embraer 190 tame basin hc-cox process dismantling parts pieces accident

Embraer dismantled process 190 of Tame injured in Cuenca

The dismantling process is progressing Embraer 190 from Tame EP injured in Cuenca in april 2016. Photos Ivan Vallejo

with the expected sale of aero assetsáuticos from Tame EP arriveán income to the airlineíline in liquidationón that allows in some way to cover the pécompany losses and debts, with for example its passengers who were left without flying.

At the moment it is known that it was soldó in the first sales process one of the two Quest Kodiak 100 from Tame Amazonia and in the más recent act started in March 2022 the clutch 190 HC-COX that was from the 2016 on Cuenca after having an accident during landing.

The Embraer accident 190 of Tame in Cuenca

The 28 april 2016, flight EQ-173 operó on the Embraer aircraft 190 with marriageíHC-COX, núserial grouper 19000372, añor manufacturingón 2010, covering the flight from Quito to the city of Cuenca. Around the 07:50, The Cuenca control tower authorizedó flight landing on the runway 23 (north-on) in climatic conditionsálimited ethics.

You can read the rest of the final accident report hereí:

Report on the Tame accident in Cuenca

dismantling process

The 25 april 2022 I got the first informationón about the beginning of this dismantling process in the Cuenca Airport:

Now having passed some dísince the beginning of this process, one of the blog's followers shares the following photos that I have put together in this gallery.íand photográfor your information:

It is known that the HC-COX was purchased by a North American company for the use of pieces and parts that can be used in other aircraft of the type and that the main fuselage of the aircraftóto beídonated to an institutionón for educational purposes.

we will keep updating.

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4 comentarios en “Proceso desmantelado del Embraer 190 of Tame injured in Cuenca”

  1. The Cuenca airport runway has always been complicated by its length. But planes like the Airbus enter without difficulty.

  2. Carlos Fernandez

    Hi Nicolas,

    I remember such an unfortunate loss in that year of one of the Embraer 190 by TAME. Likely to operate the ERJ-190 family at airports High & Hot as Quito or Cuenca was not the best choice, maybe the CRJ-700/1000 or the ATR42-600 would fit better and perform better. However, the weather conditions, wet track at the time caused the E190 to skid off the track. Years ago on a flight from Icarus, (Fokker F-28), Cuenca – Quito asked us to leave luggage on the wet runway, era 2003.

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