ecuador airports stopped flights quito ecuador guayaquil basin

Ecuador's airports did not stop

During the national strike, what arrivedó to its end, the Ecuador airports They did not stop and maintained their operation connecting people and commerce.

Once más the service toéprisoner demonstratedó its importance for economic developmentópa's friendís, where your managementón and functionón was key during the úlast díif and Ecuador to maintain this sector of the economy as much as possibleía movement that in turn generates thousands of direct and indirect jobs.

Many secondary airports such as Ambato or Riobamba were key for the transfer of tourists and nationals looking for a vía transfer ráI ask and sure, launching private operators that, although they can lead toñyou operating in the país, have had a lesser reach in society.

These little onesñThe operators such as the services of taxi toéreo and aerosolídenies, these were key úlast días, but it is notán alone and the operations were possible thanks to their staff técynical, DGAC servers, airports and many other officials of this great industry.

Ecuador's airports did not stop

Despite the complex situationón general that I livedó the país and within a recovery frameworkón of the industry toéarea after the pandemic, Airports were key for these operations to be carried out smoothly. óoptimal and guaranteeing safety of all those involved.

For instance, During the demonstrations, the airport network of the countryís what isá composed by 22 airports were a strategic pillarélogic for mobilizationónumber of passengers and cargo on commercial flights, chárter, logístatic, mobilizationónumber of passengers, cargo and taxiséprisoners.

The DGAC reportedó that at Airport Ríthe Amazon, located in Shell, Pastaza province, register between 80 and 90 daily operations. Within the framework of the mobilizations, with the registeró an increase between two and three flights chádaily rter to Quito, transporting in each about 40 passengers.

As for the Quito airport, a total 103 vuelos fueron cancelados, of which 15 fueron internacionales y 88 nacionales durante los 18 días de paro. Cabe aclarar que el aeropuerto de Quito registra unos 140 Daily flights.

El Aeropuerto de Macas, the único afectado

Pese a ser una contravención estipulada en el COIP como un acto de terrorismo, the Aeropuerto Edmundo Carvajal en la ciudad de Macas vio interrumpidas sus operaciones el 25 de junio cuando un grupo de manifestantes ingresó de manera ilegal, tomándose la pista de aterrizaje e impidiendo la operación de cerca de 40 Daily flights.

Al momento las operaciones en este aeropuerto se han retomado una vez que se confirmó la seguridad y estado respectivo de las instalaciones.

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