, there is no reason for these delays.

  21. good night, a question. We are Venezuelans, beneficiaries of the humanitarian parole towards the United States.. They bought my plane tickets and it makes a layover in Costa Rica for 5 hours. I must get a visa for that stopover.

      1. It is not a visa, it is a travel authorization issued by CBP and USCIS.. I have investigated but I still have doubts. I leave from Ecuador and my travel itinerary stops in Costa Rica for 5 hours. What I don't know is if I should apply for a visa for these hours there.

        1. I assume that with that document, you can do a visa without problems, since it is confirmed that your intention is not to stay in Costa Rica, in any case, It would be advisable to talk to the consulate in Ecuador for your peace of mind.

  22. Hello, I would appreciate your answer.. I have humanitarian parole I am Venezuelan they bought me a ticket to the United States with a stopover in Costa Rica from 5 hours. I need to process a visa?

  23. Hi, I'm Nicaraguan., and I have plans to take a trip to Costa Rica to visit a friend, I have previously traveled to Costa Rica, but I wanted to see if I can manage the visa here in Ecuador, since in December I will travel to Nicaragua and from Nicaragua I will travel to Costa Rica in my own vehicle. If you can apply as a Nicaraguan, what are the requirements?, since in Nicaragua police records are not requested, nor invitation letter from the person where I will stay when it is for tourism

    1. further, the reason why I would like to request it here and not in Nicaragua, It's because he arrived in Nicaragua on 11 of December and I will travel from 13 December to 18 December to Costa Rica and I don't have time to request it there since the appointment takes from 5 a 10 days

  24. Hi Nicolas, I am from Guayaquil and I would like to know if it is strictly necessary to deliver the papers in person? And in case if, the answer they give me within 15 days, It means traveling to the capital for something? Thanks.

  25. very good.

    I have a question, I already applied for my visa for Costa Rica and they sent me the email stating that the process is being processed, that means that I can go to the Embassy of Costa Rica in Quito to leave the papers or simply wait for the visa to be processed. to be able to go to leave the papers and that they can stamp the visa?.

  26. Good I would like to be a consultation.

    Yes, I have already sent my documents for the visa and they sent me the email that is accused of the process, I have to wait for confirmation that my visa was accepted to be able to deliver the physical documents at the Embassy of Costa Rica in Ecuador or do I have to go before, I just want to know that since I have doubts, because my visa is now being processed.

  27. Hi, I'm Ecuadorian. I bought a flight to Nicaragua with a stopover in Costa Rica. I need a visa or not because it's only a stopover. Thanks

  28. Nicolas, good evening, I'll tell you that I already bought my ticket to Costa Rica, but I didn't realize that I must have a visa, I don't know when they can give it to me., my flight date from Ecuador is for 3 of November… help me with this

  29. Hi Nicolas, I have a long-distance partner and he wants to come and stay in Costa Rica, what visa do you have to apply for or how could you stay legal in CR?

  30. Hi, I'm Ecuadorian and I wanted to travel at the end of this month on 29 October, the time is very short for them to give me the visa?

  31. Hello there! I have to travel to Costa Rica for work but I did not take into account the yellow fever vaccine and I got less than 10 Anticipation days, they make me problem when I want to enter?

  32. Christian Bravo Gallardo

    Dear Nicholas, I am a teacher and I have been invited to give a conference in San José in mid-October, I have to renew my passport but they only assigned me an appointment for December.

    Can I go with the invitation letter directly to the embassy or will I first renew my passport? Greetings

  33. Good evening, I would like to be able to communicate with someone to obtain a visa for Costa Rica, the trip is for pleasure please

  34. Hello Nicholas, a question., that it is better to make the appointment for the visa first or to buy the plane tickets first?

  35. Good evening, I am the widow of a person who retired in the US., when my husband passed away the following week i put the notification to the US Embassy. to proceed to notify the Social Security offices, so that they do not issue the pension check in the name of my husband. I thought it was like here that immediately they begin to pay the Montepío, when there is no answer, trip to the USA after 3 approximately years after the death of my husband, I went to the Social Security offices in the city of Washington and with my husband's Social Security number and they told me that there was enough money in my husband's account to pay my pension, but since she was not disabled or ill, that she return when she has 65 years, to the 65 years I asked and they told me to come back when I have 65 years 2 months that would be 23 of August 2022 to start the procedures.
    In a conversation with a person who works at the US Embassy, ​​he told me that
    carry out the procedures in Costa Rica.
    My questions are:-
    – It is true that I must do it in Costa Rica?
    – What documents do I need for this procedure??
    – I can do it from here?
    – If I have to travel to carry out the procedures there and I have the US Visa. no
    I must request a visa for Costa Rica?

    1. The first question I don't know the answer, therefore the second I don't know either. The third will only be known if you go directly to the Embassy in the country where you are.. The last question, if you have a US visa, you do not require any additional visa for Costa Rica.

  36. Hi Nicolas. Thank you for your great work.

    A query, they asked you for a yellow fever vaccination certificate to enter Costa Rica?

  37. good notes, Could you tell me how long it takes approximately to obtain a visa to Costa Rica?? I would like to travel next month but I don't know if it will give me time.

  38. Hello there ! Please, can you help me with the following questions: 1) The payment in the bank must be made before requesting the appointment 2) The yellow fever certificate can be with 15 days or only with 10 Anticipation days.

  39. Super useful information thank you very much! I live in Holland (permanent residence), Do you know if these requirements are the same in that case?? Or if with residence in the Netherlands I no longer need a visa? Thank you very much for the answer 🙂

      1. No, I don't have a dutch passport. residence only. I have seen on the internet that if you have a Schengen tourist visa, you do not require a visa to CR. In theory the residency is better than the visa.. But I can't find that information anywhere..

        1. Interesting question, Costa Rica in its information says that you need a visa from the United States, he doesn't talk about green card, although the logical thing is that a green card is superior to a visa and should work.

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