The LATAM group plans an operationónumber of passengers up to 70% for april (measurement in seat-kiloómeters available – ASK) compared to the same month 2019 (pre-pandemic scenario). Airbus Foto Photos
This advance represents an increase of 2,1 puntos porcentuales frente a marzo y la cifra más alta en lo que va del añO.
Among the novelties of this month stands out the start of operations from Lima (Perú) a Cartagena (Colombia) y RíJanuary/Galeao (Brazil), además de la ruta entre Quito (Ecuador) and Bogotaá (Colombia), ampliando las opciones de conectividad entre países of the regionón.
LATAM prevé operate approximately 1.059 daily national and international flights during April, connecting 132 destinations in 20 países. El negocio de carga tiene programados más de 1.360 flights in cargo planes and the delivery of a new aircraft converted for that purpose stands out, with the operational fleet reaching a total of 13 aircraft of that type. All of these projections areán subject to evolutionón of the pandemic in the countriesíwhere the group operates.
in March 2022, the trápassenger fare (measured in passenger-kilometersórented meters – RPK) it was of 66,5% in relationón at the same timeíodo de 2019, based on an operationón measure in ASK (seats-kiloómeters available) of a 67,9% compared to March 2019. I'm involvedó than the employment factorón will decrease 1,7 percentage points, arriving to 81,1%.
in charge, the employment factorón was 60,6%, which corresponds to an increase of 2,6 percentage points in relationón a marzo de 2019.
estimateón operación LATAM group – April 2022
(passenger operations measured in ASK / cargo operations measured in ATK)
Brazil | 74% operationón projected (versus april 2019). Projection referenceón marzo 2021: 74%
97% doméstic and 53% international Total destinations April: 49 doméstatic (equivalent to 503 average daily flights) and 18 international. News: International: Operationón Río de Janeiro/Galeão-Lima (3 flights/week) |
Chile | 59% operationón projected (versus april 2019). Projection referenceón marzo 2021: 55%
73% doméstic and 52% international Total destinations April: 15 doméstatic (equivalent to 115 average daily flights) and 22 international. |
Colombia | 107% operationón projected (versus april 2019). Projection referenceón marzo 2021: 109%
164% doméstic and 58% international Total destinations April: 17 doméstatic (equivalent to 177 average daily flights) and 5 international. News: International: Operationón Bogotá-Quito (5 flights/week) and Cartagena-Lima (3 flights/week) |
Ecuador | 41% operationón projected (versus april 2019). Projection referenceón marzo 2021: 34%
120% doméstic and 19% international Total destinations April: 8 doméstatic (equivalent to 39 average daily flights) and 3 international. News: International: Operationón Quito-Bogotá (5 flights/week) |
Perú | 67% operationón projected (versus april 2019). Projection referenceón marzo 2021: 63%
88% doméstic and 60% international Total destinations April: 19 doméstatic (equivalent to 146 average daily flights) and 22 international. News: International: Operationón Lima-Río de Janeiro/GaleãO (3 flights/week) and Lima-Cartagena (3 flights/week) |
Load | 94% operationón projected (versus april 2019). Projection referenceón marzo 2021: 100%
77% belly doméstic and 61% belly international* 146% dedicated freighter |
*Belly: merchandiseítransported in the cargo hold (lower deck) grandfather'són.
estimateóoperational n per segment vs 2019 – April 2022 (measure in ASK)
Doméstic paíSpanish speaking people | 84% |
Doméstic Brazil | 97% |
International | 52% |
Total Consolidated | 70% |
Unlike 2019, for him 2022, For Ecuador, a significant increase in ASK and RPK should be considered for post-pandemic domestic flights due to the departure of a competitor such as Tame EP in May 2020. Another important increase should be in freight transport for the same reason. For this reason, the request for an increase in frequencies.
Agree, have taken advantage of the exit of a competitor to capture more market, a natural and logical response.