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Copa Airlines seeks more flights to Quito

The main airínea panamaña, Copa Airlines, busca incrementar también sus frecuencias de vuelos desde Panama Cityá toward Quito.

The Números siguen mejorando y eso se ve reflejado en los aeropuertos del país con más gente viajando sea de salida o de llegada, son signos positivos de la ansiada recuperación of the industry toérea.

Estos buenos signos se ven también en el incremento de frecuencias como ahora el caso de Copa Airlines que sigue recuperando su operación and Ecuador y que incluso cuenta ya con más flights than before the pandemic, impulsado principalmente por los vuelos de conexión towards the USA.

s vuelos de Copa a Quito

The 30 last may, the airínea startó the trámite para la modificación of the operating permitón for performanceón of the transport service toéreo, público, international, regular, passenger, cargo and mail, in combined form, renewed by the National Aviation Councilón Civil through Agreement No.. 010/2021 from 19 april 2021.

The modificationón consiste en lo siguiente: increase 7 frequencies on the route:

  • CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ – QUITO – CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ, up to forty-two (42) weekly frequencies;

With this increase, the airídeny yourselfún the demand, couldá incrementar sus frecuencias hasta 6 daily operations, igualando así spaghettién la oferta que Copa Airlines mantiene ya vigente y en funcionamiento desde y hacia el José International Airporté Joaquín de Olmedo in the city of Guayaquil, tal como lo anuncié on last february.

Apuntando hacia una recuperación de la demanda tambiéfrom Quito, the airínea operateá estos vuelos con aviones Boeing 737-800 (configured for 160 passengers in two classes) and the más grande Boeing 737 MAX (configured for 166 passengers in three classes) variando de equipo según la demanda y necesidades operativas.

Recordemos que esta ruta es servida únicamente por Copa Airlines y la última vez que otra empresa también operó between both of themíses fue Tame in the AñO 2013 afterés de que operar por tres años tanto desde Quito como desde Guayaquil.

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9 comentarios en “Copa Airlines busca más vuelos hacia Quito

  1. Carlos Fernandez

    I agree with you Nicholas. Cuenca possibly needs another airport due to its location and limitations, it ends up being the same thing that happened to Quito with its old airport.. I heard that they would build a new one but I haven't heard anything yet, do you know anything about it? Because if so, Copa Airlines would be one of the first international airlines to operate.

      1. Carlos Fernandez

        In agreement since the demand does not warrant it today and in the future it still has capacity for more traffic. I said build another airport for security, let's remember that there have been accidents for decades with Vickers Viscount, a boeing 737-200 of TAME and recently with ERJ-190 that luckily did not go beyond the security zone and there were no human losses. The need for a new airport is independent of the demand for security, to Quito for both reasons it was decided to build another. In addition, Cuenca could receive larger aircraft such as Boeing 737 Max 8/9/10 of Copa Airlines for example as part of this news.

        1. Totally agree that Cuenca needs another airport, but the security issue is not necessarily on the financial issue. Any investment project as large as a new airport would require justifying its profitability with passenger demand.. In the case of Quito, two factors were added, security as you say, but the demand was at its peak and the capacity of the terminal was not enough for more, what he gave in numbers as feasible construction.

  2. Carlos Fernandez

    It is justly positive, Nicolás, that Copa Airlines continues betting on increasing frequencies to Quito, as Guayaquil already has, and that means that the Ecuadorian economy is growing..

    On the other hand, Manta and Cuenca can be direct destinations in the future., it's good that they look apart from the Boeing 737-800, the beautiful boeing 737 Max 8 and 9, and one day we will see the variant 10.

  3. We wait for the manabas that are served to us frequently from Manta to Panama for us it is annoying , expensive and dangerous to travel to take a flight to Guayaquil to go to the US , with a COPA flight we are taken for granted, hopefully and not be left alone in announcing and the frequency is accelerated. Manta and Panama have always been united since the colony.

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