2024 construction of guayaquil new daular airport via a la costa

The 2024 would begin construction of the new Guayaquil Airport

be announcedó for himñO 2024 as the new construction start dateón than expected new Guayaquil Airport on Daular.

Despite knowing that in order to trigger the start of constructionón than expected “Daular Mega Airport” by the current José Joaquín de Olmedo are needed at least 7.5 million passengers per year, issues are beginning to be clarified and new dates for the start of the construction phase are announced.

2024 start of constructionón of the new Guayaquil Airport

Although we must say it as tentative, the date was announced by a councilor from the city of Guayaquil in a video where works are announced in the víto to the coast:

from the minute 1 with 20 seconds, you can hear some claims about the new airport, how is the mentionón that in the 2024 startá its constructionón. SpaghettiéThere is no talk of new víaccess and road improvements for the areas of influence of the new airport.

¿CuáThe new airport is inaugurated? Spaghettién it is briefly mentioned that for the años 2026 O 2027 be expectedía la inaugurationón of the first phase of the airport, How do we know how to count?íwith a national and international terminal and its first landing strip.

¿Be specificán these dates? Now we have to keep waiting, two toñm axisás (no se indicó thaté month of 2024) to see if the statesístatics and triggers within a recovery processón justify starting for thatñor the expected constructionón of the new airport, but for now the current terminal fulfills its functions very well in a loose and efficient way.

To have a better context of the situationócurrent number of passengers at the Guayaquil Airport we will have to wait for the state closureístic of 2022.

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