history kidnapping aircraft aviation ecuador ecuadorian saeta airline condor

History of airplane hijackings in Ecuador

Today we will review what has been the history of kidnappings of commercial airplanes that arose manyñthe atreás and Ecuador.

In that déeach of theños 60 and 70 the líneas aéEcuadorian areas were not free from the aircraft hijackings with their respective human and material consequences, events that were carried out in their greatestífor pirates with a “communist shades” con su ofán to go towards that countryís caribeñO.

Performed by: Historian Aeronáutico Guido Cháonce with informationón personal and other sources.
Photographerías: Guido Ch's personal archiveáturn, thanks to the authors.

History of kidnappingséprisoners in Ecuador

The present artíass beá developed by aerolíline since I consider it to be the best way to review the history of this part of aviation.óecuadorian n.

AerolíNeas Cóndor

Monday 9 July 1979, Fairchild F-27F c/n 34 HC-BGI departure airport El Rosal city of Tulcán (SETU) bound for Quito, Marshal Sucre (FOLLOW).

With a gun in hand and in the other a stick of dynamite, The hijacker informs the flight attendant that there is a bomb on the planeón and that he would inform the pilot that he shouldíto fly to Costa Rica. They fly to Quito in order to refuel to meet the pirate's demand, Already in Quito the passengers were able to leave the planeóHowever, the kidnapper manages to fire two shots without any effect and tries to light the cartridge but the lighter does not work., being subdued by the co-pilot and then arrested by the policeía.

The móvile nature of this kidnapping is not determined or at least it was not madeúblico, There were no fatalities to regret norñthe materials.

condor airline ecuador kidnapping


Monday 19 of January of 1969, Lockheed L-188A Electra c/n 1002 HC-AMS Airport Departure Simón He wasívar Guayaquil (SEGU) bound for Quito, Marshal Sucre (FOLLOW).

I previously fulfilledíor the flight from Miami to Guayaquil, but in the middle of the flight to Quito 10 kidnappers take the planeón and force the pilot to head to Cuba, stopping in Barranquilla to refuel., in this avión they traveled 83 people, 5 of the crewón, among the passengers was Armando Espinel, secretary of the then president Velasco Ibarra. They came to Cuba to fulfill their dreamñor and the kidnapped were released, there were no fatalities or damageñthe materials.

kidnapping ecuadorian plane of aviacion electra 188 hc-ams aircraft ecuador

Thursday 23 May 1972, Douglas DC-6 c/n 42858 HC-AQA departure airport Quito

Marshal Sucre (FOLLOW) bound for Guayaquil (SEGU).

A primary school teacher “Mirror” bursts into the cockpit informing the crewón who kidnaps the planeón, háThe pilots managed to notify the control tower of the fact and executed the takeoff maneuver without reaching Vr and aborted it, stopping the plane.ón in header 17, FAE commandos surrounded the ship and entered through the áloading area shooting down the kidnapper, Nobodyás salió injured, only the professor diedó. Apparently the kidnapping was for monetary reasons.


Thursday 13 July 1969 Douglas DC-3 c/n 2682 HC-APT departure airport El Rosal city of Tulcán (SETU) bound for Quito, Marshal Sucre (FOLLOW).

13 kidnappers force the crewón to fly to Cuba achieving his goal, It is unknown where the t scales were made.étechniques, the kidnappingó adía.

kidnapping saeta dc-3 hc-pat

Meércoles 20 October 1971 Vickers Viscount 785D c/n 329 HC-AVP, departure airport Mariscal Sucre Quito (FOLLOW) destination airport Mariscal La Mar Cuenca (SECU).

Of the 27 passengers on board, 6 They were the ones who kidnapped the planeón on flight to Cuenca, They demanded to go to Cuba making stops in Tocumen and San Andrés, prior to arriving on the Cuban island, in the incident that happenedó no news.

air hijacking viscount 785 hc-avp

Meércoles 18 of January of 1978 Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle c/n 35 HC-BAD departure airport Mariscal Sucre Quito (FOLLOW) Sim destination airportón He wasívar Guayaquil (SEGU).

Shortly after takeoff, the hijackers forced the pilot to fly to Cuba., making t scaleséclinics in Guayaquil and Panamaá. Advantageously there were no víctimas of dañthose who regret.

hijacking planes Ecuador saeta Caravelle HC-BAD


Sánot yet 6 September 1969 Douglas C-47A c/n 1969 HC-AUV FAE-1969 y Douglas C-47A c/n 4342 HC-AUV FAE-4341 departure airport Mariscal Sucre Quito (FOLLOW) in flight to Manta Eloy Alfaro airport (DISTRICT) for the first avión, the fate of the second plane is unknownón.

15 kidnappers 13 men and a woman, heavily armed, Two Tame planes are taken, forcing the crew toón to fly “for a change” To Cuba, The two planes had to make a stopover in Tumaco Colombia, where the co-pilot of the 1st plane was murdered.ón Sbt. Ernesto Báez and injuring the flight engineer, all passengers were forced to get off the planes the hijackers continuedá to his infamous fate on the 2nd avión.

hijacking tame Douglas C-47 HC-AUV aircraft Ecuador

What I leftó

It will be possibleíto say that the hijacking of the two Tame planes was the más experienced in all those described. Most likely all these individuals who generated this type of acts as a result of their fanaticism under a philosophyíAt the extreme they achieved their objectives to reach the island of Cuba.

The important thing is that all these events taughtñances and improvements in the different levels of protectionón and aviation safetyón what we have today in día.

There are two additional cases that were not generated in Ecuador, but yesí in brother país of the Perú, based on the addressón General of Aviationón Civil, are the following:

  • 11 of January of 1961
    • I saw oneón Convair 990 Aerosol Crownedínea APSA – AerolíNeas Peruanas saltía from Guayaquil Airport is kidnapped by a Mexican guerrilla and diverted to Havana, cubríto the Buenos Aires route – Santiago de Chile – Lima – Guayaquil – Panamá – Miami.
  • 17 march 1969
    • I saw oneón Boeing 727 from the airínea Faucett is kidnapped in Lima while coveringíto the route to Arequipa and stops at Guayaquil Airport to refuel on the way to Cuba.

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6 comentarios en “Historia de secuestros de aviones en Ecuador

  1. excellent post, I remember that at that time my parents flew a lot and they always commented on the fear that they would be kidnapped

  2. Dr. Raul A Gonzalez Tobar

    With respect to the kidnappings that affected CEA, the private Ecuadorian aviation company, the information that I include was directly from the lips of my father and founder of the Company, before being nationalized, expropriated by the alleged soft dictatorship (Military) led by Rodriguez Lara. That now that there is talk of investing in the country, who wants to invest in a country where there is no legal backing for investments. The governments, including that dictatorship, did not recognize a single penny for that assault.. Regarding the kidnappings, were another variety of assault, the difference is that this was done by the Cuban Communist dictatorship, they prepared, indoctrinated, they were on their way and when they arrived in Havana they were released to the kidnappers, treating them in the best way to encourage a well-mounted evil business. That's how the abuse started, with high prices when receiving passengers in all the comforts they provided, Hotels, food, transport. High prices and abuse in fuel prices for the return of hijacked planes. More extra amounts for the kidnappers. A fine, a farce, A robbery in the best Cuban style!
    There is an interesting anecdote that happened on one of the two CEA flights, is that one of the passengers, a distinguished man of our Quito society, I was traveling, but not with his wife without with his Miss. Lover, what you made of this situation, something extremely curious, but the name has never been disclosed, because it was contrary to the ethics and decency that existed in the airlines

    Dr. Raul Gonzalez Tobar

    1. Giancarlo Sanchez F..

      I regret your way of seeing things and obviating the essential, the main thing, I believe and absolutely sure that he does not know the true political value and the historic seizure of power by Fidel, Che and Camilo Cienfuegos, to ignore history is to deny its essence out of ignorance, its values ​​and principles, I recommend reading the Cuban Revolution from the 1 of January of 59 to the present day, Cuba never needed money for its release, only the guts of a people who have fought very dignified against Imperialism of which you are surely a ” fell ” follower …. to talk about Cuba you need to know its history and wash your mouth afterwards then rant what you want, but I assure you that everything that is thrown will fall on your pride again

      Giancarlo Sanchez F.
      Guayaquil – Ecuador

    1. Dr. Raul A Gonzalez Tobar

      With respect to the kidnappings that affected CEA, the private Ecuadorian aviation company, the information that I include was directly from the lips of my father and founder of the Company, before being nationalized, expropriated by the alleged soft dictatorship (Military) led by Rodriguez Lara. That now that there is talk of investing in the country, who wants to invest in a country where there is no legal backing for investments. The governments, including that dictatorship, did not recognize a single penny for that assault.. Regarding the kidnappings, were another variety of assault, the difference is that this was done by the Cuban Communist dictatorship, they prepared, indoctrinated, they were on their way and when they arrived in Havana they were released to the kidnappers, treating them in the best way to encourage a well-mounted evil business. That's how the abuse started, with high prices when receiving passengers in all the comforts they provided, Hotels, food, transport. High prices and abuse in fuel prices for the return of hijacked planes. More extra amounts for the kidnappers. A fine, a farce, A robbery in the best Cuban style!
      There is an interesting anecdote that happened on one of the two CEA flights, is that one of the passengers, a distinguished man of our Quito society, I was traveling, but not with his wife without with his Miss. Lover, what you made of this situation, something extremely curious, but the name has never been disclosed, because it was contrary to the ethics and decency that existed in the airlines

      Dr. Raul Gonzalez Tobar

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