longest flight in the world operated by boeing 737 max airline gol flights miami orlando

The longest flight operated on a Boeing 737 MAX

GOAL returná to have the flight sás throughout the world operated with aircraft Boeing 737 MAX toward USA from Brazil.

Little by little the aerosolíin BrazilñGOL continues to recover its international routes and one of the most important markets.ás attractive that is USA no podíto stay atás.

Having suspended its operations due to the pandemic, GOAL go now better núgroupers in the market to return to Miami and Orlando, at the same time alsoén thanks to the alliance with American Airlines the conditions areún better.

The flight más width of a Boeing 737 MAX

Specific, GOAL from his hub in Brasilia returná to fly to Miami and Orlando, both initially with four weekly frequencies, but being this úlast más largest in the world operated by a MAX.

Configured to carry 176 passengers, from the 13 of May (Orlando) and from the 17 of May (Miami) start upán these flights that leave these increíbles núheritage:

  • Brasilia – Orlando: durationón of 8 hours and 20 approximately minutes of flight with a distance of 6.080 kilómeters (3,777 miles).
  • Brasilia – Miami: durationón of 8 hours and 5 approximately minutes of flight with a distance of 5.790 kilómeters (3,599 miles).

The Brazilian portalño Aeroin reports the schedules and días de operationón of these flights as follows:

Brasilia – Orlando

Brasilia – Miami

Due to time difference and directionón of wind these duration timesócan'tían change.

¿Volarías 8 hours in a planeón of a hallway like the Boeing 737 MAX? I read them…

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