erkin air kyrgyzstan ecuador latacunga boeing 737-300 southwest

In Latacunga the first plane of Erkin Air of Kyrgyzstan was painted

In the workshops of DIAF on Latacunga, se pintó the first grandfatherón Boeing 737-300 for the Kyrgyz company Erkin Airán. DIAF press photos

Again, the importance and future that the Cotopaxi International Airport has been proven. A new avión for a new aerolínea has been painted, for a user so far away that he reaches the Asia.

In the directionóAeron Industry No.áutica del Ecuador – DIAF, landedó días atrás un Boeing 737-300 exSouthwest to perform painting work, maintenance and reviews prior to incorporationón to the end customer.

The first grandfatherón de Erkin Air

Was the 17 last June that from Lakeland Linder International Airport, Florida in the United States voló this aircraft to Latacunga with matrícula N300EK (previously N643SW of Southwest with a configurationón of 143 passengers in one class and with 25 añyou since your first flight) landedó in Ecuador for their respective tasks maintenance.

After 1700 man hours of painting work that tookó sanding, correctionón and applicationón of the company image, the aircraft isá ready to be delivered to the customer.

Regarding the name Erkin Air, This is awarded in honor of the ownerñor from this institute heñby Erkin Baike and was created with the objective of being the official means of transportation of the study center for its students.

The avión making several stopovers flyá towards Kyrgyzán, a byeís located in Central Asia, where to joiná as first aircraft to the study center and university médica Asian Medical Institute Kant – Kyrgyzstan.

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6 comentarios en “En Latacunga se pintó el primer avión de Erkin Air de Kirguistán

  1. I did not know that the Latacunga airport had this type of service. good for the country, Hopefully more jobs will come to increase the level of experience and generate employment.

  2. Angel Efrain Bonilla Villalballalba

    As an Ecuadorian, I am proud that the professional quality of our compatriots is brought to the fore through you, Mr. Larenas..
    The Latacunga airport is an icon in Latin America for large cargo and passenger aeronautical works. I say this because I am from Salcedo, a canton of that province. It was very nice when there were flight frequencies, I wanted Guayaquil to Latacinga, we felt well served, hopefully those will come back soon small airlines to provide this service.
    We must put aside the centralization of services because in the long run it brings disastrous consequences, history is not wrong

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