end traditional water arches sustainable aviation water liters used what water is why it is made

End of the traditional water arches?

¿arrivedó the end of traditional water arches? An environmental debate that is growing and gaining followers every dayía, including aerosolsídenies.

The industry toéArea moves towards becoming líworld leader in care environmental and reductionón emissions, within a generalized green consciousness.

In this way, several actors have shown their frustrationón for seeing thousands of liters of water wasted every time a water arch, ¿but it is really a waste or this very traditional and important event to arriveá to its end?

¿Whaté water is used?

Let's start with the báphysical, Let us understand that this very traditional event that has existed for défalls in aviationón has become widespread over time and has been applied to arrivals of athletes, pilot farewells, new planes and routes, ¿but it really isá wasting drinking water?

The answer is no, the water used is second-hand or recycled, so the firefighter tankers flewáutics are not filled with water for human consumption.

Then, ¿not to beíIt's better not to spend it on an avión and give it another use? The answer will beíto define the use, They are tankers filled with thousands of liters of water. They must always be inside the airports and cannot go out for other functions, such as: water plants.

Despite this, The water inside must be emptied every certain time to test that the motor pump systems areén working correctly and is alwaysén ready in case of a damn aéreo, hereí It's where the water arches come in, It is used to test the systems and the respective water change is carried out, which must be done for maintenance reasons..

When there are no water archesówe moan, the firefighters aeroáUtics must empty the tanks and test the systems by also releasing the water into defined spaces within the airports., how can a green area be.

¿Arriveá the end of water arches?

It's an excellent question and the industry in its job to be más sustainable search strataégics to reduce their environmental impact and the arches have been put on the table, más at once.

That is why several actors have proposed changes to this tradition.ón, For example, if the event is at night, use colored lights or as in the case of GOL in Brazil, do it virtually.

Understanding that this water will also be launched with or without a special event, It is not clear if it will be worthá Is it really worth suspending this activity, but maybe yesí start to poseándo is really justified to use this icósingle image that so many photos generate and impactáethically.

GOL's proposal

for the airíin Brazilñto the proposal is toún más aggressive and completely stop using the water arches and passán to use a filter on Instagram to do it virtually.

Loraine Ricino, Marketing director, communicationón, Digital Channels and Sustainability of GOL Linhas Aéreas, said,

“Despite the beautiful image that the baptism generates, that attracts curious people taking photographsías of the moment, by acción are used between 3 thousand and 5 thousand liters of water. Although reused water is used, accept itón consumes a precious resource that can be saved GOAL, that seeks to be a reference in aviationón sustainable in the país, I decidedó abolish the use of water in your celebrations, innovating with a virtual form of celebrationón, with the wish that water has more destinationsás útiles”.

¿Cuádo you think it will beá the future of water arches? ¿Alternative ways to celebrate different aviation moments should be maintained or sought.ón?

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2 comentarios en “¿Fin de los tradicionales arcos de agua?”

  1. Joaquin Zamora

    I do not see the cancellation of the necessary water arches, whether the water will be used with event or not, I don't see the need to remove them, apart from what makes the flights special, they serve for maintenance and use recycled water, I hope this beautiful tradition continues until it is truly necessary to replace it

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