ecuadorian countries travel passport without visa flights layover destinations

Countries Ecuadorians can travel only with a passport without a visa

Today we review the list of países in the world towards which Ecuadorians we can travel just by presenting the passport valid without visa processing.

Traveling is one of the activities that máwe enjoy, be it for vacation, work or health, There are several reasons why we should move to the airports to take our flight abroad.

We have already reviewed the renewal processóvisa number to USA and to the paíyou know that with this document we can travel without need of más trámites, as wellén to the destinations that only with our cédrama of Ecuadorian identity we can do it.

In this new installment we will review informationóadditional n, getting to know whaté paíWe can travel without needing to apply for a visa and presenting úonly our passport.

PaíI know we can travel without a visa with just a passport.

The Ecuadorian passport is not the «más strong of the regionón» what obliges us to owe process visa for the oldestía of destinations más quoted as is EE.UU, Europe, Canadaá and others, but not everything isá lost and there is a wide range of destinations to which we can travel without needing this document.

concretely, Ecuadorians can travel to these countriesíyou only have your passport, his visa (with data from Chancellorífrom Ecuador):

  1. Netherlands Antilles
  2. Argentina
  3. Aruba
  4. Old and bearded
  5. Bahamas
  6. Belarus
  7. Bolivia
  8. Brazil
  9. Chile
  10. Vatican City
  11. China
  12. South Korea
  13. Cuba
  14. Curacao
  15. The Savior
  16. Guyana
  17. Georgia
  18. sharpí
  19. Hong Kong
  20. Honduras
  21. Indonesia
  22. Cain Islandsán
  23. Israel
  24. Jamaica
  25. Kazakhán
  26. Macao
  27. Malaysia
  28. Moldavia
  29. Mongolia
  30. Montenegro
  31. Nauru
  32. Nicaragua
  33. Palaos
  34. Panamá
  35. Paraguay
  36. Perú
  37. RepúDominican War
  38. Russia
  39. Samoa
  40. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  41. Seychelles
  42. Singapore
  43. St Martin
  44. Sudáfear
  45. Trinidad and Tobago
  46. Turquía
  47. Tuvalu
  48. Uruguay
  49. Venezuela

Travel only with cédrama

further, there is países to which we can travel only with the céidentity question, which are the following:

Paído you know that Ecuadorians can travel alone cédrama

Validity and recommendations

  • Don't forget that you passport must be valid, the recommendationón míIt is important that they are 6 months before expiration, but check with your dadís of destination by their local regulations. Accomplishé an additional post expanding this informationón.
  • Consult and ensureúdeal well with the consulate of each countryís before traveling, even before buying the ticket, the immigration requirements that you ask forán.
  • Remember that it is the traveler's responsibility to know whaté documents are required to travel.
  • This informationón can change rárequested and without prior noticeún immigration conditions of each countryís.

¿Have they traveled to any of these countries?íses? Cuétell me in the comments…

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