ecuadorians travel passport international flights documents colombia peru chile argentina chile uruguay paraguay brazil

Countries that Ecuadorians can travel only ID

¿To whaté paíwe can travel Ecuadorians sóI with the céidentity question? Compare a valuable inform usón, how sure to serveá for you pleaseóximo ride.

As we have previously reviewed, Ecuadorians have several obstacles to be able to travel freely around the world, óbe able to do it without much troubleámites or special requirements, But not everything is negative.

There are some países that allow us to travel to and from them with just the céidentity question, sí How did you read it correctly?, as if they were boarding a sun flightéstic In the país.

Países to which Ecuadorians can travel only with the cédrama

Lakeécitizen dulaíto of Ecuador it has Más uses that can be doneámites, spaghettién allows us to travel and there are some destinations that allow us to do so without needing a passport or even a visa.

This tip that I share with you today will help youá to travelábe calm and able tooén, organize your workónext trip based on this informationón in case they do not want, for example, get or renew your passport actual ahorrándose $90 dólares per traveler.

concretely, son 10 paíyou are very close to us, within our own continent that offer us this benefit of being able to travel only with the cédrama, these are the following:

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Guyana
  • Paraguay
  • Perú
  • Suriname
  • Uruguay

concretely, the PAíMercosur and its partners allow the Ecuadorians and to the nationals of those paíyou tooén, to travel úonly with the cécitizen dulaía.


Take into account, that the cédula dutyá be current and have at least 6 months of validity to be able to travel and enter the country without problemís of destination, being able to remain in this máximo 90 días under the conditionótourist number.

Other considerations and recommendations

If your trip includes a stopover in a país outside the Mercosur alliance, for example Panamá, dutyás present sí o sí your valid passport as it is a mandatory requirement for Ecuadorians in this countryís.

  • Permanently review the immigration conditions of each countryís, since these can change without notice.
  • When in doubt, You can ask directly at the country's consulate.ís of destination.
  • Although you can travel with cédrama, doing it with a passport is better, since I allow youá perform some tráyou mitt in destiny (how to buy a phone chipéphone or change money at the exchange house. some países do not allow these actions with cédrama).
  • It is the responsibility of the traveler to know the restrictions and necessary travel documents.

Finally, as I recommendedón final, although these paíYou are allowed to travel only with cédrama sin ningún problem and it is an important facility, I always recommend, when they can, who travel with their passport for a better and greater migratory record, what couldíto help them hypotéethically to demonstrate solvency when applying for a visa such as that of the USA.

¿They have traveled only with your céEcuadorian dula? Cuépoint me towards dónde in the comments…

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110 comments on “Countries where Ecuadorians can travel with ID only”

  1. Hello, good evening, I have a trip to Argentina but with a stopover in Peru my passport expires., I can travel only with the citizenship card. I am Ecuadorian.

  2. hello greetings Nicolás look I have dual nationality , ecuadorian / Italian I have to go to Panama but my Ecuadorian passport has expired , the question can I leave with the Ecuadorian ID from Quito and enter Panama with an Italian passport ? and on the way back I entered Ecuador with the Ecuadorian ID …Cheers

  3. Good evening, a query, if I travel by land to Piura and then by air from Piura to Lima, The use of the ID also applies or I have to use a passport?

  4. One question if you are so kind Nicolás, I am about to travel to Colombia and when I bought the ticket I registered my passport number, The issue is that my physical passport went to the American embassy and in theory I should return the document before my trip, but what would happen if my passport is not returned, I can travel alone with my ID, I have the passport scanned. They will force me to modify my data?

    1. You would have to change the details of your travel document, before it was the same passport number as your ID, but that having changed we must be clear. So if that happens to you, you will have to change your travel document, that usually, Depending on the airline, you could do it at the time of check-in or in the details of your trip.

  5. Good afternoon, a query. I have a permanent visa from Ecuador and an Ecuadorian foreigner ID for 10 years. To enter Ecuador again, the passport must have a minimum validity of 6 months?

  6. To travel to Uruguay, I can do it with the ID. If they ask me for a passport, can I show an expired one??
    Thank you very much for the tip.

  7. If I want to travel to Paraguay from Ecuador and I make a stopover in Peru, I don't need a passport, right?? is what I understand since the 3 countries mentioned are within the mercosur

  8. Hello there, I am Ecuadorian I would like to know if I can make the trip to Chile, Santiago de Chile only with the ID because I still don't have a passport.

  9. Hello there, Buenas tardes, Thanks for the information, I would like to know if someone has traveled to Chile only with the ID if there are no problems not having a passport

  10. Hello there. I travel to San Andres Islands in Colombia. I entered Nariño by land and took the flight from there to San Andres. For this flight they would not require a passport? Considering that it is an internal flight from Colombia.

  11. Hello there, I am Ecuadorian, I live on the border with Peru, yes i have my passport. My question is if I can travel from Tumbes airport (Peru) to Argentina without carrying out any procedure?

  12. Good Morning, I have a consultation 6 years in Ecuador and I have a permanent resident card in Ecuador, but not the nationality, I have my valid passport from Venezuela, With that Ecuadorian ID I can travel to other countries in South America?. For example Chile or Peru?.

      1. Hi Nicolas, thank you so much for this helpful resource! You use the terms residency card and citizenship card and identification – could you please clarify which one is a cedula? I am a US citizen, but I live in Ecuador on a two-year visa (likely will have my permanent visa by the time I travel) and have my cedula. You say Ecuadorian nationals can use their citizenship card to travel to those countries – does that mean I’m good to good to Bolivia with my Ecuadorian cedula? Thanks in advance for your help.

        1. Hi John, citizenship card is the same as cedula but in your case it will say «residente» and not ecuadorian. As my understanding go, you can use it to travel to any country in South America (but without going through Panama).

  13. Hi Nicolas, You can travel with the Ecuadorian residence card and Venezuelan passport to Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, the Savior, belice, Costa Rica?

  14. Hello, I have a trip to Colombia in Sep., My passport is valid for 3 months until expiration. Can I travel with this or is it safer to present the ID?

    1. Hello there, the ID is useful if you are Ecuadorian, I assume that your Ecuadorian ID is a resident. Also take into account that if you make a stopover in a country like Panama you need a passport.

  15. I would like to go to Colombia, but I have some doubts about what document I should enter with. My official documents are the Spanish passport and Spanish national document and the Ecuadorian identity card (but I do not have the Ecuadorian passport because I have not processed it). My place of departure is Spain, So I don't know if, since it is an international flight, I can use my Ecuadorian ID or I can only enter with my passport., which would be Spanish because it is the only one I have. Would you recommend me to process the Ecuadorian passport?, because I would like to travel to more countries in South America, it's still more useful. And if I enter Colombia as an Ecuadorian by having the agreement, can I stay longer as a tourist?? I have been informing, but it seems that even if she enters as Ecuadorian or Spanish, the maximum days of stay are 180 year. Do you know the consequences if I stay longer in Colombia?, I think there is a fine, but if they fine me and I leave Colombia and want to re-enter I would have problems because of that fine. excuse the questions, but i have some doubts. If someone can give me some information, I would appreciate. 🙂

    1. If you are Spanish and have a Spanish passport you can travel to Colombia without any problem. You must respect the maximum stay, unless you are going to process a work visa or similar. If you stay longer you will have problems that can be fines and even permanent or temporary inadmission to Colombia., what will affect your future income to the country.

  16. That of not traveling with a passport and that only with the ID that is a lie and you still do not have to present. so be digital

  17. I traveled to Colombia and Argentina. The funny thing is that, to go from Argentina to Uruguay, and vice versa, they asked for my passport (2010).

      1. In any case, good that I took it with me to be able to go from one place to another. On the other hand, I don't know if there is an article about it, but once I had to spend the night in Amsterdam (there is a hotel there). Not having a Schengen visa, I couldn't get my suitcase on the plane (my relatives had to take her back to her house); they only let me carry my hand luggage.

  18. I traveled to Peru but they asked me for the Andean card, to buy tickets and the police of that country also asked me for the Andean card, and I have to give some soles to be able to continue.

      1. The Andean card is the "proof" that indicates that you left Ecuador and entered Peru (in this case). I traveled to Cusco three years ago and I had to get my Andean card yes or yes, this due to a bad experience when I went to Mancora, My boyfriend and I traveled only with our ID and they stopped us taking advantage of their power as authority and our ignorance since it was really close to the border, that joke cost us a few dollars.

          1. At the Binational Border Assistance Center (CEBAF), on the Ecuadorian border – Peru, Since I don't have a vehicle, it does seem difficult to get to that place., unlike the Ecuador border – Colombia that immigration control points are relatively close. Once you arrive, you present the ID and they give you a kind of letter that you must fill out with your personal data and certain information about where you are going., how long are you going to stay, etc. After that, they enter you into the system and give you a "card" which is the one you present at the checkpoints in Peru.. They could be more efficient doing it digitally but they are not 😕

  19. I have traveled to almost all the countries named except for Surinae, and in all, except Peru and Colombia, when it comes to land travel they do not require a passport…good information

  20. I'm Venezuelan, at 2021 travel to Colombia from Ecuador with Ecuadorian ID without any problem. At this time I do not know if there are any limitations…

    1. hello, I am Venezuelan and I am in Ecuador , I have an Ecuadorian ID
      and I have my passport expired, Can I travel to Colombia by plane??

  21. Nicholas excellent information, just a clarification for your travelers the flight cannot make a stopover in panama , nor in another country that is not Mercosur . Very important fact, Greetings

  22. It's true, gone and returned from Argentina to Ecuador with ID. The only thing that needs to be clarified is that even if the final destination is a Mercosur country, if Scale is done on one it is not, (like Panama with COPA), the airline requires a passport.

    1. Hello Fernanda

      I am about to travel to Argentina from Ecuador but the shifts are super complicated for the passport and I travel in August, From what I see you can travel to Argentina only with an ID, but I make a stopover in Panama, then it is mandatory to have a passport?

      What other option would there be?

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