Panama Pacific Airport flights aeroregional flight quito guayaquil routes

Panama Pacific Airport restarted service with a flight from Ecuador

Panama International Airportá Pacífico restartedó operations, after remodeling workón, with flight of Aeroregional from Quito vía Guayaquil.'s photo

located about 20 minutes from city of Panamá, afterés of various remodeling jobsón on your terminal with the aim of offering más spaces and better services for passengers, Panama Airportá PacíI stay againó operations.

With an inverseón close to the milletón of dóhomes, the airport operator Tocumen S.A (same operator of Tocumen International Airport) areas were improvedúwar, departure and arrival lounges, luggage bands, malls, migrationón y renovationón general airport infrastructure.

Flights to Panama returnedá Pacífico

With two weekly flights from Quito víto Guayaquil, the airínea Aeroregional was the first airlineínea in using the facilities of this airport again, breathing surgeryón was made with the Boeing 737-400 HC-CWG capable of 145 passengers. This terminal that seeks to become an alternative or attraction airportón for mainly aerolídaughters of low cost.

In this case, for the próThe return of Wingo Panam is expected in the next few weeksá steam operationón Havana, Bogotaá, Caracas, Lima, San José and other future destinations.

During the restart of airport operations the 28 last july, it was commentedó spaghettién the negotiations with Aerolíneas how Arajet, Viva and Volaris, which there will beíhave also been shownén interés to operate towards this terminal thanks to its lower operating costs and benefits.

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4 comentarios en “Aeropuerto Panamá Pacífico reinició servicio con vuelo de Ecuador

  1. Hi Nicolas, thanks for posting this good news. Now, Do you have any information if in Ecuador they are going to follow the same example and finally remove the requirements for negative tests or a vaccination card to enter??

  2. A good option especially for those of us who enjoy the Panamanian Caribbean and the western part of the country where the beautiful tourist places of Playa Dorada and David in Chiriquí are located.

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